I want to echo what Multivitae has said about the game. I can see some great potential here. I agree with the level design, remember to block off the areas you don't want you player to wonder off to.
Audio is 100% missed in the game, even if it was a simple SFX added to the axe swing. I liked the AI and how they take damage, maybe a loot system or if they dropped health instead of being able to regen your health, I just ran to the end and took all the AI on in one go simply knowing I can just regen at the end of it. This gave the impression the enemy are easy to kill and not a huge threat.
It was a good challenge to get a game made in 2 weeks and you have made an amazing start to something here. Keep working away at it and update it regularly to make a fun game to be played by many. I too look forward to what you can achieve with this. Congrats.
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Yeah thanks so much man! I’ve never done sound design before so I’ll be really interested to add that. I also plan to add things to collect from dead AI and just make them more useful as well. I made the AI fairly easy to take on because I didn’t want anyone struggling to pass the level in order to rate it, but I’ll definitely take that into account. Thanks again and I’ll continue working on it!