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(1 edit)

The cooldown should be fixed now.

There is a second quest that only appears in guild after finishing the casino Quest but besides that they have no purpose. One plan i had for them was: That you could place them in your home in town but I never came around yet to program that in. So maybe in the future they gain more uses.

Xia gains blazing by taking dmg from enemies. She can gain 1 blazing each turn that way.

Chest got alrady reported, willl be fixed in next version!

Reduced the warm up now to 2 for a test.

Yeah that is a bug that was areported as well, fixed it already. That wasn't intentional! It was happening because dragon and phonix shared the same Area ID.

Actually version 0.8 added a item named the Hero's Charm, whoever equips it can analyse enemies. It is in a new cave in the forest of beginnings.

No the puzzle can't be solved, I made a mistake, got already fixed and will be doable in next patch.

The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest, none of the collectibles are in there.

If I forgot to respond to anything feel free to tell me! And thanks for all the reports^^