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A member registered Aug 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks, glad you like it!



(1 edit)

very fun game! looks very smooth, I like the simplicity of the graphics (but not with the shaders, it hurts my eyes LOL)

great job.

good job on your first game jam. The game feels very short, but the level design progression is very good.

nice little game, I love the art style and the music.

good job.

fun game, I really love with the animation.

good job.

nice game, I like the dialog in this game, but damn the control is so hard.

it looks like this. is this normal?

(2 edits)

Nice presentation but I don't know why in my computer, I can't see the lightning like in your gif, I can only hear the sound of thunder and a few seconds later I die.

I like the simplicity in this game. I'm not sure what makes me win or lose in this game, I just did button mashing and finally I won. :D

The first time I played I was really confused about what to do, but after understanding the game it's really fun and the game looks very polished.

good job!

nice game, I like the concept.

okay I was wrong, the enemies get harder as the game goes on. this is my best time to hold the up button.

(1 edit)

good game, I like the pixel art.

If the goal in this game is just to maintain how long you survive then this game is very easy, you only need to hold up button throughout the game and no enemies will attack you. XD

Thanks for playing! maybe you can look for references from other games and mix them up.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! that's actually a great idea.

thanks for playing! You can change the keyboard map via setup gamepad in options menu

Thanks for playing, glad you love it :D


mamah, aku jadi moderator :O

yang bisa ngalahin high level gw, ditraktir mi ayam sama agung

Game yang benar-benar memutar otak dan sangat absurd. 

dan akhirnya... saya dapat good ending.

Gamenya simple tapi seru banget, good job!

mungkin yang kurang adalah fitur hapus bangunan, tapi sepertinya itu bukan masalah besar dan juga saya bingung dengan perhitungan survived raids itu bagaimana karena saya sudah 3x lewatin serangan musuh tapi pas saya quit tulisannya malah 0.

mantap gamenya, artnya pun juga bagus. 

mungkin masalah yang saya hadapi itu aadalah minimnya player feedback misal ada barang yang belum bisa diinteraksikan, lalu interaksi pada baterai yang saya tidak tau apakah saya berhasil mengambilnya atau tidak (mungkin bagus kalau dikasih logo baterai kalau udah diambil) dan juga pergantian atar lantai yang terlihat sama saja tidak ada transisi ataupun perbedaan. lalu saya juga menemukan bug di mana saya bisa mengambil kunci sebanya mungkin dan juga beberapa area terlihat tidak ada limit kameranya.

mengingat ini dibuat hanya dalam 1 minggu game ini sudah terlihat bagus, good job!

gamenya keren apalagi mengingat game ini dibuat hanya dalam satu minggu. Mungkin masalah saya cuma di kameranya aja yang terlalu sensitif dan itu ada healtbar tapi saya gak tau fungsinya apa. Saya juga nemu salah satu bug, ntah ini bug atau disengaja tapi ada satu area yang airnya tidak mematikan.

Jakarta simulator

ril kah puh?

Terima kasih atas masukannya

kamu lebih gg




GG! Thanks for playing!


thank you!

Thanks :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

Thanks, glad you like it!

Thanks, glad you like it