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First off, this looks pretty good. The graphics are readable, the HUD is straightforward, and it overall looks like an authentic GBA game. I liked the music too.

In gameplay, the biggest issue to me right now is that I can’t tell if I have i-frames or not, so when I get hit I have to fumble around to make sure I don’t immediately get hit again. The sword attack lasts too long and there is no way to cancel it, which can make combat a chore. I found myself dashing away from the first boss every time I landed a hit, because its attack is essentially unavoidable otherwise. I also wish using the shield didn’t lock my inputs for so long.

Sometimes there are rooms where the enemies instantly want to attack me before I can react, and they can cluster together too. Speaking of, I wish they didn’t respawn when I revisit the rooms (which I may have exploited to farm money.)

Lastly, I couldn’t progress after this room, so that’s where I stopped. I looked everywhere and revisited rooms (getting some crashes in the process) and didn’t know where to go or if I missed something.

room with a checkpoint and an exit

But overall, I like the concept here, especially those upgrades, and the NPCs I found along the way. With some polish I would definitely try it again