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Yeah all I got is an HP laptop that's Windows 11 and I DO NOT recommend it (Only has like 60 GB). Got my first one as a graduation gift a bit ago but then tried to get another with more space and RAM a year ago, but it was just had a bit more RAM and it came with a USB even though it said it had like 280 GB (I was pissed but there was stuff I wanted to work on so I just kept it cause at least some stuff actually ran unlike my last laptop). The good news is that my grandpa recently called and said he'd be willing to buy me a PC so I could get a remote job and do online college, but I got no clue what I need cause I've never owned a proper PC (I know only some of the basics of programming from toying with Renpy, but retail jobs take up so much time with barely any pay for you to invest into anything else); so if anyone has any advice as to what to look for that'd help.

Also, do I need to rename OcRam_Lights.js to anything specific or just whatever so the code doesn't read it?


Anything will do, I'd just change .js to .bak or something so it's easy to find. The idea is that once you rename it the game won't be able to find it, so it's the same as deleting it except it's easy to turn back on. 

I know people's situations and skill levels vary, but if you're on a budget the first thing I tell everyone is DO NOT GET A LAPTOP. Laptops are for the rich and lazy, you're burning money. For the same money you can get  much more in a desktop, or the same performance for less, it's less likely to overheat or otherwise break, and if it DOES break it's MUCH easier to repair yourself. Like seriously if you can set up a home entertainment system you can probably do basic part swaps on a modern PC, there's a lot of idiot-proofing.

As for systems, I tend to recommend the Dell Optiplex line. Enterprise buys these things by the boatload, then upgrades every few years and dumps the excess on ebay. A five-second search reveals one up currently with 32 gigs of ram (ram, not storage), and an i7 at 3.2 ghz, comparable to what I have, for $103. You'd have to supply your own hard drive  (and graphics card if you want to do SEriOus GamInG), or just move your old shit over, but still, pretty damn cheap. Not pretty or sexy, and if someone's willing to give you a pc as a present, great, but if not, just wanted to give ideas of what you can do on a VERY small budget.

Also, SSDs are a meme. Yeah, sure, run your OS off a small one, but unless you're editing video or trying to run the perverse bloatware that is modern AAA video games, the rest of your data will retrieve just fine off a spinning disk at a fraction of the price. I got a 2TB for some archival stuff last month for like $30. At any rate, I assure you an SSD isn't needed to run CS :D.

I'd also recommend falling back to an old copy of Win 10 when you have the time, obtained through...various means. Specifically, I recommend something called "LTSC", previously known as "LTSB". You know all the extra garbage in Windows? The ill-advised shit like Cortana, the spyware, the ads, the "let's fuck with your system again!" updates every month? Well a bunch of corpos knocked on Microsoft's door and say "Fuck off, we need to run Windows on our fucking ATM Machines, we  don't need all this shit and we need them to actually be reliable." So Microsoft made a version just for them, with none of that crap. None of the pointless fluff, no "feature" updates, only security, more control over the system, etc. You know, the way Windows SHOULD be, before they fuck it up. Then just jam a railroad spike in Windows update so it stops trying to fuck your system constantly (there are ways) and you're golden.

Pardon if all this is redundant or irrelevant, but just thought I'd offer the info on the chance it might be useful. Meanwhile though, that .js file should help you at least finish the game.


Okay so I believe I managed to go back to Windows 10, but when I renamed it this error appeared when I tried to open the game. Am I supposed to change the java script file type to something else? I tried opening up Edit and Properties but couldn't find anywhere to change the file type, unless I overlooked something or would have to do it via a website.

Oh, sorry I'm an idiot, it's been a while. You actually don't even need to rename that file; rather you want to delete a section from plugins.js. Search for "ocram" in it, then delete the whole section, from {"name": to }}, , basically everything until a new section starts with {"name":. Save and it should work (remember to reset the file name one ocram back to .js though, just so you don't forget).