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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much! I did make it in a week! I am not working currently so I had the time to dedicate myself fully to this. And I saved so much time from Godot's character collisions and easy sprite animations! That stuff would have been pain in Unity. 

Although I did have to wrap my head around basic linear transformations, and implement object pooling because of problems with instantiation... I'm kinda surprised I fit it all in a week.

Also I have experience dabbling in Unity for years on and off, and I took a course once. Before that I used Game Maker for years. I just never had the perseverance to complete anything.

You can tell however that I dedicated too little time to level design, and I would have liked a more upbeat music track, leaving the current one for the menu (which I didn't have time for either). Also some weird bugs weren't fixed.

Thank you for playing! I hope there's no genuine concerns regarding the legitimacy of my entry... I played with minimalism to get something decent using few assets.