Hi, thanks a lot for your continued critique!
Adding extra equipment slots is something I specifically wanted to avoid so things don't end up with the actors with huge skill lists in battle (nor managing long equipment lists either). I do agree however that it can kinda suck to run into a battle and realize you've got all the wrong skills equipped. An alternative for that would be the ability to change equipment with a cooldown of several turns before the actor can change items again. So that way the player wouldn't need to prepare everything before each battle starts but wouldn't be able to cherry-pick the items/skills every turn either, how does that sound?
Really happy to hear you liked the Azuli updates! And yeah, the basic plan for her is to give her stronger/better skill choices through new items as the game goes on.
Buff stacking keeps being troublsome I see, need to work more on that...
And yeah, this started as a one-off for another jam but then I ended up enjoying to keep working on Starlight Destiny. Agree that the combat could use a bit more shinyness at this point, although I would prefer to not make it too complicated mechanics-wise. Got some half-baked options in my head on how to spiff of combat while keeping things simple, but if you've got an idea already ready, I'm all ears!
Thank you very much for your help again!