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The game is very ambitious, not something I would ever expect to see in a 1-week jam. It's going to be really good once the worst bugs get ironed out.

The "Continue" button in dialogue boxes would randomly stop working, preventing any progress and forcing me to restart the game. I think I managed to get more than half of the quests done on my last try. No idea how you get coins though.

I liked it, would've loved to see more synergy, where you help one character which in turn allows you to help a different character. Also the ability to remind myself what exactly I needed to do for an NPC would've helped, I don't think the journal gives enough detail.

Seriously though, despite the bugs, it's super impressive you managed to make this in a week!


Yeah, the continue bug was a result of not being experienced enough with the dialogue / quest system.  Ate up about three days just on getting all that working.

As far as synergies, they do exist.  The characters near the bridge, the Goblin King, and the mage near the well all unlock more stuff as you complete their quests.  You asked about gold.  You get that as a result of starting and / or completing certain quests and there's also some just lying hidden around the world to top you off in case you can't find all of the ones that spawn from quests.  Was really paranoid about people becoming softlocked by that.  There are also a few secrets to find, like the girl in the woods.  And certain areas will evolve once you complete an entire group of characters (like all the sitting goblins or all the characters in the archer troupe).