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Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 7! My name's Hythrain and I'm one of the hosts and one of the streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live as I stream your game! If you're interested in seeing my live reaction, let me know and I can send you a link to the VOD once it's posted to YouTube!

Oh man, my favourite parody RPG game. XD This ended up being the second last game I played this time around, and I'm glad it was because I forgot how ridiculous it was.

I can see some passes have been made to improve the game. Things I felt like should exist didn't anymore, while some parts felt easier and others felt harder from what I vaguely remembered. As such, I'm going to address things I noticed that felt like they should be addressed. They may be things I brought before. I don't remember at all. XD ADHD is funny.

While I do appreciate the strategical aspect of changing gear to have the right spells, I also think that this system doesn't work if you can't change equipment mid-battle. Instead, what I think you should do is open up more equipment slots to allow the player to equipment more items on them. This is especially important if you're going to have spells that do no damage at all.

Second, there were a lot of aspects about Azuli that I liked that I don't recall from before. She has several support effects that I absolutely adore seeing given what her character is. I think the only thing that's missing is that these effects should be improved over time. For example, in the beginning the debuffs just do basic level while the buffs are also basic level. However, over time Azuli improves her gear which improves these effects, making them stronger buffs or letting her deal damage to the enemy while applying a debuff. This way she'll also be shown getting "stronger" to show her own personal commitment to protect Flor.

Third, I felt like some buffs and debuffs were absolutely broken for different reasons. First, the defense buff the minotaurs have was so powerful that Azuli couldn't damage them. She dealt 0 damage. This is usually a result of a damage formula that puts the effects of buffs in too early. At the same time, there were buffs and debuffs that seemed to do nothing at all, likely because the formulas aren't using them. In my experience, when I see these two specific problems at the same time in RPG Maker, it's physical damage being too affected and magic damage not being affected at all. So you should look into the damage formula and correct it, making sure all buffs and debuffs are represented yet also not making them work at the raw stat level.

This now brings me to the finale of my feedback: the game's combat itself.

In the past, I didn't judge this game's RPG Maker combat because I had seen it as just a parody game. I had assumed the plan for this game was to just let it remain as a jokey parody and to use the feedback from it for future games. However, if you're actually continuing with this project then it's time to address this: you need something unique to your gameplay. Right now, you're just a cookie cutter RPG Maker, complete with most of its faults. You need to look into doing something with your combat to stand out. It's time to break the RPG Maker mold and let yourself flex into something that works for you. What could that be? Up to you. You can even do it just visually. I can throw you an idea if you want.

Hi, thanks a lot for your continued critique!

Adding extra equipment slots is something I specifically wanted to avoid so things don't end up with the actors with huge skill lists in battle (nor managing long equipment lists either). I do agree however that it can kinda suck to run into a battle and realize you've got all the wrong skills equipped. An alternative for that would be the ability to change equipment with a cooldown of several turns before the actor can change items again. So that way the player wouldn't need to prepare everything before each battle starts but wouldn't be able to cherry-pick the items/skills every turn either, how does that sound?

Really happy to hear you liked the Azuli updates! And yeah, the basic plan for her is to give her stronger/better skill choices through new items as the game goes on.

Buff stacking keeps being troublsome I see, need to work more on that...

And yeah, this started as a one-off for another jam but then I ended up enjoying to keep working on Starlight Destiny. Agree that the combat could use a bit more shinyness at this point, although I would prefer to not make it too complicated mechanics-wise. Got some half-baked options in my head on how to spiff of combat while keeping things simple, but if you've got an idea already ready, I'm all ears!

Thank you very much for your help again!


Being able to change in combat can help, though I still think there should be some additional slots. Not a lot, either; only one or two. Would it be possible to add one more equipment slot and convert some of the items to that? Maybe make it that this slot explicitly doesn't do damage? The reason why I'm asking for this will make sense once I cover Azuli.

As for making combat unique, here's an idea that focuses more on the visual side. First, we need to change some names. MP is going to be renamed as Energy while TP will be renamed something else. I don't know what yet, but it should be something unique to Azuli. I thought "Anger" or "Rage" at first but these don't feel right. Maybe "Temper" or "Passion"? I'm going to use Temper because I think this might better reflect her and the use behind her actions.

HP, or Health, will be displayed differently by remain in a numerical sense. However, MP and TP are no longer shown as numbers unless you're choosing the attack for that character. Instead, TP is only shown when you're choosing for Azuli while Flor (And likely Lang, I've still not done anything with him) will emit auras that change based on how much energy they have remaining:

0-10% energy: no aura.
11-35% energy: faint aura
36-60% energy: medium aura
61-85% energy: strong aura
86-100% energy: Intense aura

Next, we're going to remove skills for others. For now on, Flor can't use Attack while Azuli can't use Guard. This'll make sense in a moment.

When Flor's turn comes up, rather than a menu coming up it shows an image of a staff (You could even make it that this staff changes appearance based on what she has equipped). On the staff are small pieces of wood that stick out and glow (alternative idea: make it coloured rings based on what is equipped to Flor. So instead of the items being equipped to Flor, they're put on the staff). These represent your skills (so no glow = no skill in that slot). You can still navigate them the same way (arrow keys, mouse, etc) but now when you have one selected it'll give extensive information about that skill. It'll state the name of the skill, the energy needed for the skill, the power of the skill if applicable, the type of skill via an icon (so if it's healing, it'd be a green + or something. If it does Fire damage, it'll be a flame. If it's just a buff/debuff, it'll be arrows), a text description of the skill that tries to connect back to the monster it belonged to, whatever status effects it may apply and the chance of applying said status effect. At the top of the staff is a numerical listing of how much energy Flor has left. Lastly, for when Flor can't use her skills, at the bottom of the staff are options for Guard and Items. When using Guard, she generates a small about of Health and Energy, usually enough for one turn. Oh, also Flor has a set energy of 100.

For Azuli, for her she'll still get a menu but it'll look very futuristic. It's meant to look like it's on her suit, maybe on her arm. It could also be like a cybernetic vision thing. Like Flor, it lists all her abilities flat out starting with attack. Highlighting one causes a secondary screen to appear. This screen gives the details for the skill. Since Azuli doesn't use magic, all of her attacks are just doing physical, non-elemental damage. As such, she doesn't need as much info. However, what she does need is some of her skills having higher costs while the amount of Temper she generates increases. So here's how we do that: every time Azuli does a basic attack, she generates 15 Temper. Every time she's attacked, she generates 10 Temper. Every time Flor is attacked, she generates 20 Temper. Yes, she should generate Temper when Flor is attacked. This is part of why she loses Guard. She cares more about Flor than herself, and should be more focused on helping Flor and killing enemies than on taking care of herself. Her group buffing skill now takes 20 Temper. Her dual attack skill now takes 15 Temper. Finally, she gains a starting skill that costs 100 Temper called "Temper, Temper." She'll do several attacks at once (I'm thinking, like 10) that hit random targets. However, their accuracy is reduced to give a higher miss chance (if the standard miss rate is 90%, this should be 70%). Cheer Up also restores 100 energy for Flor (if this can be used on Lang, it should only be 40 for him). Now, Cheer Up and Temper, Temper are baseline skills. All her other skills are based on her equipment. This is why I want that one extra equipment slot: Azuli has four other skills but only three equipment slots. She needs a fourth slot to allow each ability to be upgraded. Her weapon affects her dual attack, while each slot covers its own support skill. For example, upgrades improve the strength of the debuffs/buffs she applies and later on can do damage or heal at increased Temper costs.

For Lang, I'll leave that one to you. XD

I hope this gives an idea of how easy it can be to make combat more unique feeling. This is purely just a visual idea, yet its presentation makes it feel wholly different.


Welp changing names is easy, changing the battle UI and making it different for each character, now that's something I had never tried in RPG Maker and been kinda avoiding, but I guess I should try it out at this point.

You bring a lot of interesting ideas and suggestions on the graphics and base mechanics, definitely will think about, try to implement and test them. For now here's a rough initial draft of the customized battle HUD that changes between characters: 

Thanks once more, that was a big help!

It's a good rough draft, yea. I'm honestly now excited to see how this turns out. :)