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A member registered May 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately I cannot. It is completely up to Itch what kind of payment methods are usable and to whom.

My first guess is that you've talked to a side character outside the church. You need to go to the building next to the church and recruit Noel. After that you can go to Rehling and remove the sign in front of the mine entrance. You can get to the area with the stolen Canoness' staff after exploring the mine.

I'll see if I can clarify this step in the walkthrough.

The issue with the servant lady sounds more like an oversight, but I can take a look at it.

And congrats on getting that much def. :D NULL sounds like the game is trying to tell you it's 0. When an enemy attacks your character, the character's def gets subtracted from the total damage. 100 def would negate the damage completely from lower level enemies. I need to check to what extent this applies to upper level enemies, but enjoy being unkillable for now~

Rage and Fury are probs the best~

Paying any amount towards the game grants you a unique download key you can use for every later game version. This applies even if the price goes up (but don't worry, I'll keep it at $3). So you will be eligible to v3, v4 and as far as it goes.

This is fixed in v2.1

I am aware of this and I'll fix it in the next path in a couple of days. The event seems to be missing a check whether it has run before. It does require a game restart for now.

"Continue south to get to Lamina Pass guard post, OR check the cave in the west."
The cave is in the area with the ruins where you fight the bear. It's west just before the entrance to the starter area with the abandoned guard post.

This post here is spoiler-free:
Short answer is 'not much' since the biggest game breaking bugs of v1 had been ironed out by v1.7. V2 had more so 'changes' rather than 'fixes'.

I highly doubt it stacks. I've seen some forum threads which imply these kinds of effects are checked only once for your entire party. You can try of course and make your own conclusions, but I'd just sell the extra ring :3

I'm not fully sure how it works, but you should have a "download url" from your original donation which you can use to download the newest version. If you need to revert payments and can't do it yourself, please contact the customer support.

FRY or fury is what the RoI calls TP points (it's some sort of variable in some system dataset in the editor). It would be more clear to replace the FRY with TP, but the idea is the same. It's like your limit break meter, or a special mana pool you can use to use finishers.

The other issue with Chelia is that the game seems to read her nameplates from the wrong source. Just a visual bug.

Either extract the game to same location as your old version so it replaces the files of the old one, or just extract it to a new location and drop your save files to the new version folder.

It is set to 1 battle per 30 steps in most areas. You can get a ring from the girl outside the agency building which halves the encounter rate.

Who knows~

For a completely new player it should take 2-3h currently. V2 will bump that up to 4-5h.

v2 will continue the story, but I have also a big batch of quality of life upgrades~

Unfortunately I don't have either of those planned, but we'll see what future brings. :3

I don't want to go too much into spoilers, but certain plot points and quests will require the main character to change suits.

Alrighty. Unfortunately I don't know how the translation software works so I can't help with it.

Does it happen on startup? Or at some specific part/area/quest the in the game?

What I've understood from itch's Q&A, if you donate ANY amount now you'll be eligible to all the paid versions of the game later by default (you should receive a download key from donating). So you can also donate the minimum $2 to get the DL key as far as I have understood how itch's system works.

Thanks. Yeah it's a 1-man project.

There won't, at least by me, since I can only speak and write english and finnish fluently enough for a translation. I won't go out on my way to pay for translators, but if anyone wants to make a fan translation, I'm glad to feature it on the page.

Thanks~ I'm always open for suggestions and feedback. :3

Unfortunately no. The engine builds only on windows by default.

Unfortunately there's no Discord server. I couldn't moderate one.

There will be suit swapping at some point in later versions. :3

Nothing dangerous about it, but I'm not surprised some anti-virus softwares would catch on to it. Either because it's a download from itch or there's something about how RPG Maker packs the game.

Whenever I have this issue there's a 'download anyway' button somewhere.

That is unfortunately impossible in VX Ace without some sort of a plugin. The names in the portraits are solid part of the image file and therefore non-dynamic. Even with a plugin I may have to go through every single line of dialog the player has and manually input a variable for the name, and that's too huge of an undertaking.

It should say in the installation instructions. You can download the new version and extract it anywhere and then move the saves manually (they are inside the folder as 'save1' or so).

You can also extract the new version to where the old version is, and as long as they are named the same the new version should overwrite the old one.

I suggest backing up your save files just in case.

I think you've found some super obscure in-progress scene that is not finished and should not be there. I feel like the bedroom conversations have like 90% of those. ;D

I should probably clean those up.

That I probably can't do anything about :(

RPG Maker builds the projects mainly for windows.

Balancing the game economy is hard, but for now I'd like to keep it roughly where it is now. I prefer the situation where the player cannot over-buy things incl. equipment. The game does give you a lot of free nuggets and coffee, even if some of them can be a bit hidden. Plus the game isn't that hard at this point and I myself have had little need to buy healing items on my test playthroughs.

There will be a healer character in v2 which lessens the importance of healing items further, and monsters will also drop more money as the game progresses. 

Oh wow, if this is true I'm surprised nobody else has found this. If I can replicate this today I'll make a hotfix out of it. Meanwhile it's best to play the game in the intended order of joining the agency -> spend a night with Erika/Quinn -> get a quest from Erika to find Rose & Lily.

I personally think that it does indeed halve the encounter rate, but the random encounter system is completely based on rng, so even with the ring you might get a fight and then another after 3 steps or so. The base encounter rate is a fight every 30 steps, so with the ring it should be 60.


Have you visited the local inn after checking the trapdoor? Lily should be at the left-most room.

It will be like early access games so you only pay once and then you're entitled to all the rest. I won't raise the price either as time goes on.

Thanks for the info~ Thankfully there's nothing of interest there currently, but I'll block it in some future patch. :D

Unless I have some unforeseen bug in v1, yes they will.