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A member registered Sep 08, 2024

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I think that I found a sequence break. After beating Bruno, I entered the house in the northwest of Lamia, checked the person in the bed in the northwest, and the game gave me some dialog that fits only if I was a playing a different character that is not in the normal party.

Vanron93 stated in the version 2.7 patch notes that a post with a status update on the progress of this game’s development is planned for New Year’s Eve. However, I do have to wonder if the banning of Vanron93’s Pixiv account after the publication of version 2.7 could interfere with that planned post or the development of this game.

I found a bug. After completing Noel's and Lily's side quests and all of the main quests in the journal except for the one that cannot be completed yet, entering the upper floor of the mansion in Rehling causes the game to crash.

Thank you for fixing the bug, but I think that you misunderstood the meaning of the word "alibi". See for a dictionary definition of that word. Basically, if someone can be proven to be elsewhere when a crime that requires that person's presence for that person to have committed the crime, that proof is an alibi that shows that the person could not have committed that crime because the person was absent when the crime was committed.

I just realized that having maps sold at shops could allow maps to be sold with secrets marked on them. However, to encourage the player to find the secrets without the help of these maps, the prices for these maps should be expensive enough that the player might have to give up buying other good but expensive equipment.

I am afraid that could break some dungeons. Explaining one example could spoil part of the game.

Would buying maps at shops and viewing them from the inventory work?

(7 edits)

I thought of something that might or might not work.

What if a warg is treated as an equipped item like a weapon, accessory, or armor? I do know that some RPGs make some equipped items unable to be normally removed like cursed weapons or armors. If so, maybe a character’s warg can give stat bonuses and penalties and be treated as a "cursed" item that cannot be removed.

This could add the flexibility to allow the player to change wargs if you want to add that ability to the player later in the game.

However, if you cannot add equipment slots or lock them like cursed items in your version of RPG Maker, I understand if this idea will not work for now. Maybe this idea could be used if you port the game to a later RPG Maker version.

EDIT: I found some ways to add equipment types to VX Ace so that wargs could be an equipment type.

For RPG Maker MZ in case you want to port the game to Android via RPG Maker MZ, see

Maybe the mine boss’s fire should be slightly nerfed so that while your anti-warg-wearing party members still take more damage due to the fire weakness, the one pure human in the party could tank the fire magic and continue to trash that boss with his magic if you put him into the formation and equipped him with good armor and a good staff.

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Another bug report:

When the boss in the Rehling mine hits your party members who are wearing anti-wargs with a fire spell, that should show "WEAKPOINT" and be scored as a weak point hit since both wargs and anti-wargs are weak against fire. If you do fix this, please remember that "WEAKPOINT" should not show or be scored against a party member who is not wearing an anti-warg or a warg when he is hit with a fire spell. Doing so can also make the boss look more dangerous due to making the boss look like the boss knows how to target your party's weak points.

The reason that I find this to be a bug is that when you attack opponents that have wargs or anti-wargs with fire, they take more damage due to story reasons making the wargs and anti-wargs vulnerable to fire, so if your party’s members are also burned, most should also take more damage due to usually wearing anti-wargs or wargs. If a party member is wearing neither, he or she should take normal damage from fire attacks, making him or her stronger than most of your party against fire attacks. Having most of your party take normal damage instead of enhanced damage from being burned contradicts the story.

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Oversights like an NPC being in two places at the same time can be a problem in case you wanted to make a more detailed mystery case because an NPC's location could be an alibi that could be used to remove that NPC from a pool of suspects in a mystery so that the player can accuse the right suspect once the other suspects are removed from the suspect pool.

When the game's missing person case showed up and Erika did mention that missing persons cases that the Warg Relief Agency worked on sometimes turned out to be criminal cases instead of warg infection cases, I started wondering who a possible criminal suspect could have been in case it turned out that the missing person was a victim of a crime like kidnapping or murder instead of being infected by a warg.

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Possible bug reports:

  • In the Rehling mine area with the bridge, there is a switch to the west of the bridge that does nothing and a treasure chest behind a barred door to the south of the bridge that cannot be opened. I do not know if the switch is intended to operate the door or not.
  • The same high ranking church official can be found both in the Warg Relief Agency and in Flumen at the same time while she is enlisting her subordinate into the Warg Relief Agency.

I personally like the fact that you tried to rename TP into something that is more self-explanatory because I did not know what TP is at all before I read this comment's parent comment. However, I was first confused what "FRY" was because I was thinking of frying food until I figured out that it could mean "fury". Here are several 3 or less character names that I can think of, their advantages, and disadvantages in case you are limited to 3 characters maximum:

  • TP: Technique Points. This  is apparently familiar to players of RPG Maker games, but confused me as someone who never ran into an RPG Maker game that used TP before. It also reminds me of "toilet paper".
  • FRY: Fury. I originally was wondering what it meant and thought of a food cooking technique.
  • RAG: Rage. This could be misinterpreted as a rag for cleaning things up.
  • RGE: Rage.
  • MAD: Mad. This can imply angry and/or crazy.
  • 怒: This is the kanji for "angry" in Japanese. This has been previously seen in the Japanese versions of the Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits fighting games in their rage gauges (super meters that are filled when the fighter takes damage), and the K-Groove in Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001/Millionaire Fighting 2001 as seen in . This could confuse those who are not familiar with these fighting games and/or cannot read Japanese.

I paid for version 2.0, and the version 2.1 release is already available and considered paid for on my account.