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I really love the grappling hooks. I gives another feels that the normal jump doesn't have. And I really do feel like I'm a spy playing this game.

I really wish there a checkpoint though, When I fail I have to restart from the beginning which I found frustrating. 
Also I don't know how I feel about the timer, It's really scary for me.

The main menu button was a bit weird but it's alright.

The main thing that sell me in this game is definitely the environment of the game. The game feels really good with all the sound effects and art. My favorite sound is the sound of hacking, getting caught and clinging on to the ceiling. I really likes how there so many stuff just lying there and the background makes the game feels alive. 

OH I forgot to talk about the music, I thought I was in the mission impossible 100 bro the music is fire. It fits so well with the funny sound effect and spying.

I don't really see how this game fits well with the theme of 'failure'. I know you stated that disarming the bomb is making the enemy become a failure. But for me when playing this game all I see is a very fricking cool spy game, and if I play this game blindly I would never thought the theme of the game was 'failure'. Also tomato doesn't really be a big part of the gameplay but it is all over the place so I don't really mind it that much. 

Overall one of the most polished game I've seen in this jam so far.

Wow thank you!! For the checkpoint situation, we're planing to separate the tutorial from the actual level, so it's not as frustrating. For the timer, we understand it's kind of scary, but since you're trying to defuse bombs, it was intended.

For the theme of failure, originally, we wanted to make a game where you actually infiltrate the terrorists and disarm the bombs as they are planting them (to sabotage the mission from the inside), but the idea evolved and now it's not as fitting to the theme as it was.