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Butterfly EffectView game page

Evolving Through Time
Submitted by Serket Studios (@MarushiaDark) — 10 minutes, 39 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Name of Team Leader
Marushia Dark

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Wow, this is a BIG and ambitious project for 1 person for 1 week! Really nice work!

I know you used asset packs for art, but honestly HOW it was thrown together was great. The world felt fleshed out are filled to the brim with all sorts of interesting things to look at and interact with. The dialogue was often quite witty or funny, and the walk speed/sprint felt about just perfect for this game.

Constructive feedback: 

It actually felt a little too big. I found out you could remind yourself of what to do for quests in the quest menu, but I found myself running in circles a lot trying to remember where certain characters or landmarks were. Though I expect a more robust minimap could have solved this as well. 

Unfortunately, for both Nikki and me, we had to restart the game at the goddess right at the beginning multiple times as we just couldn't get the dialogue to stary. Not sure what I did differently to get it to get it to work but eventually it just did. I also had to swap between the gamepad and keyboard/mouse several times throughout playing and ended up having to use a hybrid between the two to be able to continue. 

So overall, a little bit buggy, but considering the vast amount of content in there that makes sense. Really great work with this one! 


Landmarks was sort of an afterthought near the tail end, and something a couple people suggested.  It did occur to me, I guess I just got so used to the layout of the map after awhile from playtesting that I just knew where everything was.  But yeah, a quick fix with some icon markers or even big structures that break the horizon - I even made some for that purpose, they just never made it into the final build.  And yeah, about three days were spent just trying to figure out how the dialogue / quest system works and my biggest regret is not being familiar enough with it to fix some of the bugs.  But that's part of the point of jams, right?  To test things out and grow and learn.  So that definitely won't be an issue next time, now that I know how to use it.

Glad you guys liked it and thank you for the complements.  The writing is something I'm proud of as it played into my strengths.


Impressive scope for 7 days. Love the landscape, looks like it would have taken a lot of time to get it looking this good! Great job. :)


Amazing work done! especially its in 1 week time.


good use of the avatar asset.

not the music i would choose for this game.

minimap need some landmark that is more descriptive.

the chat prompt some times bugged out.

would be more pc friendly if the camera is control by mouse movement instead of arrow keys and the interaction button is via mouse click or E like other games.

dialoge would be more eye capturing if its on the bottom of the screen with bigger font , and less word.


Funny you should mention, we actually had the camera move with mouse position right out of the box using the built-in controller, but compared to the gamepad, the speed was WAY too fast.  Didn't have time to properly calibrate it, so an executive decision was made to just normalize the value with arrows same as used by the joystick.  Your point about the E key is well taken, though.  Ideally, we'd have had key rebinding, but that feature still eludes us, though it's something we're aware of and working on.  Glad you liked it otherwise.


The game is very ambitious, not something I would ever expect to see in a 1-week jam. It's going to be really good once the worst bugs get ironed out.

The "Continue" button in dialogue boxes would randomly stop working, preventing any progress and forcing me to restart the game. I think I managed to get more than half of the quests done on my last try. No idea how you get coins though.

I liked it, would've loved to see more synergy, where you help one character which in turn allows you to help a different character. Also the ability to remind myself what exactly I needed to do for an NPC would've helped, I don't think the journal gives enough detail.

Seriously though, despite the bugs, it's super impressive you managed to make this in a week!


Yeah, the continue bug was a result of not being experienced enough with the dialogue / quest system.  Ate up about three days just on getting all that working.

As far as synergies, they do exist.  The characters near the bridge, the Goblin King, and the mage near the well all unlock more stuff as you complete their quests.  You asked about gold.  You get that as a result of starting and / or completing certain quests and there's also some just lying hidden around the world to top you off in case you can't find all of the ones that spawn from quests.  Was really paranoid about people becoming softlocked by that.  There are also a few secrets to find, like the girl in the woods.  And certain areas will evolve once you complete an entire group of characters (like all the sitting goblins or all the characters in the archer troupe).


Ohhh this game sucked me in for quite some time! I'm amazed that this is just a week's progress! The art is really nice, I loved the dialogue, very funny and sassy haha


Hii I'd love to play your game, it seems really beautiful - however, my interact button is not working. Both on keyboard and gamepad. I was wondering maybe I was missing something or maybe there's a way that I can press some button to push me forward?


It could be that you're not in range.  If you look at the top of the screen, you should see a prompt that tells you to interact and it will turn gold when you're in range and grey otherwise.  The character or object will also have a white outline.  As mentioned in the notes, some animations cause the visuals to move away from their colliders, which is an unfortunate bug that can't be fixed as submissions are closed.  So the colliders might not be where the character physically appears, but should still function if you search for it.  The easiest one to check is the Goddess since she has a massive hitbox directly over the fountain.  Could you try that and confirm?

Also, does Left-Mouse Button do anything for you?


Oh I decided not to press on quest log this time around just in case it was what was causing the issue, and it worked!!! yay! I'm playing your game right now!