Unfortunately I couldn't finish this game, I just got too frustrated and I'll give you the reason why because I feel the whole reason of participating in game jams is to get critical feedback in order to improve.
- The graphics are brilliant!
- Having checkpoints were very much appreciated and I do feel like they were much needed with your game concept.
- I thought your game concept was very punishing but very unique, I liked that the tomato splatter reveals the hidden thread/ hazard and it was a very clever idea.
- First and most importantly the jump mechanic was awful (for me atleast) and that alone prevented me from finishing the game, although I did try my best . It may have just been me but for 90% of the game the jump input was very delayed. Not sure if the controls are conflicting when holding D while jumping but this caused me to die too many times.
- I learnt this from my very first game jam and I think it relates to yours too. When you have invisible hazards with no warning to the player, it is very punishing. The player dies from no fault of their own and that can take away from the play experience. I too did this for my first Jam and learnt that it would work much better if the player had a hint that a hazard was approaching. Like a warning sign in the background or a "!" pop up above their head to warn them. I think as dev's we forget that part when we are play testing because we are aware of where we placed the hazards.
I really hope you don't think I'm too harsh in my critiques and I can't wait to check out your future games, especially if you keep coming up with these cool concepts :)