I feel like out of the get hit by tomato game this is one of the best since it super fit the theme of 'failure'
This game ideas was AMAZING and have a lot of potential but I think the execution could've been better.
I think there is soo many way you can add this game, like maybe after you die you respawn as their children so can use the money of last generation to get hit by even more tomato. I thing I would add is reset button so if you fail you don't need to wait to get hit by more tomato.
The sound effect of the game very good, I love it. It's kinda like trolling music with people booing in the background, really fits with the theme of the game. The game lack some polish. I'd like to see more effects when you get hit and some effect when you die. Tomato trail would be cool too.
Also there isn't any animation on the player.
Overall solid game with very interesting ideas.