I like it. Although I kinda just walked around everything. I wish there were more things to shoot other than turrets...
Sadly, the game felt awful to play on mouse and keyboard. Please give an option to unlock the FPS...
Thank you for the valuable insight. To address your concerns, there were issues with camera speed and player animations when I would unlock the frame rate, so the option was removed for this demo. Similarly, the camera rotation was optimized for controller for the longest time and M&K support was one of the last things added.
In short, the foundational components of camera control and frame rate were developed at the start and too much of the game hinged on those things being static - leading to them to be virtually unchangeable without adding longer development periods. Rest assured, I plan to find a better option for camera control and FPS changes for any future development (lesson learned!).
As for the open-world: the lack of enemy variety is definitely an issue and that too will get a refresh in the future. Ideally, this leads more interesting engagements!
Thanks for the feedback once again! Really appreciate it!