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nice game, the puzzle is really well made and I love the art style. btw, I found a game breaking glitch when the character is crushed by a moving door the character will go into a solid tilemap and can't get out.

(1 edit) (+1)

And that is why I put the restart note on that level, idk how to do a check if the player is going to get crushed or how to prevent the player from falling in the tile map, do I do a small check before the door is going to close or is it something with the player collider?

If anyone knows I'd appreciate it if you would reply to me with the method 🙏

(Edit: And thanks for playing!)

To be honest, I also have no idea for that, at first, I thought of adding an additional collision at the end of the moving door to check whether it collides with the player or not, but I think that's a bad idea.