I know exactly what you mean, but I think you're just discovering the challenges that ww1 pilots had with the very primitive technology available to them. For bombing they had very limited sights, and in smaller aircraft they typically relied on the mark 1 eyeball for aiming, possibly with a simple iron sight, or nail sticking out of the side of the fuselage. In practice I find the best technique is what I would describe as shallow dive bombing, where you dive at the target at a roughly 45 degree angle, releasing the bomb(s) just short of the target at the same time you start to pull out of the dive. Using this technique allows you to use the gunsight to aim the bombs, and is far superior to level bombing which is only really suitable for large area targets where accuracy doesn't matter as much. At some point I want to add a tutorial to help teach this as it's something that requires a bit of history knowledge.
The rockets used during the ware were also notoriously inaccurate, and were generally fired on mass. From my research the pilots appeared to have had two switches in the cockpit, one for each side which would fire all rockets on the relevant side with a small delay between rockets. I suspect that in practice they fired all at once to avoid the negative impacts on handling that would have existed if they left the rockets on one wing. That all said this is a game and so I've added an option to fire the rockets in pairs which you can find at the bottom of the preferences screen.
A Zeppelin model is under construction and there will be missions to attack them in the air, and on the ground. I'm also looking to add missions where you launch from a carrier and attack the Zeppelin yards as this really did happen, although I don't think any of the strike group returned. If you want to keep up to date with the latest progress then you can join the discord server here https://discord.gg/UXnD7Q4UJ4 where I post daily updates.