I personally like the fact that you tried to rename TP into something that is more self-explanatory because I did not know what TP is at all before I read this comment's parent comment. However, I was first confused what "FRY" was because I was thinking of frying food until I figured out that it could mean "fury". Here are several 3 or less character names that I can think of, their advantages, and disadvantages in case you are limited to 3 characters maximum:
- TP: Technique Points. This is apparently familiar to players of RPG Maker games, but confused me as someone who never ran into an RPG Maker game that used TP before. It also reminds me of "toilet paper".
- FRY: Fury. I originally was wondering what it meant and thought of a food cooking technique.
- RAG: Rage. This could be misinterpreted as a rag for cleaning things up.
- RGE: Rage.
- MAD: Mad. This can imply angry and/or crazy.
- 怒: This is the kanji for "angry" in Japanese. This has been previously seen in the Japanese versions of the Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits fighting games in their rage gauges (super meters that are filled when the fighter takes damage), and the K-Groove in Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001/Millionaire Fighting 2001 as seen in https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/Capcom_vs_SNK_2/K-Groove . This could confuse those who are not familiar with these fighting games and/or cannot read Japanese.