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Adventure of Changes Prototype

A SFW turned based rpg with a heavy focus on transformation. · By Furandre

Feedback (Early Access Version) Sticky

A topic by Furandre created Mar 10, 2024 Views: 5,505 Replies: 328
Viewing posts 1 to 67

For the people that have played the early access version over on patreon and have found bugs or came up with ideas on how to improve the game.


Is the patreon up? There isn't a link to it anywhere


It's planned to go up either this weekend or next week.

My patreon is set up and is currently checked by the patreon team.
Once they green light it I will make a post, so currently I am just waiting for a response from patreon.


i don't know it happen but i had a bug where the swimming ability didn't appear when i wanted to use it but appear when i had move left so i got stuck in the wall and when i restart to see if it was just a one time thing it did't happen again so here the place and where the glich happen

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks a lot for the report.
It actually happened to me as well in another spot one time but I couldn't manage to repoduce it as well.
I assume it has something to do with a certain switch.

I will continue to look into it, thanks!

Developer (3 edits)

I did some changes, now even if it ocurs it should not be able to softlock the player. I also fixed an area that wasn't reachable. New version should be up on patreon in a few minutes. Also left the older one up for now in case some of the swimming areas should not work.


so i found this place but i don't know it it is suppose to go there or if it not in the demo but when i find it the an invisible wall that i can't past 

Developer (1 edit)

Actually that is the one unreachable area I fixed just now. It's a bug.
Just grab the new version from patreon that should fix it.


also the teleportation crystal that is on the island teleport unlock the mermaid city but the problem is that when you select to teleport there you can't go back because there is no crystal to go back

(1 edit) (+1)

also if you use the dive ability to get out of water you can't use the swiming ability to get out of the water it only happen when you dive before using swiming

Developer (1 edit)

Oh seems like I fogotten to set the teleport destination.
That warp crystal was an last minute addition.
Will fix that now.

Thanks for noticing!


rabbit spell rabbit support diversion had a little thing that i think is bug the description of the defense buff say that it buff attack by 25% and not defense


The level 5 buffs are new, so it seems i forgotten to change the description of those when i made them.

Yeah it should boost defense by 25%, just the description is wrong. Thanks for noticing!


i just buy the pass to use the new crystal to change the team mate but i had been able to use it before buying the pass

Developer (2 edits)

I think i put a switch somewhere in the beginning that set it to activate by default since the idea to expand it into a bigger feature was later. But I hadn't found that switch yet to remove it.

Do you know since when you could already use it? (Or since when you saw the first yellow crystal?)


it was when i finish the rabbit story when i enter the town i had interact with it and was able to use it


Thanks I did found the switch now and removed it now!

(2 edits) (+1)

i just found that when you finish mermaid story it say that you got use to your rabbit form and also i think some chest are set to be aleary open because when i use my old save and a new one i have see some chest that were open. Also aquactic creature skill aquactic sing can be use each turn it don't go in cooldown, Also i think there is a problem with the boss of aquactic creature a can only hit him with fox flame all my other attack do 0 damage

Developer (1 edit)

Oh thanks I will check that out the wrong text! Probaly just forgot to change it.

If you refering to the chests in the mermaid tower and i think one other location, those are already open by default, they do not contain anything, they are just for decoration. I think those chest also say they are empty then interacted with.

I will check out the skill, thanks for noticing!

Its not a bug the boss is actually immune to the dmg type you do, you are supposed to use the skill that changes your attack element, this is just badly communicated. I will add some text in the fight to give a hint.


Could you post a  screenshot of that skill "aquactic creature skill aquactic sing", I actually don't know which your are talking about.

(1 edit) (+1)

it was tail swipe that had the problem with the cooldown. Also since you show the level skill for aquactic creature i know why all my attack where dealing 0 damage i was just level 10 when i fight the boss so i didn't have the skill to switch to dark mode


Yeah i added some hint in the battle and also added a recommend level of 15 to the warning before battle.
And I changed that the skill automatically gets added on easy and normal difficulties when entering that boss fight.
So that should make it less confusing.

Oh i see, when i will look at that skill and fix it!

(2 edits) (+1)

i just found that the game crash if you go on the quest The Choosen One the game crash if it load the quest on new save file i don't know how it happen. I test it on a fresh file on 0.3.2 and now the game don't crash i don't know why my 0.3.1 file crash with this quest ( i test it on my 1.2.6 file that i use before and the quest don't make the game crash)

Here the crash log

Developer (4 edits)

This was the one quest i rewritten in version 0.3.2. Having too many objectives in the quest dosent made it load so i changed it. I removed some objectives that the game stil will try to load on an already existing save file, which causes the crash.

Thats also the reason i included the notice to interact once with a safe flame when playing on version 0.3.2 with a older safe file, it will update that quest to make it not crash anymore.

Your save file shouldnt crash when you interacted at least one time with a save flame before going into the quest log. Or does it still crash even after doing that?

If so i will make a patch that will fix that.


the last time i had save was in 0.3.2 and when i just interact with the save point and open the quest it still crash


Okay that is good to know, thanks.

When i will release a patch tommorow that should fix it!


Where to find key to locked warehouse ?


It's sold in the mermaid city by a mermaid.

(2 edits) (+1)

the skill squirrel sing powerfull bite is capable of hitthing more than 4 time i was at full with nut stack and it hit 5 more time, There is also a bug when you go underwater when you get out you can't open your inventory (it only happen during aquactic monster story)

Developer (1 edit)

True I forgot to set a counter, now the skill work up only to four extra times, thanks!
Also where excatly did it happen and on what point in that story?
Then I can take a closer look at it.

(1 edit) (+1)

it even happen when outside of the story but when you return to this zone the menu won't open (the menu start working if you use the swimming ability or you go in the underwater but each time you get out of the underwater in here the menu stop working). there also the purple chest for the tf accesories in the underwater section of there and the warehouse that give the aquactic creature item but one of them give nothing so there is one of these 2 chest that give the wrong item. (it the one in the werehouse that don't give the good one or it just that if you have  one  the other do nothing im not sure for that)


Oh yeah, fixed that now as well.
Now going out of the water there will not disable the menu anymore!
The duplicated chest is now also removed.
Now the only one is the one in the warehouse!
It's because you can only hold one of that item so even if you get another one you still have only one.

Thanks for the findings!


just found that in the sewer when you go with mermaid at a certain place you can just walk in the water the is no collision on a little island


Oh thanks!
Fixed that as well!

(2 edits) (+1)

i just found that any normal chest that you open when they say that you obtain wood you don't get the wood i think i open like 4 or 5 chest that say that i got wood and every time i check the number didn't go up. Also the bag full of materials don't disapear when is quest is finish, Alrune ability to make flower bloom still work event when you are in a tf story i was doing cat story and i could still activate the flower to make them bloom


Oh, must have messed up some variable, will look into that should not be hard to fix.

Good to now, will remove that.

Must have missed that, thanks should be an easy fix!

Thanks a lot!


the endless dungeon has a glich where the room with a enemie fight will just destroy the fight spawn without starting a fight


That happend when there is no fighting data avaible to load an encounter. It will just skip the fight.

Thanks for noticing! Will take a look at that!


I looked throught the enemy data for the dungeon but I could not find any missing battle data.
Did it happen for a normal encounter or boss?


i was only the normal fight the boss fight where working

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks I will keep that in mind then looking for the problem!

Also did it happen in the normal or hard path?


in normal and hard everything was fine i don't remember finding problem when doing them


Wait where did the bug then happen?

In the endless path?


yes the endless path was the only one where it happen


I see. Thanks that is good to know!

(1 edit) (+1)

just find that if you are in a certain place in the sewer you can clip into the wall you are not soft lock because you can get out of the wall it just weird

here there also 2 place where the collison don't work correctly

for alraure the collison just don't work when you are on top when on the vine it work so it not that broken


Thanks, will fix those!


i just found that if you use the yellows crystal to change you team and if it night when you get out it will be night but it will but the day time when you load another place it become night so it just visual


Good to know, thanks!


im not sure does the bad ending that you say we could not be able to do was the secret ending or was it really one of the 2 new bad ending that you add .(because i finish angel and the way to obtain it is just not there anymore)


Oh yeah the secret ending you refer to is also not doable anymore after doing angel but i wasnt refering to that, i actually forget that that was also not possible afterwards anymore.

But the the bad ending i was talking about also is not doable after angel anymore as well.


so im trying to get the 2 bad ending but im lost i think that it is the quest sunken coin that need to be finish before doing angel but when i try to get the 5 coin im always mising one. (The only time i was able to get five was because i use a noclip cheat and saw one that was out of bound in the underwater arena. After when i go to the guy and start the fight when i escape or win the fight it just play the ending if i had the angel feather evenwhen i don't have it i event try it with a save that had only fox,rabbit,golden retriever,mouse,salamander and squirrel and it still do the same thing so im a little stuck.). The 4 coin i got where the one on top of mermaid tower, the underwater in the park, the underwater place in the farm and the one in the southern plain.


You are very right with your guess, it is in that quest. You can escape from that battle? That is actually a mistake, will fix that in teh next patch.

The fifth coin you are missing is in the mermaid city, the mouse form is needed to reach it.

Also that is strange, i tested the quest a few times and it did work correctly. I will take a look at it, thanks!


Actually found the problem that made the bad ending not reachable. Sorry about that.

Fix is uplaoded now!

I finally got time to play the new version, and this time I made some notes while playing

I have marked important reports with an "!" at the start of the line
Also I should note that I played on hard again.

First off the Rabbit Quest
Dialogue when entering the boss room: "Did the plant.. just screamed!?" grammatically wrong
Also for me the carrots for the bad end vanished somewhere along my play through

Salamander Quest

Torches state to get the relic before activating the Warp-Stone Flag

Enemies respawn during the clearing of the ruins (Defeating every "flame" once works to progress through)

Salamander Form
Guarding seems to fill the heat gauge (completely). 

Casino Night Quest
You can turn the quest in at night, however it will be day after leaving the building (or being thrown out, didn't note that down)

Angle Quest
You can start this Quest at night, this however will lead to a visual bug (where it is a mixture between night and day)
! This quest also doesn't seem to restore the Skill Potions/ Exp Shards after completion

! Sea Monster Quest
When I played it the red pillars were up when I entered (making it impossible to proceed in any way)
This however was bypassed through another bug I used
  => I went to the farm and activated the red switch, then used a Feather to warp to the Mermaid Tower, keeping the switch-status so I could pass
Also when approaching the bubbles the human picture is shown stating that the lower floors are flooded despite being in Sea-Monster form

Typos / Grammar
The book informing you about the world fragments (north of the starting area)
    "I know you too don't wanted to resort to this"
    "I will leave the this continent..."
Buying the Fairy Seed at the butterfly demon
    "... I definitely can't tell it to you."

Wolf Quest
The fairies during the campfire sequence might still be a little to strong. I got one-cycled multiple times and there isn't an opportunity to level up prior.
The second phase of the fairy boss-fight might need a little nerf too since I grinded XP for 1.5h to finally be able to beat it (might be easier if one has high-level other forms)

Wolf Demon
The demon is of the same type as damage of the wolf form, effectively resulting in a fight like the one warned off before the Kraken (Sea Monster Quest)

Egg Problem
Nothing wrong with it, I'd just recommend a boss bar
I'd also recommend lvl 40+ with special item and demon defeated

Red/Blue Puzzle (Angel Gate) north of town doesn't shine when completed
The sign in the dungeon where you meet Firena (the dragon) still states that there is no World Fragment there in the demo
The door to the Phone/Credits room still opens with 0.2.xx requirements (not needing the new forms)

When you speak with Mekia after the Sea Monster Quest shell join the party despite already having 2 companions. (she won't participate in fights but still gain xp)

Not bugs
Butterfly and Sea Monster item(s) can't be found yet
Dog Shampoo hard to find (might need to teach players that items can be in containers that aren't highlighted)
Skipping the town tour would be nice for repeated playthroughs
The coin counter in the casino takes quite some time to count up (would be good to increase the speed for higher payouts)
Fii appears as a boss in the endless mode of the dungeon whilst in party (and ignores her ability to pacify fairies) (If not too difficult it might be nice to take her out of the pool whilst in your party)

A way to cross reference Item sources in the item catalogue (like dropped form ???; found in chests) so you don't have to look through the entire monster manual to look for the item (and possibly not find it because you got it from a mimic)

Also, might I bother you with changing my name in the credits form "Kevin" to "Kevin Kummerer" to match the other occurrence under "patreon supporters"
Reference post from Feedback

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback, I will be starting to work through it all now^^

Just one correction, The sea monster Item can be found in the abandound warehouse but it seems like I really missed to put the butterfly item chest in the game, so I will do that.
And sure I changed your name to match the other one, sorry about that.

As for the rest I will work through it now and reply later if I should notice soemthing or have questions.
Thanks again!

Edit: The rabbit bad ending just shows up if you having rabbit in the party so that may have been why you didn't see it.


> Sea Monster Item
    Thanks for the info, for some reason I missed to check the warehouse after defeating the boss

> Name in the credits
   Don't worry about it, after all I did only give you my first name

> Rabbit Ending
   That was indeed the problem, good to know

> Other Bug
   The fairy bud in the southwestern area (above the farm, reachable from the broken bridge)
   checks for Alraune not Butterfly


New version is up now.
I also removed the placeholder flower bud there, thanks for noticing!

Developer (1 edit)

So I think i fix everything now.

New version will be up soon.
Thanks a  lot for all the finds and suggestions!

Salamander Form

Not a bug actually.

Casino Quest

Tried it out at night.
Leaving normally and getting kicked out both resulted in the right time of day at night.
Also saw nothing wrong in the script, so I unfortunately don't know how it happened to you.

Angel Quest

The feather now doesn't spawn at night to prevent it.
Oh you're right. that is fixed now!

Sea Monster Quest

Added a switch on the other side so this should be fixed now as well.
And fixed the text box as well.

Typos / Grammar

Fixed the spelling mistakes

Wolf Quest

Fairies in the campfire sequence got nerfed.
Fii's attack and ultimate damage also got slightly nerfed.

Wolf Demon

Kinda yes but here the Phantasm Status effect works so doing good dmg is easier.
Making the fight much more manageable.

Egg Problem

Will look into that and adjust it later.
For now there is a warning sign.


Is because of a tileset limitation, put a temporary fix in to make it stand out afterwards.
Sign got updated now as well.
Yeah I wasn't sure if I should update the requirement or not so I left it be for now. But probably makes sense to increase it.
That's the case for all party members that join you.
Since switching party members is pretty easy now and there is no negative effect from having more party members, so I think it works out.

Not bugs

Buttefly item chest got added
True will think about a good way to include some hints, currently I have no good idea.
Skipping town tour is now possible, lovely idea!
That is true, unfortunately didn't found a way to change that yet.

Lima also can appear when having her in the party.
It certainly is possible to exclude them then they are in your party but since the game has not many bosses currently, it would just reduce the number even further on who you can encounter.
I certainly could remove them once the game has a few more bosses.


Yeah understandable, I will see if I can include a list somewhere!

If I missed some things just say.


I am so close to figuring out a way to increase the speed with which coins count up in the slot machine
(so close in fact, that the counting isn't even the problem anymore)
[this was a somewhat fun side-project for me, other features include adding dummies to the sides]


That is actually pretty amazing work and imoressive o.o

Certainly a lot better then my solution. Also funny pick for the icons xD


If you want I could upload the plugin on Github or something.
The only thing that's really missing is a solver for the expectancy, however I have a python script that can calculate the probabilities in advance.
I also plan on adding a window that displays the amount of coins one has in the upper left corner

Developer (1 edit)

Sure, if you allow it, I certainly would like to use it, its great!Way better than my solution since I have no knowledge about plugin programming.

Also no rush, you can upload it once you finished it, whenever that is^^
It's not that I finish teh game anytime soon xD

(1 edit) (+1)

The plugin is just about finished.

The only thing I really need to add now is some sort of license.
(so now is the time to voice personal preferences, the license will mostly be for making sure we can't sue each other
[example: I could force you to remove the plugin in the final version because I am the sole copyright holder
                       or you could sue me because the plugin breaks the game, etc])
more info to licenses [no license]

Also, how would you like to receive the plugin?
I could send you my contact-info over a Patreon-pm (also useful in case I missed a bug, you need help setting it up or if you are interested in another mini-game) (makes discussions about the license easy (if required))


Thats lovely^^

Yeah sounds like a great idea. 

You definitely can send me your private contact info over patreon pm, also if you have discord and are fine to share it you could send that one as well, could make future conversation over such things easier. If it is under 25mb it can easy be sended over discord or another alternative would be a site like fileshare or upload files.

Unfortunately i currently lying in the hospital so i currently have no way to access my pc. But we certainly can talk over the details!

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm seeing duplicate techniques for the butterfly

I think the inherited skills of the butterfly aren't transfering to the human form when you get them. The inherited skills for the butterfly are also show up on other forms besides it's self like the mermaid


Oh, must have forgotten to set some setting.

Thanks, will fix that!


Just wondering where to find the code for this chest.


It can be found in town, in a place with a lot of knowledge.


thank you


You're Welcome!


Doesn't cat form work as well?

Developer (1 edit)

Yup there are actually multiple ways to open the chest.
The code is just the "normal" way.

(2 edits) (+1)

it just something i found if you enter a tree or go in the water with butterfly the sprite of squirrel or mermaid will be doing the walking animation even when idle i think this happen because of how butterfly is doing a flying animation and that mermaid and squirel a trying to do it so they just do the walking animation.(it happen also if you go in a mouse hole). I also found that if you start sea monster and that the orb is activate to be blue that is down you will be soft lock because the orb to change witch color is activated just vanish when the story start


You're right, didn't even thought about that.
It now won't happen when clibimg or swimming.
I also fixed it for mouse holes but I might have missed a hole since I needed to do all of them manually but I think all of them should also be fixed.

Oh right, I changed it, now the orbs won't vanish in the sea creature story.
Thanks for noticing!


sheep ability grass chewing has a glich that if you are not outside the ability will just be spam so you are softlock because the ability will just activate again and again


I see. Good to know, should be an easy fix.


(1 edit) (+1)

so just foud that the total of mysteria coins and mystical flame is higher that the total and also maybe it just me but i think the purple chest for alraune is bug because i remember opening it and later a return to finish a side quest and the chest was close i have 3 seraphine in my inventory. i remember i open the chest 3 time one when i finish the quest a second time before fighting the demon and the third time was when do the quest to unlock the ultramarine orb

there also some think that im not sure if they are in the game
1. Is there a demon fight fo butterfly
2.Is the secret for the 100 mysteria coins in the game

3. does the button in the north part of town activable or is it for later

4.just to know where can i use the mystery key that i got from entering the code i search for everywhere since 1.2.6 but can't find the place

Developer (1 edit)

Yes, that is true, since the total amount is constantly changing I decided it would be the best to correct that number once version 1.0.0 is ready. But I bumb the total number up to the amount you found in your screenshot! thanks for providing it^^

That's interssting, I will take a look at that, thanks for noticing!

1. Yes there is, it's in the western plains near the flower shop. (Except there is a bug that prevented it from spawing then i need to look that up as well later.)

2. Nope it currently isn't, but I finished it this month, will be avaible in coming version.

3. It currently does nothing. I tried around with a weight script, where the player would need to push a boulder onto it but I never got it to work, so currently that switch does nothing.

4. It's planned to be used in the end/post game so it currently has no use. It most likely will have no function in the near future, sorry about that.

Developer (1 edit)

I looked at the Seraphine chest but see nothing unusual.

One test to see if you got it multiple times it using the "Magnetic Earth Radar" fox field ability to chekck how many unique items you have in the hidden woods. If you have opened the chest multiple times you should also have more unique items dispalyed, then normally possible.


i use magnetic earth radar and it say that i have 0/2 unique item and just to  be sure i check and all the chest and hidden item where collect. I have a theory why my seraphine duplicate because when i open the chest the first time i was in my normal version but after that i softlock myselt with the bug with the orb so the nest day i has just put my save in a copie of the game where my noclip was activated just to be able to continue and the third time i was back with the normal version so maybe it cause this chest to be close again but what weird is that all the other chest that i open while the noclip was active where not close or maybe it just the chest just bug i one time and was close by itself.

( I also remember that some normal chest that i open where close when i see them in the game so maybe it just a bug with that.)


It certainly is possible that some certain things like chest could behave wierdly with moving saves between diffretn versions but it also just could be a bug.
Luckely it's not game breaking in any capacity since getting a duplicate of that item won't do anything.
Most chests in the game work with a non unique switches to save on memory and since it makes more sense programming wise. Which maybe could be affected by saves, in certain cases.
But a lot of the non unique switches are also used in cutscense and major story events and since they do not repeat, I wouldn't be so sure if it has something to do with it.
For now I will keep an eye on the chests.

But I will continue to look further into it.
Thanks for the information.

(1 edit) (+1)

so i was doing a new game in new game + and i just finish mouse and when i finish all my skill potion that i decide to get with the credit just dissepear from my inventory i had buy the perk many time and had 35 potion of each and i just finish mouse and i lost all my ultimate one and was left not that mush i for exemple i had 80 small and when i finsh mouse i had 16 left, Also in wolf story the squirrel ability to climb vine is still usable

(1 edit) (+1)

i sheep story there a vine where you can climb while doing the story. Also i was doing boulder race 3 and i did't gain my token i don't know if 4 and 5 do the same thing


Small oversight, thanks for noticing^^
Fixed it!


the quest helping a friend is bug i remember that when i was exploring the map that the quest is put inside a tile on the shrine so because of that even if you talk to shira the quest will never start because it is not possible to interacting with it.

Developer (1 edit)

Oh, you're right.It original should automatical play when all conditions are met.
I changed the trigger from interactijng to automatic.

Since the quest is pretty obscure and most player probaly can't trigger them anymore without starting ng+, i didn't find the time to actually test it myself.

Should fix it.
Thanks for noticing^^

Since a decent amount of bug fixes have been made I probaly release an update in the coming days adressing this.
If you ahve any more bugs let me now, then i canix them till then.

(1 edit) (+1)

here are some zone that i found that collision where missing in the frozen toundra

Also if you are close to the side of one of the tf story that is not add nana will say that she find a shelter and it will add the tf story to you quest list


Will fix them! Thanks that is good to know^^

Sorry but i dont understand what you mean by "Also if you are close to the side of one of the tf story that is not add nana will say that she find a shelter and it will add the tf story to you quest list"

(3 edits) (+1)

it just the text for the new tf that will be in 0.6 that play if you are to close to the side of the fence and after that the quest is added to your quest list

I just remember the collection guide has a bug with the total tf that you unlock i am at 20/18


Ah okay, i see. That should be easy to fix, thanks!

Also will look at that, probaly just forgotten to change it to count the new tf's.

(1 edit) (+1)

i just wanted to point out that if you play the intro you can buy the movement booster form really cheap from the app store. ( Im just pointhing it out since the price was change.)

Also if tou have to much defence and a mimic use an attack that inflich death door the fight with softlock because it can kill you because it will do 0 damage and you can't attack so it just do an infinite loop


Oh right, very good point, i absolutely forgot about that shop, thanks will fix it.

And i hadnt thought about that. Will make it so that Deaths Door also nullifies defense so it cant softlock.

Thanks for the feedback^^

(2 edits) (+1)

so i just find two more place in the frozen toudra where there is no collision.

Also in the warehouse if you use jaguar to go to the top every tile that has void under it has no collision so you can just go anywhere you want if there is void underit (you can also go in the mine section without having slime but since we have the reset button it not a softlock)

there also that wall that has no collision

Also boulder game 4 in th ecasino don't give you token when you complete it


Thanks, fixed all the collision errors.

You're almost right, it gives you tokens but far less than you should recieve.
I actually set a wrong variable for paying out reward tokens.
Fixed it now and tested it, now, you get the right amount of tokens.
Thanks for noticing!

(1 edit) (+1)

in the ice dungeon there is at the star of the ice puzzel section if you go in the ice wall you got teleport to the section with the yellow and green switch. (it not all the wall but there is 2 place where i got teleport) 

also when a fight end you overworld sprite will become the one for mermaid when swiming


Oh right that was for debugging purposes, forgot to remove it it seems.

And that is strange, will look into it. Should be easy to fix. Its only visual, I assume? If so i wait till tommorow to upload a patch, for the case anything else gets discovered till then.

Thanks for noticing^^


just found that if you don't have the key item activate for new game+ you keep the pocket dimension and extention room unlocke. Also the bee hive a a bug that when you get to bee anon7019 it will continue saying that you get that one bee for each bee hive that you get the bee (I was curious to see what was the problem so i look how the event was made and the problem is that the switch is not the good one to be set on).


That's good to know, thanks!

Yes already noticed that then i added new patreon names, accidently forgot to change the switch when copying the event. Will be fixed in 0.8.


just a question which transformation am i missing for this?


You are missing a transformation that can be found in that area. The ability to swim is needed to reach it.


Thx also I have a question idk if it weird to ask this but what is fallen kitsune and ascended kitsune?


Those are currently unused and unfinished forms that are planned to implemented in the end dungeon.


Ah k


where can i find the evil human to get back the golden jewel?


There is a small hidden area near the abandoned laboratory where the jewel can be found. But a certain ability is needed to remove the boulder that is blocking the way to the hidden entrance.


ah thx, also another question is the game currently have 3 legendary cards rn?


If you talking about version 0.8: Yes and no, three normal ones but there are two additional secret ones.


could it be one of them is from phoenix altar?, also is there a key in version 0.8 that can open the broken down monument? or in next version?


It has something do do with one of the cards, yes.

Yes the key exist since version 0.7, I think one book in the library gives hints on where to find it. And one of the tf hints as well. But yeah that is is very well hidden.


oh, also how many world fragment are there in current version 0.8 rn? just asking cause idk if i am missing or not cause somehow quest said i got first fragment and second but no third just go to fourth and fifth while i only have 3 fragment


Currently there are five world fragments, each in their own dungeon with an accompanying quest. As well as four world shards scattered across the world.

Could be a bug if one wasn't counted if you did four of the world fragment quests already. Luckely they currently serve no purpose so nothing can be missed.

idk if i did four or not cause when i check in key item i only have 3 world fragments (also love your art specially is the dragon gacha one it probably my 1st favorite rn)

Developer (1 edit)

You also can check finished main quests. The world fragment quests should all also list a world fragment as quest reward once the quests are completed. Or check the world fragment number on the save file screen, if it is the same as the amount of world fragments in your inventory.

Would be two easy ways to check if you want to know for sure.

Thanks^^ Actually was one of the first times drawing dragons.

(1 edit) (+1)

i just get in the frozen toudra and when i got inside the game just stop giving me cold damage and not 2 second before i was on the mountain side and was getting cold damage and when i got back to the mountain side no damage was given event when going to a place that no damage was given and go back there no damage. (I didn't have owl at the time).

Also it the 3rd time i do jaguar story and every time i fight the boss all attack that are in the jaguar skill do 0 damage my only way to deal damage is to use the skill that are always usable like fox flame i was level 32 so i don't think i was missing a skill to change the damage type or element of the boss


That is really strange, it seems to work on mountain after all, so i have no idea what is causing it. I will look into it. Does it happen when you enter from other location into the frozen tundra, like snow city or warp?

The intended way to fight it is to deploy the field effect so its dmg resistance changes and he can take dmg. And yes you should have it, it certainly is not one you get after 15 or higher if i remember correctly. Does it not work? If so i will look into it!

Thanks for the reports!


for the ice effect i try reloading the map by going in the snow village but the cold damage did not come back.
for the jaguar fight i had the field ability but event if it was deploy all my attack where doing 0 damage.

also owl sing: snow tornado only hit one ennemy when it suppose to hit all ennemy


That's wierd. Did you play on ng plus?

And i see, i will also look into that.

Good to know, will be an easy fix!


yes i was playing on ng+ but it never happen in the old version when i was a that point and there where also on ng+


Just wanted to make sure. I havent changed the script in the last version so i have no idea why it would change. Will look into it.

You mean only the cold dmg problem or also the boss 0 dmg thing?


only the cold damage that was affected this version.

the boss damage was there since 0.6  when i first fight it it had the 0 damage but i say that maybe i had miss something the second time i didn't have the skill and it was from 0.7 so maybe it was still there and the third time was today and was when i understant that there was really something that was not normal.

Developer (1 edit)

Took a long time testing it now. Frozen dmg seems to be working as it should be but there was a little mistake: The mountain path added 200 extra cold dmg to the player which was meant for the frozen tundra area. This got fixed and now happens in the frozen tundra area instead. So you had more cold dmg in the mountain than in the tundra this could have lead to what you experienced. It is fixed now.

Snow Jaguars attack element is now fire, it accidentally was set to water. The boss now takes dmg as it should be after applying the field effect. The field effect skill now is also learned at level 10 instead of 15 making it less tedious to get. Also Snow Jaguars form also has now "Frozen" immunity.

Thanks a lot for the reports!

(3 edits) (+1)

there is a demon encounter in the salamender capital ruins that is out of bound

Also in the snow city there is a place on the fence where there no collision

There also 3 stone pillar in the sewer that have no collision

Also im not sure if this one was suppose to have collision or not

Developer (1 edit)

That one isnt out of bounce but for one of the new tf stories that takes place in the desert. One of the harder ones to find and unlock.

I think the last one also was a mistake but could also easy pass as a secret way so i may leave it in since it does no harm.

And thanks, I will fix those!

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I last more than a few seconds in the volcano. I have almost every quest done, but no matter what items I wear I take 500-700 dmg every 3 seconds.

Also how would I start card collection, haven't seen one yet?

Developer (4 edits) (+1)

There a few ways, for once clothes as you mentioned already. Not just clothes some accecories and hats also can greatly improve heat or cold resistance as well.

Going into it in salamander form also gives extra heat resistance and this resistance can even be upgraded in the dojo for salamamder.

There is also the varia field item in town which when used reduces heat and cold dmg temporary.

As for starting the card collection quest, there is an angel in the heavenly plains who loves card collecting, speaking with him will inatiate the quest.

Also just saw that i forgot to remove the unfinished text from the volcano quest, no worries that quest is finished, will fix that.

I hope this helps!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, helped a bit as I forgot about salamander heat resistance, but even after that still taking 351 dmg (and even faster once forced back to human). Was using varia field as well but I don't know if I'm missing really good items for heat protection or I need a lot more health and lots of healing.

These were the best I could find for heat resistance after checking everywhere I can think of...

Except Ring slot as I don't have any that help.

Sorry to ask this as well, but is the 4th broken key piece in the volcano? Its the only spot I haven't searched completely except the research lab, but I haven't figured out how to reach the east area inside it.

Sorry I meant I did start the card collection but not sure where to go from there. 

Also finally, is the Golden Jade usable yet or just a teaser?

Thanks, have been really loving it all so far though I finally wanted some hints as I felt lost.


Yes there are a lot better ones. I will need to look it up after work myself so i can say for sure but if i remember correctly there a more with bigger boosts. I think Undine's Cloak is the best one by far and slime drenched robe was pretty decent as well i think. There are also a few items under "Other" that also can affect heat and/or cold if you got any. I think there are also fewer heat resisting clothes than cold ones. It is meant to being able to be done without relying on insanely high max health but it could be that there are a few to less clothes to ensure players find enough. I will add a few more to the armor shop in town after its upgraded so it is easy to access.

That also is a good point, i should give some rings a cold/heat resistance boost as well. I will look into that.

It is absolutely possible to get heat and/or cold up to around 700 with the right gear. So you probaly just were unlucky and found none of them yet.

No each key piece is in on of the plains, except the eastern one, that is in the frozen tundra. The new owl upgrade makes finding that one a lot easier if that is the one you are missing but it can be found without it as well.

Oh i see, the gacha to get cards is located in the casino. If you dont feel like gambling the next update will introduce a way to buy them as well for money.

Yes it is usable and also related to the broken key if you want some hint!

Glad to hear that^^

No worries it is still a work in progress after all so some things might still not be perfectly balanced or have a few too less hints. It also helps me realize which part could use some more directional hints for the players : )

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Looked it up, here are a few of very good heat resistance clothes:
-Ancient Desert Robe (500)
-Battle Suit (350)
-Ifrit's Fire Cape (400)
-Fire Reduction Amulet (250)
-Fire Nulification Amulet (1000)

But yeah that are pretty much all with very high stats for heat protection. Will add a few more now as well as give rings protection as well!


Thanks, I'll have to see if I can find those. Can you at least tell me are they random drops or some chests I missed?


Sure! None of those are random drops. Most of them are one time items that can be found in chests.

Ancient desert robe is in the new desert area which is related to the broken key. Ifreets fire cape is in a flower bud if i remember correctly. Battle suit is deep inside volcano, so pretty useless.

And the reduction and nullification charms may have multiple spots and are in red chests but i cant remeber where, sorry-_-

Hope this helps a little bit at least and sorry fir the inconvinience!

(1 edit) (+1)

Finally found ifrits cape which was enough to survive the heat without healing every 3 seconds. 

Found I was missing the western plains key piece, it was very well hidden.   :)

Before I search endlessly for it as well, was phoenix TF added? I thought it'd be interacting with the alter after getting the newest party member, or something related to her.

Thanks for all the help.

Here's a few bugs I remembered, so you are aware of them.

Found a gate further into the volcano quest that was missing collision on the sides, so I could just run to the exit.

Also I was able to use jaguar form to climb the cliff during the lamia quest when you are supposed to be stuck in lamia form and it changed her outfit after swapping back from jaguar to lamia to the new outfit before I had even discovered it.



That nice too hear^^

Yes phoenix is since, i think, version 0.6 in the game. You are on the right track with the altar but you are missing the key item. It is the easiest item but also the hardest item to find in the game. To get it you will need to save up a lot of mysteria coins and visit a shop in town. So it might be currently missable if you spend too much coins for magic spells, if you ignoring the development chest that can give infinite amounts.

You're welcome!

Thanks that one another person also mentioned, i fixed that already.

But i wasnt aware of the lamia one, thanks will fix that as well!


I've searched for that damn shop for hours and still can't find it :-/


Sorry to hear that^^"

I was refered to the witch shop, where you learn the magic spells. If you are in possesion of 100 mysteria coins a cutscene will play there.

Hope it helps!


i think the demon fight for dragon and phoenix are overlap because i fight the demon for dragon and it made me fight poenix before and after dragon and i didn't even unlock phoenix at the moment.

Also find that the vine there don't have collision


Oh i see, will look into that, thanks!

Also will fix those!

(1 edit) (+1)

in arachne story you can go get the crystal before getting the 4 cluster of ore so it make no sense that you drink the antidote without being poison in the first place since it the 4 cluster of ore that trigger the poison. Also the quest softlock since you need to get rid of the poison to continue and you can't since you activate the crystal


Oh i set it one point to low. Haven't even noticed it. Changed it now the event is only there after 4.

Thanks a lot for noticing, fixed it right now!

(7 edits) (+1)

Here former form isn't restored. And spelling mistake in same area:

Managed to find the rarest shell by chance. :D But spelling error:

Otherwise, the scent trail here seems still to be borked. Can't find the third point:

Mimics have Ceiling misspelled as Celling.

Not sure if you managed to find all Squirrel misspellings:

BTW, never casted Fourth Tail. 100 Ultimate Gauge is not easy to come buy and then using it for atticking seems a better investment. Maybe 25 at best?


Good to know will look into it!

As well as to fix all the spelling mistakes!

No worries all squirrel climb text are from the same text box, so i only need to edit the main one and all others will be fixed with it.

I do think the trail has an end somewhere in the north eastern part but i will look it up just to be sure.

Yes the skill already got overhauled for that reason. Now is more useful. Just cant remember in which version the reworked skill is added.

(7 edits)

I've finally switched to the most current Patreon version, if you didn't notice. ;) I will look at the skill again.

For the royal jelly quest, it would have been nice to say that bee hives are the way to go, unless free bees also count?

Final Word: Nightfall Assault doesn't impress me much damage wise. "Fang Sign" (not Last?) requires Fury which is eaten by other skills. Never used it.

Spelling mistakes:

Some Rabbit companion skills level up despite CD 1.

The Wolf demon seems quite tough despite level 31. Damage is low despite second tail. But with HP Regen it's basically a slog.


Oh yes I saw a new member but didn't knew it was you! Hope you having fun with the new content and thanks : ) Also for your name in the game which one do you prefer?

Only bee hives count, and good point will add a extra sentence mentioning it!

Those skills are pretty old, certainly could give them some buff. Will look into them!

Will fix those, thanks!

Small oversight it seems.

Godd to know then i reduce the demons defense stat a little to make it smoother for a test!

(18 edits) (+1)

Please use the Patreon name.

In regards to the Fourth Tail, the effects affect only the Ultimate attack? Guarding has so far worked and when I tried out to kill a boss in the second round first (nearly HP depleted from my first round) I couldn't tell what the Ultimate did. So seems really useless to me.

After about half an hour of fighting the fairy and a break, I thought to use the bug catching net. It does work very well. Probably would have saved me most time.

Spelling mistake:

What do I need to see in the new cave where darkness swallows all light despite me having the best glow shard?

Are the areas shown in fast travel halfway accurate with the real ones? I have the feeling the proportions are off.

Spelling mistakes: successfully, ability, and recruit

What is the chance that successfully recruit bees? Tried 3 times, all failed. Ok, upgraded the skill, seems to be then 20% then at the start.

The reordered ability buying doesn't help, if you are stuck in an area as you lack the necessary TFs to traverse the bridges. Also the butterfly sprite didn't react to me, but IMO should regardless of form.

In Bee form, walking north has the animation a strange clipping error on the right wing.

Does the squirrel in the tree trade 15 acorns to give you a credit? Or vice versa?

Where can I buy Panacea?

This is badly worded:

"But you can expect that a lot of monsters are in there."

Not sure if that is correct:

Is this the correct size of brightness for this shard:

I have also the Rare Glow Shard.

Inherited Bee Sting heals enemy?
Gauntlet class doesn't seem to level up in TF story? Or in general?

Sure will do : )

Yeah the use is certainly very limited but it can potentially take over half a bosses hp bar when used, right. I think it shines more on higher difficulties when guarding ultimates becomes less effective. Usually the ultimates of bosses are mainly dmg attacks. Also if you have any idea to make the skill better or more usable, feel free to suggest it!

Yeah bug catching net is kinda op in that fight, if the player has it and actually tries to use it. It's intentional.

The glow shards work in caves but give almost nothing of extra sight. One of the new field abilities lets you see more inside dark caves.

As best as I could replicated them on the world map. Of course they aren't 1 to 1 but I try to make them as close to their original counterpart as possible. If you have some specific areas in mind feel free to tell me and I see if I can improve on them!

Also added this line to the end of bee tf: "Negations a base accuracy of around 20% to succeed. This can be improved." And fixed the clipping sprite error.

Yes, also thought about this. I now removed all roadbloacks so all palces can be accessed now. This should help. Also yeah you are absolutely right, this wasn't intentional and an oversight from porting my script, it is fixed now as well!

15 for a credit. May change the phrasing if it can be misunderstood.

I think panacea is only buyable from the casino at the moment. Just realized that now. I changed it now. It now also is sold at the pharmacy shop in town after doing all quest to increase the sortiment as well as reaching 500 reputation.

Gauntlet should level up like all others when the class is selected. Just tried it right now and had no problem getting new skills when i fought with that class.

Also I took care of all the spelling mistakes you mentioned as well.

And lastly I think i have now fixed and improved one on all the things you mentioned, took a bit of time but should be done all now. Thanks a  lot for all the reports, those helped out a lot in raising the quality and overall game : )

(1 edit) (+1)
Yeah the use is certainly very limited but it can potentially take over half a bosses hp bar when used, right. I think it shines more on higher difficulties when guarding ultimates becomes less effective. Usually the ultimates of bosses are mainly dmg attacks. Also if you have any idea to make the skill better or more usable, feel free to suggest it!

I've tanked ultimates with 0 damage, so at my level it is useless. Also even in the early game, without the potion stuff to prop you up, this is still useless, as your ultimate gauge resets and usually I don't get over 100 before I end the fight. So I can either consume the potion to boost my gauge - but then killing and tanking is still better - or waste it on mobs. IME, I don't know if Fourth Tail is useful in the current gameplay. If it didn't eat the gauge and just hp, I would at least think about using it instead guarding, but you still trade hp for the chance to lose less hp, which guarding works well enough without hp sacrifice. At least you can still attack on that turn, so that might justify the skill use.

As best as I could replicated them on the world map. Of course they aren't 1 to 1 but I try to make them as close to their original counterpart as possible. If you have some specific areas in mind feel free to tell me and I see if I can improve on them!

This is basically feeling based, since I don't have the travel map to compare while walking around. I suggest to create a true map based on the tiles you placed and scale it down to the travel map size. 50% opacity in an overlay will show inconsistencies. But that can wait after 1.0.

Also added this line to the end of bee tf: "Negations a base accuracy of around 20% to succeed. This can be improved." And fixed the clipping sprite error.

"Negotiations" please. ;)

Yes, also thought about this. I now removed all roadbloacks so all palces can be accessed now. This should help.

Do you still have a check for missing TFs?

15 for a credit. May change the phrasing if it can be misunderstood.

I thought you pay with credits for acorns.

Gauntlet should level up like all others when the class is selected. Just tried it right now and had no problem getting new skills when i fought with that class.

Well, when trying in the Arachne story the class didn't level up. But now it works. Strange.

Would it be possible to see the class level for those classes? And please add an item subpage for subweapons.

And lastly I think i have now fixed and improved one on all the things you mentioned, took a bit of time but should be done all now.

Which thing you mean?

Thanks a  lot for all the reports, those helped out a lot in raising the quality and overall game : )

You're welcome. Those improvements help me, too. ;)


There is actually a way to not lose any ultimate before boss fights but it's rather hard to unlock. Yeah if you are so strong that you don't take much to any dmg at all the skill is not very useful. I will thinka bout if and how it could be buffed.

That is impossible because all maps would not be able to connet with another each other to one big world map. A thing that may be possible would been a hand drawn map but that would also take a lot of work and I don't know if it actually would be able to implement.

Yeah of course xD

In the dojo? Yes if you don't posses the tf all the skills to learn won't show up. So you can move through all but won't be spoilered.

So i changed the phrasing as well. And also increased the amount of credits you get. First trade now 5 and second 10. Makes it more worthwile.

Oh that is probaly because you were not in human form and because of that had no gauntlet equipped. So you couldn't see when you got new gauntlet skills.

Unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to display a second level to show it for the weapon class. Also what do you mean by subweapon page?

All the things you posted over the last couple days. I often write them all into a to do list and then work them all up in one go when I have the spare time to do so. And I just did it yesterday.

That's true^^

Oh that is probaly because you were not in human form and because of that had no gauntlet equipped. So you couldn't see when you got new gauntlet skills.

I entered in a different form, but was forced into human. I had the Shell Gauntlet equipped.

Unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to display a second level to show it for the weapon class. Also what do you mean by subweapon page?

Under the Item menu, you have many entries, but none show the subweapons at all.

Developer (1 edit)

Then its strange, have no idea why.

Oh you mean it like that. Also sounds odd, will look into it!

(10 edits) (+1)



The cave doctor says "wierd" instead of "weird".

Spider Sign is misspelled. "Infectious" is correct.

Cocoon is right.

Third Tail doesn't work on Arachne.



Unclear what Katana one means, but it's wrong:

Current Collection Grimoire (still missing TFs compared to 0.4 for sure, like the Tundra one):

Can you collect all 55 bees at a single comb?



Also fixed all of those spelling mistakes now.

Third tail now works on Arachne Form as well.

Also for the complistionist guide, yeah it is a bit unreliable at the moment, even more so with older safe where some counting mistakles were not fixed yet. I will make sure to clean it up once I have added all tf's into the game.
If you can list me which form you have unlcoked I can tell you what you are missing. Another way would be to look for which tf hints, you still can buy/have in you inventory. If you bougth all and have no left in you inventory you probaly have found all current forms.

No, only one per bee hive. If it is possible to collect more than one from a single hive that would be a bug.

(2 edits) (+1)

No way to buy a class change place for your forest home?

Unlocked TF forms:

Could you please give a hint for bee combs which have their bees caught already? So no retrying at the wrong place. I think also Radar skill should tell, how many combs you are missing in an area.

Do you need to re-recruit when using the bees?

Arachne Support: "Impressive Leg Work" is underwhelming. It doesn't do much damage, yet has a really long CD. One of them needs to be changed.

Rabbit Support: "Snap out of it!" shouldn't lose a turn, if it only grants Veil.

Developer (2 edits)

Apparently not it seems... probably since at first it was only possible to change party members which you could already do at the forest home. Good idea, added it now.

If i didn't miscount you unlocked 20, so you are missing 7. There should be plenty of tf hints still left to buy. But if you wnat I also could spoiler you which are missing. For a hint: The frozen tundra might be a good place to start looking.

Yeah good idea! I could certainly change the sprite of the bee hive after the bee has been gotten. Just need to think on how to differenciate it. Also that may be technical possible to add it to the radar but a huge workload. So that might be a thing for after 1.0. Edit: Now bee hives shake when the hive isn't "cleared" and but bee form is unlocked.

Nope you keep them permanently! You only would lose them if you start a ng+.

I buffed the skill a bit. Should be more usable now.

(4 edits) (+1)

Her name is known now after Arachne TF.

For seven missing TFs this looks a bit barren. Only 5 hints.

Hint 18:

Developer (1 edit)

True, small oversight!

Two of them are hidden tf's, their help notes need to be unlocked. Unlocking them will be a ng+ option. But there also is a hidden switch behind one of the crates to activate them.

And will fix that, thanks!

(3 edits) (+1)

Not sure what do to against the cold. Neither Sheep trait nor form mitigate thee damage completely in the range of 400+ at best. No items seems to protect against cold.


Still didn't find the potion for bigger assets quest.


There are multiple option. For once being in sheep form grants extra cold resistance, its also upgradable. There are a huge variety of clothes and accecories that reduce cold dmg. Blazing fire stone and undines water cloak are one of the best options. But wool coat, wool hat, winter coat and battle suit are very good options as well. There are even some decent option to buy in town. And the item varia field also temporary can reduce cold dmg. The options for reducing cold dmg are way more than reducing heat. It is absolutely possible to bring cold dmg down to 1 dmg.

And if all fails dmg boosting through with high hp is a possibility even if its not the intended option.

Thanks will fix that!

If you want a hint, the potion cant be found but must be made.

Hope this helps

(4 edits) (+1)
There are multiple option. For once being in sheep form grants extra cold resistance, its also upgradable. There are a huge variety of clothes and accecories that reduce cold dmg. Blazing fire stone and undines water cloak are one of the best options. But wool coat, wool hat, winter coat and battle suit are very good options as well. There are even some decent option to buy in town.

I checked my items and the town ones and none said cold. Only fire and water. What am I missing?

Blaze Firestone doesn't seem to help:

Don't know where the Undine water cloak is. Nor have seen the wool clothing stuff.

 And the item varia field also temporary can reduce cold dmg.

What is that?

If you want a hint, the potion cant be found but must be made.

I'd like to. I think I might have collected some flowers from the alraune area.

Also I can't figure out in the second desert ruins, what the switches do. They don't seem the state of the blocks in the ground floor, even if I change the three altogether.

I also BTW bought the TP max increase, but I still have 300 max. Please fix or remove (including library hint) and refund the MF spend on this.

I upgraded the sheep form and used hp regen during battle to heal me and my companions. Managed to enter a village. The reaction of Nana here makes no sense since the shop keepers just talk normally.


Works fine for me. You only can see it in the equip menu.

The wool stuff gets sold in town but only after doing the fur colelction quest, which is one of the gebinning quests. Undine cloak can be found inside a flower bud, I think in the western or eastern plains.

It was a item introduce in either version 0.5 or 0.6 that can be bought in town. It's a usuable item that reduces cold and heat dmg.

You are on the right track with that, you still can collct flowers there and craft potions.

Oh you mean the colored ones? If so, yes that is a diffrent kind of puzzle, there should be a stone sign nearby with a hint.

Yes 300 is the max, you can buy two upgrades in the dojo. One for 200 and the last one for 300. But you can't buy them if you arleady have them, they are only buyable once, just checked. So how did you do that?

Good to know thanks!

(37 edits) (+1)

Yes 300 is the max, you can buy two upgrades in the dojo. One for 200 and the last one for 300. But you can't buy them if you arleady have them, they are only buyable once, just checked. So how did you do that?

I never did buy one until yesterday, but I already have 300 before I bought it (due to teammates?) and I still have 300 (see screenshot above) in the tf quest, so I thought 300 is the norm.

I think I confused TP with Ultimate Gauge. Noticed when I used a TP skill.

Third Tail doesn't work on Snow Jaguar. Please check all forms.

I defeated the leader without a special treatment. Don't know even how to do with fox flame and other like skills. Also without repeated enemies (same as the kraken) leveling up is severely limited.

The fields inside lack also any kind of collision detection.

Both above refer to snow city, while entering the area says Snowy City.

The TF skill says just Jaguar.

First time I saw this dialog, no portrait was shown.

Apropos portrait: In the save menu, the current form overrides the portrait of the form, the save actually used. And most places seem to use human Nana still.

The dojo might not use the appropriate sprites everywhere, too.

Oh, you need to rename "Snow(y) City" to "Active Volcano".

That gem was already broken from the beginning. Can you actually talk about this with the NPC before taking the guild quest?

Quests like those using Craft Mixtures should provide an accurate count for the needed items:

All Exp items have this spelling mistake.

I don't get this puzzle. Slime Form doesn't work.


Snow City has no dragon statue.

Maybe due to the package delivery status, I survived with 0 hp to leave the area. Can't also use food in this state to heal. But sleeping works. Doesn't break package, too. But the back trip killed me nonetheless. Needed the blaze stone.

Missing portrait.

Wrong text after finishing delivery.

I presumed that Snow Jaguar helps with cold, but most likely the paradise fruit with its ludicrous price. Eating didn't help. So what do I need to do?

Most everywhere else only called "Blooming".

This should display your current level:

This guy should change his dialog after the guild quest.

Another empty portrait:

Also the previous dialog of the woman misses a period.

I believe that is the cat one, which I defeated but doesn't show up here.

Developer (1 edit)

The empty portrait are probaly a script bug since there are some. Could you tell me which form you used when you encountered those so I can look into it.

Oh I see.

Got already reported and fixed, will be fixed in next version.

Same goes for the boss fight. Some mistake made normal hits deal zero dmg, also already fixed. And Frozen Tundra skill is gotten at an earlier level as well.

Field collision already got reported and fixed, will be fixed in next version as well.

That's because Snowy City is more like a place holder name. I didn't intended to leave it. Also changed all instances from snow to snowy.

Save file portrait  got also already reported and fixed, will be fixed in next version as well. But I have no idea what you a re refering to with: "The dojo might not use the appropriate sprites everywhere, too."

No, it is meant to implied that the gem broke while Nana was fighting with the boss, so it's already broken then she first goes there.

There is a hidden path behind some boxes to get to the flame.

True! Added one there now.

You survive as long as one party member is still alive but if Nana gets knocked out some option may be more limited.

Yes snow jaguar has also some extra resistance. The easiest way would be to get the form that grants cold immunity. It also can be found in the frozen tundra.

The idea with display the current level is great! Addded that in as well now.

Hope i haven't overlooked anything when reading through all! Also took care of all spelling mistakes that weren't already fixed, thanks^^

And yes that is the cat one, I did check it and the script seems alright. Did the reward got checked of?

The empty portrait are probaly a script bug since there are some. Could you tell me which form you used when you encountered those so I can look into it.

I've been mostly staying in snow jaguar form.

Save file portrait  got also already reported and fixed, will be fixed in next version as well. But I have no idea what you a re refering to with: "The dojo might not use the appropriate sprites everywhere, too."

When you upgrade your forms, then you wander around in that other place.

No, it is meant to implied that the gem broke while Nana was fighting with the boss, so it's already broken then she first goes there.

I mean, it was broken when I arrived in the village before the boss fight.

Hope i haven't overlooked anything when reading through all!

You missed my question, how this particular puzzle can be solved:

And yes that is the cat one, I did check it and the script seems alright. Did the reward got checked of?

No it didn't. 4 is the limit then?

Kitsune form can't upgrade HP regen?

Developer (1 edit)

We tried a few things but could not reproduce your error with the faces. We assume it may be a  loading error.

Yeah but I don't know which sprites are wrong I meant. I assume you were refering to something specific?

Oh, the house was supposed to be locked until the story is cleared, will fix that.

I didn't miss it, since you beat the story, I figured, you must have figured out the puzzle already or else you would't had been able to procced the story and would still be stuck there. The yellow chest is also already open so you solved it.

That is strange, i will test it out myself again and see if I can replicate it.
4 is the limit? I don't undertsand.

Maybe? Then it would be a mistake, will add it if it is missing.

Developer (1 edit)

Tested it, made no problems:

Could it be that you beat it on an earlier version, where it may have been still bugged?

(5 edits)

"I will freeze to death." is better worded.

I still don't get the boxes. I can move once right here, but not any further.

The sequence presumes Sheep form, but I am in a Jaguar form.

No fast travel point here.


Fixed all those spelling mistakes as well, thanks!

I think the passage through is a bit further up. It should be a straight line through.

Will look into it. Fixed it now.

There is one but it only gets unlocked after unlocking a specific tf, added a new trigger to unlock it after the wooden cabin sequence now.

(10 edits) (+1)

BTW, the start point of the fast travel for Snowy Village is not next to the red dot. Shouldn't it be blue though, too?

Finally got that MF.

How do I get through here?

Also any reason, why the castle is still barred after winning? Don't like to have waste TP to enter it.

The cabin dialog sequence seems to have a repeated dialogue piece.

Can't pick up those mushrooms (got the seed):

Winter Forest Fast Travel start is on the red dot, not next to it.

Crates have no collision here and east.

Can't find the trail of that within Snow Forest. Do I need to leave the area?

IS it Winter Forest or Snow Forest? Entering the area shows the latter. Also miscount here:


Very good point! Not even realized it. Will change both errors you mentioned!


There is a hidden gliding point for owl near the south fenced entrance on top. If you not having the glide upgrade for how it will only show up when you are near it but it still is there.

No reason besides more programming work. Certainly can change that!

Good to know will look at it and remove it!

They definitely were intended to be pickable. Will fix that!

Thats because that is the up part of the crates, they are always above the player.

The end of tze trail is always in the same area, i think that one was just a bit more hidden in a more hidden area, can look it up later to say for sure!

Winter forest was the first prototype name, forgot to change it there, will fix that!

(18 edits) (+1)

Having 300 TP showed me in the snow forest, that even with TP reductions you can really need that big of a reserve.

There is a hidden gliding point for owl near the south fenced entrance on top. If you not having the glide upgrade for how it will only show up when you are near it but it still is there.

Checked from both sides, couldn't find anything.

Also any reason, why monsters still roam the village after repairing the barrier? Might depend on where you arrive or leave, since I've seen both states.

This could connect to the fishing one:

Maybe "Once we have taken it, ...".

Just vanishes after touching:

Owl Tornado seems to do single enemy damage only, instead to all.

"Do you want to pay TP once or regularly? We're here 24 hours!"

"Hooray for no puzzles!" -> Puzzles appear. No clue how to get these chests:

Bee support could be more mixed up in its effects. Seems to have an upper cap after all.

Zerra: "I've killed one of yours with a single attack!"
Nana: "I've got a guy who can can do rezzes!"
*Guy 2 rezzes Guy 1*
Zerra: "I've killed now the one with the rezzes!"
Nana: "But the first one can rezzes, too!"
*Guy 1 rezzes Guy 2*
*Zerra desperately kills Guy 1 and Guy 2*
*Nana rezzes them both at once*
Zerra: "NOO!"

Looked at all four directions, found no way:

Also finally found the Elemental Rod replica. Apparently there are more than 4 Angel Gates around.

BTW, the hint with the fruit needed to TF led me to the Paradise fruit with its ridiculous price of 500k. But then it isn't not only that, but one of the option requires 10 of them? That's just trolling.

Also Zerra doesn't react to Nana being transformed currently.

Any idea when you release the next version?

Jaguar's Final Word is disappointing damage wise.

Will the Fairy Vine seeds be farmable? I know of one being left in the casino, but I still need 2 (and I used up 2).

The sabertooth attacks with low accuracy - even with boosting accuracy with the dragon statues - are basically useless. I get you need some balancing but if not even the damage is great, in the case you do hit, this form is useless.


Yup absolutely, even with the upgraes there is still a lot of tp management.

You mean inside the village? Or just in the southern part? If it is the first that certainly is a bug.

True, good thinking!

That blue flame is just for potential bug fixing if you use an safe from older version. It will be gone with version 1.0. It's just there to prevent an old fixed softlock.

Yup already fixed.

Yup, serveral way to progress so the player is not forced to need all forms.

True xD

Absolutely agree on that, just hadn't the time too make many different effects. And yes I think after 30 or 40 bees there are no additional effects anymore currently. Will add more then I find the time!


Just going behind the tree is the intended way, did that not work?

Yes there are five plus a special one. One in each cardinal direction, one in the forest of beginnings and the special one in the endless desert.

That wasn't intentional o.o Changed it down to a single one.

Yes, new versions come out at the end of the month, ususally the 25th.

They are not farmable, currently at least but there are enough to reach every spot that requires one. there are at least five in obtainable in version 0.8. And two more being added in 0.9.

I don't think i can agree with that, there are a lot of equiupments that strongly can boost accuracy. Also Sabertooth has one of the highest dmg multipliers out of any normal form. And being physical also makes the skills usable against the biggest variety of enemy types. From what i heard so far some people even thought that form was too strong.

You mean inside the village? Or just in the southern part? If it is the first that certainly is a bug.

The southern part. It looks like part of the village.

Just going behind the tree is the intended way, did that not work?

If you actually manage to hit the path, yes.

They are not farmable, currently at least but there are enough to reach every spot that requires one. there are at least five in obtainable in version 0.8. And two more being added in 0.9.

I'll have a look around I suppose. Worst case I'll ask.

I don't think i can agree with that, there are a lot of equiupments that strongly can boost accuracy. Also Sabertooth has one of the highest dmg multipliers out of any normal form. And being physical also makes the skills usable against the biggest variety of enemy types. From what i heard so far some people even thought that form was too strong.

I'll check with reequipment. Hmm, I don't see an indicator at the equip screen for accuracy.


Yeah I left some there, that is intentional then.

Sure feel free too! You would be not the first, because of that, i know all the locations out of my head anyway xD

I looked them up and there are actually not that many, thought I added way more. Sorry my mistake, I was sure I had made much more. Here is a list a equipments that have accuracy bonuses. The Night Googles do have +100% Accuracy but besides that the other ones have much smaller rates. Thanks for bringing it up will add more to the next version and sorry for the inconvinience!

Hats: Sun Glasses, Night Vision Goggles

Rings: Mother Earth Roots, Monster Ring (Unreleased)

Other: Cute Ribbon, Worn Out Dog Collar, Monster Helmet (Unreleased)

(1 edit) (+1)

"Lonely Tear of Eternity"?

Haven't seen the hats' stuff yet. Where are they placed? With Mother Earth Roots + Cute Ribbon I basically never hit with low accuracy stuff (lowest accuracy attacks), Mother Earth Roots + Worn Out Dog Collar yielded some improvement for the floor, Painful Parade got some hits in.

There is also no way to look up the current accuracy in the statistics part.

Two western town gates:

Oldest spelling mistake in game:


The sunglasses were in the abandound park area if i remember correctly and the goggles in one of the 0.8 new areas, i think either dragon story or one of the caves.

I think accuracy is called Hit Rate still, and it is in the statistics. Its in one of the tabes but cant be looked up in battle yet.


Also will fix all the spelling ones, thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

No Form restoration here:


How do I get to the right part?


Good to know!

It's part of another story, its reachable through the volcano.

(12 edits) (+1)

I think this is now staying?

Trying for the volcano, but despite me buying Salamander heat resistance and equipping clothing I get it down only to 461 damage:

Any suggestions how to improve that?

Also, for some reason the cat demon reappeared in town and I defeated it. Quest is now properly updated.

I believe Winter Forest was a place holder?

Also, when you enter the area Frozen Tundra, no such message appears.
Just got mobbed by Alice, which means that I got a TF sequence in the making? But can't see where this triggers. Even this still doesn't make sense to me now:

Actually, I found the book describing the ritual for the altar. So I'm still required not to burn to ash before reaching the place.

Spelling stuff:

"They were looking"

Not properly wrapped text. It would be also nice to have a quest which tells which fragment is missing.

Here another mouse TF non-restore:

Remi doesn't take money. Considering my track record, I would bet that it is impossible without running out of money and reload anyway, making the money angle pointless.

Planting Fairy Lemon Seed doesn't work, only the seed vanish:

Is this correct for Spider Web?

Arachne's Poison Spit seems to do too little damage. At least against bee hive enemies.

Yes I do think so if you refering for tahts tory part. But the sign will stay there until 1.0 to gatehr more possible feedback.

It will get easier in next update with rings getting added resistances as well. You also used varia field for extra dmg reduction when inside?

That's odd but certainly not a bad thing for you.

Yup fixed those and all otehr spelling mistakes now!

"Also, when you enter the area Frozen Tundra, no such message appears." What do you mean by that? A cold dmg message?

Yes it would be, one way would be to make each key piece unique. That would just mean to reprogramm the quest which could make the quest uncompletable for people that started it but havent finished it. Will look into it.

Oh yeah there was a small oversight, fixed it now. Also added a price increase limit at 1.000.000 gori so it won't become impossibe to pay. And added five more questions for more variety.

Yes just saw it there was a wrong switch, fixed it now. There will be a bug fix in the next version so you still can get it.

How did you do that o.o Certainly not intended, will see how to fix that.

And will look at the skill and maybe increse dmg multiplier.

t will get easier in next update with rings getting added resistances as well. You also used varia field for extra dmg reduction when inside?

What's the varia field stuff?

"Also, when you enter the area Frozen Tundra, no such message appears." What do you mean by that? A cold dmg message?

Like this:

How did you do that o.o Certainly not intended, will see how to fix that

Are you referring to the two Spider Web stuff? I have no idea, actually. I was just playing normally and noticed the duplicate icon suddenly.

No idea, how to get there:

BTW, I found the cheat to finish the salamander egg quest quickly. Had I only known earlier.

Is it normal that the credit cards crumble?


I am refering to this buyable item taht got added in 0.7:

I think you arleady got an upgrade for it as well when you did the snow town quests.

Oh you eman that one, that will be an easy fix!

Yup I meant that. Never happend to me when test playing spider form. I tried something that hopefully will fix it. Will try that out later.

That place is reachable through the four broken key quest.

Seems like to forgot to remove that one when testing xD Will fix it, i leave it in as a secret but it will be harder to access!

Oh yes, that is a secret thing that can happen if your fortune is the worst one possible xD

(1 edit) (+1)
I am refering to this buyable item taht got added in 0.7:

Where can I buy it?

That place is reachable through the four broken key quest.

Found the last fragment. Can the key be repaired in town? Couldn't find an NPC doing so.

Oh yes, that is a secret thing that can happen if your fortune is the worst one possible xD

The dozens credits I lost because of this! You know the RNG is biased really towards bad luck, not neutral as I'd expect.

Can I still earn credits in the infinite dungeon?

Melia and Salamander have each a skill called Tail Whip, though different effects.


In the supermarket in town, where you also buy the glow stones and jump feathers.

Yes there is one new npc in town, a blacksmith that can repair it.

Sorry about that xD It absolutely is, but you have one form you can change into to get better odds.

 Yes I think so. Only the credits you pick up from the ground should be affected.

True, if you have a suggestion for a better name I would gladly take it!

In the supermarket in town, where you also buy the glow stones and jump feathers.

The seller description and item description differ. Is it 100 or 200 points?

True, if you have a suggestion for a better name I would gladly take it!

Tail Strike for Melia? Whip calls for area attack.


Its 100 at the beginning and 200 once you gotten the upgrade.

Sure and thanks^^


Also I forgot to mention:
You already helped out with so much, if you want, you can get some nice little easter egg/reference in the game. You also can tell me over on patreon, if you like to keep it a secret.

(5 edits) (+1)

All the hype and I just get this:

What is the purpose of Restriction as Lamia? It seems I just incapacitate myself. Is this a party support thing?

Inside the ruins, the exit seems to have been opened already when I still had two enemies left.

Deliberate here?


Yes and no. Also sorry, i thought it would be a pretty fitting place to include Lamia^^"

It does restrict your own movements but makes the selected target completely unable to act. So this skill can work alone but also has a wider range of usefulness in parties.

That's odd, will look at it.

Yes there are two transformation currently for which i have found no good/useful ability to give, lamia is one of them. Any ideas are welcome!

(3 edits) (+1)
It does restrict your own movements but makes the selected target completely unable to act. So this skill can work alone but also has a wider range of usefulness in parties.

I find being blocked out of everything except Normal Attack (which is underwhelming) and Ultimates far too limiting to be of use in a single party. The other mobs can still act freely. Even in a party, this might be only worth against a boss. The primary issue is, that killing enemies is the best approach to end battles and losing Nana is more punishing than benefiting the party. Maybe still allow normal skills? Or limit target only to the one you are constricting instead?

BTW, would Restriction help against Shira's test? That would make the fight quite easy there.

Yes there are two transformation currently for which i have found no good/useful ability to give, lamia is one of them. Any ideas are welcome!

Some kind of tremorsense? Like showing up the way to secrets? Might be tough to implement. Or maybe instead seeing dark, you can see everything in monochrome and brighter instead automatically.

I just noticed, Lamia has "Tail Strike", too. "Tail Attack" for Melia?

Lamia's Plaything seems underpowered.

Lamias inherited skills had no costs associated.

As an observation, I barely play as human, but when I do, I basically now only buy support skills (or leeching attacks) from the inherited forms, since I have lots of attack skills anyway and I can't use those I have before the fight ends. Maybe longer boss fights, but most are forced into a certain form, so the point is moot.

Developer (2 edits)

Yes I absolutely can see that point. Wanted to try something new to make it feel unique but still could need more fine tuning. "Or limit target only to the one you are constricting instead?" that is something i wanted to do but I found no way to realize it in the engine yet but I hope to managed to implement something like this. All other suggestions you might come up as well over time, feel free to share them!

Yes should be, at least partly, I do think only a very few selected bosses have a resistance against it.

Yeah that is close to impossible to program I think, unfortunately...
"Or maybe instead seeing dark, you can see everything in monochrome and brighter instead automatically." I guess it would be possible but how useful it is would be anotehr question. I think it could get annoying rather quiekly to see not in colors.

Maybe "Tail Whip" instead?

Will look at it and buff it. As well as look at the inherited skills. Thanks!

Yes there are certainly more than any player would ever need. It's more a thing of which forms a player unlcoks earlier and so probaly tends more to buy them. The intention is not that the player would have all skills by the end, I don't think taht is even possible in teh first run, because of limited resources.
As you said, that is more of a thing that differs per playstyle so it is hard to say.

"Or maybe instead seeing dark, you can see everything in monochrome and brighter instead automatically." I guess it would be possible but how useful it is would be anotehr question. I think it could get annoying rather quiekly to see not in colors.

That would only affect the area which is normally darkened. So basically the area marked with 1 works as it does right now, the area marked with 2 would be monochrome bright. And for those not liking the monochrome, they can use "Enhanced Vision" field skill.

Maybe "Tail Whip" instead?

Salamander has already Tail Whip. Strike, Attack, Whip, Hit... Though Whip fits a pure AoE best.

Developer (2 edits)

I mean I guess that would be a thing but I don't think it's possible to do in engine. You only can only change all screen colors or none. It just looks like the place around the character is brighter (Maybe seems like it has more color) but in reality I am just using a  mask for that effect. I also am still not sure if that would be very useful. I will keep it in mind at least if it is possible to do!

Oh i see, I am truely bad with names xD
Then maybe whip is a bad idea.

For some reason "Gain" is not dispalyed but it is there. Will look into it.

Also gave Restricted a buff first of all. "Strongly boost casters defense and hostility when under "Restricted""
This should give it some more utility in team fights with more enemies. It's not much but a start on improving the form.

I will certainly look into making more adjustments.
Thanksa  lot for the honest feedback, it helps a lot improving on it^^

(21 edits) (+1)
Oh i see, I am truely bad with names xD Then maybe whip is a bad idea.

I suggest for Melia either Attack, Hit, Slap and leave the forms alone. Edit: Snake enemy has also Tail Slap. BTW, you could create an excel file with skill names for easier discovery of duplicates.

The endless dungeon has no party switch crystal. I would also prefer some Fast Travel gates for the dungeon and the end game content. It would be also nice to see a floor number in the endless dungeons.

Why does Medusa's Gaze actually end the turn? Other debuffs don't do that.

Elven Recovery Circle shouldn't be outpaced by other attack skills.

Who does she refer to?

Please add some fly arrows here:

Also meant to be unsolvable unless field skill? Is the field skill in already?

Not sure where I found the Ancient Desert Robe (Ifrit's Fire Cape has only 100 Heat resistance less, as alternative), but it pushed the damage down from 366 to 1 (and with the Fuwa Family Plush I've got a nice HP boost as well):

Now the volcano is nothing to me! Ok, turning back into a human resp. into a phoenix did kill me before I could save. :( In fact, on the second try, I still died despite turning back into Salamander and restoring my equipment. It seems that there is no update of the damage being done in that case. Even at my third try with using varia field did not help.

In regards to the Phoenix form: What use are the Phoenix Feathers in battle?

Noticed the 5 round wait for resurrections. That's just too long. Either you had bad luck, which means that the rest of the party can still win without you, or you have to revive ASAP to win. Also, if you can't heal (or what does "can't recover life" else mean?), you basically force the player into this state. Which seems then ardous to get around. But because I die after the phoenixification, I can't test this myself.

Also finally beat Shira. Exchanged my gear to defense/improved healing, switched to lamia to suppress Shira's attacks, otherwise I've guarded. I did notice that Transformation still had a large CD of 12? Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated. Also, after the quest, my companions are not restored to my party.

How do I find the Casino Quest? Where can I repair the smartphone? In the research lab? Still don't know, where the last two fairy vine seeds are. I think one is in the casino, but no clue where to find the other. Found one in the fairy forest, though.

I noticed this:

But I killed that demon. Quest was not properly updated then:

Also, I can't find the Bee demon enemy. I've screenshotted my various quests, which demons am I missing?

From the looks at the hint shop, I'm missing a normal TF in the volcano, the Phoenix TF in the volcano and the secret TF #2.

Ok, played a bit, found out that the other TF is the Dragon TF. I suppose you never tested getting Phoenix TF without Dragon TF.

Also, in the dialog there, you spell "exit" as "exist".

The power scale sounds interesting, but if you are slow to gain power (1 per round, plus skill boosts), it will not activate outside some sloggy boss fights. At the current level, I've eliminated also a boss with my group in round 1. So getting 5 power with a group is unlikely, not to mention 10 or more. In fact, just alone with Xia and level 10 I killed a group of robots with getting 4 power in a single round.

In that regard, I still have never seen cat  Fortune level 2 myself, because you either drink potions or don't rebuilt the Ultimate Gauge.


Will respond to teh oterh things soon but to answer all your questions:

-Why does Medusa's Gaze actually end the turn?
Because "Defense Break" to all foes is very powerful with good setup. But maybe skill could inflict a feew aditional debuffs to amke up for it.

Who does she refer to?
-To Nana and the Player. Nah just kidding xD It actually is a carry over, will correct that mistake!

-Please add some fly arrows here
Why? is there something on teh other side, would need to look it up, don't know right out of my head right now.

-Also meant to be unsolvable unless field skill? Is the field skill in already?
You probaly know already since you got the form, but yes that ability is in the game.

-Ifrit's Fire Cape
That is a display error in menu it actually does way more as you noticed, will correct that!

-What use are the Phoenix Feathers in battle?
They are needed for some of the forms skills.

-Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated.
Must be a bug, will look into it. Cooldown still longer after the fight as it should be?

-How do I find the Casino Quest?
You mean the quest giver? She is in a house in the northern part of town.

-Where can I repair the smartphone?
Yes, in research lab after completing the story there. There will be a new point seeable point that can be interacted with

-Still don't know, where the last two fairy vine seeds are
Yes three buyable: Supermarket, Casino and Flower Shop in Western Plains.
Two findable in fairy buds: Frozen Tundra and Fairy Forest

-I noticed this:
That is the spot for fox demon not dog.

-Also, I can't find the Bee demon enemy.
One of the hardest one to find in the game probaly. In the flower shop, can only be reached at night with mouse.

-Phoenix TF in the volcano and the secret TF #2
Sounds about right!

-I suppose you never tested getting Phoenix TF without Dragon TF.
Phoenix (0.6) was in the game before dragon (0.8) so I was forced to test it without. But I didn't had taht bug. Will look into it!

If I missed anything, feel free to as again!

(14 edits) (+1)

-Please add some fly arrows here
Why? is there something on teh other side, would need to look it up, don't know right out of my head right now.

Convenience. The left side is the way to the lamia ruins. If you walk down the right side, you have to back up the entire way and to navigate a small maze.

-Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated.
Must be a bug, will look into it. Cooldown still longer after the fight as it should be?

The issue is that in the fight the CD was NOT reduced.

-How do I find the Casino Quest?
You mean the quest giver? She is in a house in the northern part of town.

The fuwa dolls? I thought there would be more to it.

-I noticed this:
That is the spot for fox demon not dog.

Where is then the dog demon? Oh, found it, I had it incorrectly marked in notes and misremembered where the location points to.

This looks like a debuff icon, not buff icon:

How does Xia gain Blazing?

Further dialog: "turn abck" instead of "turn back".

"I never ask" instead of "I never asked".

Can't get to these chests.

When challenging demons, the default selection should be "No" to avoid accidentally suiciding yourselves.

The Dragon War WU of 5 makes this basically useless in normal fights. Only draggy boss fights would be able to access this skill. Then it is a matter of playstyle if the sacrifice of defense is worth the increase of offense.

Also in regards to Power stacks, I noticed now Third Tail grants 5 of them, which is nice, but requires then at least 2 rounds of fighting to have an effect. The dragon demon fight did drag, in particular, as it healed up itself from sure defeat to full again. I also died the first round because of likely the Dragon War effect, being alone in the party, which can't be deactivated afterwards. I got 23 stacks of power in that fight, which matches my expectations.

Defeated the Dragon demon, but got Phoenix trait?

No, I fought in Dragon form the Phoenix demon, as apparently both are in the same place. Had two fights consecutively with no breaks. But started with 23 power stacks and ended with 33. That's without artificially dragging out anything.

Xia says she wants to help, but doesn't join the party? Ah, I see, she doesn't automatically join, unlike the other party members.

No way to examine the status of enemies in combat?

Can this riddle be actually solved? I tried all for combinations and the closest I got was the green tile in the upper left.

In regards to above dialog, I would prefer to be able to override the denial. I had to remove every team member and readd after getting Phoenix TF. Also, Xia should comment on this.

I'm quite disturbed that I missed so much here.

Alternative scan result:

Running around I did find the fairy seed and this:

I suspect my stuff is inside there, but where is the key?

Nightvision goggles are indeed in the volcano.
Developer (1 edit)

The cooldown should be fixed now.

There is a second quest that only appears in guild after finishing the casino Quest but besides that they have no purpose. One plan i had for them was: That you could place them in your home in town but I never came around yet to program that in. So maybe in the future they gain more uses.

Xia gains blazing by taking dmg from enemies. She can gain 1 blazing each turn that way.

Chest got alrady reported, willl be fixed in next version!

Reduced the warm up now to 2 for a test.

Yeah that is a bug that was areported as well, fixed it already. That wasn't intentional! It was happening because dragon and phonix shared the same Area ID.

Actually version 0.8 added a item named the Hero's Charm, whoever equips it can analyse enemies. It is in a new cave in the forest of beginnings.

No the puzzle can't be solved, I made a mistake, got already fixed and will be doable in next patch.

The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest, none of the collectibles are in there.

If I forgot to respond to anything feel free to tell me! And thanks for all the reports^^


-The endless dungeon has no party switch crystal.
Added one now.

-Elven Recovery Circle shouldn't be outpaced by other attack skills.
Buffed it a little bit.

-Ok, turning back into a human resp. into a phoenix did kill me before I could save.
So fixed it now, should not happen anymore! Sorry for the inconvinience!

-Noticed the 5 round wait for resurrections.
Making it any shorter would make the player pretty much invicible.

-I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated.
Cooldown for that fight should now be fixed.

-Also, in the dialog there, you spell "exit" as "exist".
Could not find it. Do you remeber in which part that sentence was?

-The power scale sounds interesting,
Yeah those mechanic as well as cat fortunte are a thing that is more tailored to the higer difficulties wher monsters have more hp, new skills and fights take longer. On Normal and easy those mechanics don't find much use.

(5 edits) (+1)
Also, in the dialog there, you spell "exit" as "exist".
Could not find it. Do you remeber in which part that sentence was?

IIRC, I was talking to Xia during the escape from the lab. Likely at the end when we were back in the volcano.

Which reminds me, why was Xia not affected by the heat? And why doesn't she have ear feathers like Nana?

Do you plan to redraw Shira and Serafina and Nana's Fox and Kitsune forms to be more consistent?

-Noticed the 5 round wait for resurrections.
Making it any shorter would make the player pretty much invicible.

Maybe it is my playthrough, but I gain hp through the hp regen still, so losing hp and going to die isn't happening as well. I also found the plant shield, which states that it prevents "can't heal" debuffs. Unfortunately it doesn't, but I think it should allow for normal healing. At least 50% of normal with that buff.

In any case, getting the phoenix TF is late end game. I could see a case being made if you could access this as early as bunny tf, but at this point the balance is certainly pushed towards survival, even if you are missing some pieces of your usual arsenal.

From the other post:

Actually version 0.8 added a item named the Hero's Charm, whoever equips it can analyse enemies. It is in a new cave in the forest of beginnings.

Tried it, like that it doesn't eat up a turn. But I actually referred to buffs and debuffs during the combat, like you can check for your team.

Chest got alrady reported, willl be fixed in next version!

I posted two pics there with the same problem. Did you address both?

The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest, none of the collectibles are in there.

Then I don't know where else I can find the missing stuff. I've been running around in the overworld (any area that is not covered with a ceiling) at night as wolf to find that mysterious creature which supposedly appeared as well the unique enemies. Basically only dungeons are still left untouched. and I still have not found anything of relevance.

And thanks for all the reports^^

You're welcome!

In the forest home, is there some code preventing to rest repeatedly to grow your garden?

Wolf's Full Moon Swift Swipe may have used 200 ultimate gauge? I only used one ultimate and went from over 200 to under 100.

Also Xia's Past Times interferes with her taking damage. In fact, the whole concept is counterintuitive. The higher level she is, the less opportunity she has to take damage, which includes skills that make it even less likely in general - both herself and from other party members. If she is meant to be the tank, then being attacked should be enough for blazing. Remake possibly Past Times into a tank skill - guaranteed attack from enemies. Or add such a skill regardless. It definitely would not make me investing into her evasion skill counterproductive anymore.

I got already dozen of those:

I still can't tell where the trail leads here. I can't find the third one no matter I look:

Apparently, you can still redo your "dragon" TF:

Jumping back from Angel Gates leads to the mix of day and night:

Other scene transitions restore it. Going to Heavenly Plains screws with code heavily. I ended even up with no mask at the tnry place when returning from exploring the rest of the islands.

Here another "Nana is Jesus".

No Bee attack skills use honey stack?

Sometimes the engine breaks down and misplaces the drawing of one of the double buffers:


It self-stabilizes when saving the game and taking a screenshot apparently.

Where is the last fairy seed? Can't plant other three due to bug/implementation status:

Ok, I did find the the last one in the casino. For what amounts 2.500.000 coins. A sum I've never managed to accumulate so far. And for the fairy seed it is 4.000.000 coins. It looks less, but tokens cost 100 coins each, which is a lot already. If you truly want to have it accessible the "ignore slot machine" way, you need to drop the price by at least 10 somehow. And compare the stuff you can already buy, if the price is around that range. No one buys Ultramine Orb Elixir for 4.000.000 coins, if the vendor does for 82.000 coins.

The casino guy shouldn't bother Nana again with the while spiel, once you pay for the VIP pass. And automatically recognize Nana so it is no longer needed to swipe the card.

I'm doing the casino slots in cat form and while I see regularly 5x black fuwas, I basically saw even a triple of the other colors which pay more. Just twice where I got 500 or 1000 tokens. Do only 3-5 in a row count even and not merely 2 black - 1 other - 2 black for 4 times? Or must this count from beginning? I had 3 blacks in the places and didn't win anything. The RNG seems not smile on me here. It is unfortunate that the game detects, if it out of focus, so I can't just keep in the background running and that way gain the tokens. The game also crashed once.

Running this longer, this isn't actually guaranteed to rise somewhat quickly, hovering around 3000 tokens for quite a while. Cat form is here underrated.

 I also can't tell, if I have already all accessories for each form. Could you make quests for that?

Developer (2 edits)

To differentiate design a little bit, like Melia and Mermaid nana also don't have the exact same design despite being the same species.

Shira and Serina are already redrawn, I think they look perfect. As for Nana, some older forms maybe but only after 1.0.

Looked up the plant shield and it does protect from the debuff but that isn't related to phoenix form inability to heal since that is not a debuff.

Yes that is intentional, it is meant as a end game tf but I let the possibility open to get it early but that comes with way moe risk and preparation.

No unfortunately there is no way to check on them more closly. If you know the status icons you see and will know but that is it.

Yes, that was a tileset error, fixed it do it now works everywhere correctly where that tileset is used.

Looked it up and found all 8 mystical flames outside but I only found 4 out of the 5 mysteria coins so that counter may be up 1 too high.

Sleeping does not affect the growth of plants at all, just looked it up and fixed it now. I mean you certainly could enter and leave the area constantly to pass time until they are grown. It's possible but dosen't sounds like the most fun thing to do but I won't stop anyone from doing it.

Wolf's Full Moon Swift Swipe is a normal attack skil so it dosen't use any ultimate at all. But I think there was such a problem as you mentioned with one of the wolf's ultimates, I think I fixed it already.

Changed it so the skill is only a one target.

That already got fixed, will be in next patch as well.

The end of the trail is in the top left, near the secret woods entrance.

Yes because it is needed for two other events.

So added a check, it should no display the current time right.

Don't think so, only some support skills cost honey.

-Sometimes the engine breaks down and misplaces the drawing of one of the double buffers:
Sorry I can't tell from the screenshot what was going wrong. It dosen't crash the game at least?

I reduced the prices a little bit. And a lot for the Ultramarine Orb Elixir.

The luck is also affected by which of the slot machine you use, each one has other odds. And your fortune also affects the outcome. There is a npc in a quest who gives a hint on which machines have the best odds. And I think they all need to be next to each other in the row and not just in the same row. And yes the crash is known, I think there is also a sign that warns about it, it still getting looked at.

You are missing:
-Blueberry Seeds (Sewers)
-Carrot Seeds (Rabbit Burrow)
-Banana Seeds (Casino)
Also they all work, only Lemon seed isn't working.

I don't plan to add a quest for it but i certainly could make a way to look up which ones you have and are missing!


i just found that there is no collision on a wall in naga story and in the farm in the chicken coop.

Also in naga quest you can use jaguar while doing the quest and if you didn't go in the room it will change nana sprite.

In the abandonned mine there if 3 ennemies spawning point that don't start fight


I think I saw some non-fighting ones during Lamia story as well.


I could not find any in the lamia story.


Thanks will fix those collisions!

Yeah the jaguar jump thing got already reported so it's already fixed for next patch.

And good to know will add a fighting id's there!


Nice to meet you, I'm not an English speaker so I'm using machine translation so I'm sorry if it's hard to read. This point includes a cultural aspect to Japan.

1.The Invisible Knight

If you press Z at the image location, the knight's message will appear.

2.Strange characters

The circled string is written in kanji as "中華街(Chukagai)" and means "Chinatown". So that seems odd to me.

3.Shrine box

When you look at the box behind Shira, it says "donation box," but I think it's actually a "賽銭箱(saisen-bako)" so "offering box" seems more appropriate.


I aren't a native english speaker as so no worries. I hope you can understand this


Thanks, will fix that bug.

2. & 3.

That is interessting. Thanks a lot for the clarification! I will adjust that!

I hope you are having fun with the game and thanks a lot for the bug reports^^


When in Lamia or Ryu form, it seems like you can select Favor for your equipment.

Are you still recruiting for these two field skills?


Oh I see thanks, will fix that!

Yes, I still have not come up with any good and fitting ones. If you have some suggestions feel free to share!


Lamia's body is long and looks heavy, so perhaps it could be tasked with pressing switches around town?

As for the other ryu, in Japan it is often regarded as a god related to water and weather.

For example, we might imagine them having the ability to pray for rain on farms, stop snow in the tundra, or create rainbow bridges somewhere.


That actually is a really good idea! Will do that! Thanks a lot^^

And that is interesting.
Yeah, I think there could be an interessting idea in there. Will think about it with that in mind!

2.Strange characters

As for the kanji you'd expect:
Would 神社 be a valid option,
or would it be better to replace the gate with a 鳥居 (torii), instead of what seems to be a pailou/paifang (Chinese, if I recall correctly) in the game?
From what I've seen, torii usually don't feature writing. How would you visually describe real world examples?


Admittedly, I was focusing on the strange characters and not on the gate itself. Thank you.

This is the torii gate of Fushimi Inari, Japan's most famous Inari (fox god) shrine. I think this is the shape that most people associate with torii gates in Japan.

I have attached a link to someone who distributes materials for making shrines like this one.

RPGツクールMV用 寺・神社タイルセット - ブーソンの和風素材置き場 - BOOTH

神社仏閣、和室用素材集更新(17.02.23) - お豆腐村 - BOOTH


Thanks that is very nice of you^^

Do you know if the materials, you linked, are free to you in commercial products like my game? If so I certainly would use them!


RPGツクールMV用 寺・神社タイルセット - ブーソンの和風素材置き場 - BOOTH

It seems that the buildings(non-characters) in this material can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. It would be nice if the credits said "和風素材 作者:ブーソン" but it is also stated that it is okay if not.

神社仏閣、和室用素材集更新(17.02.23) - お豆腐村 - BOOTH

Similarly, there seem to be no regulations regarding the use of this material. There are no regulations regarding credits, but if you do, please use "《お豆腐村》" or "《お豆腐村》twitter/otofumura"


Thanks that is very good to know and helpful^^


It may be a little late now, but if there's anything in the materials collection that you don't understand, or if you have any other questions about Japan, I'll answer to the best of my ability.


Thanks that is really helpful^^
I will do that if anything should come to mind!


I noticed some strange behavior when acquiring TF skills in the dojo.

1.If you have already acquired a skill, the number seems to increase every time you talk inside.

2.When you talk to him in rabbit form, you will be given a choice to make.

3.You can also get information about Lamia by talking to her in her other forms. However, it seems that the information is only about the number of stats acquired for her current form.

Then, among the random dungeon objects, there were cases where ore would come out of trees.


Thanks a lot for the report! The bugs 1. to 3. already got reported and fixed but I didn't knew about the last one.
Will fix that as well, thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

Come to think of it, are bonfires the only events in random dungeons that use TP?

Since the yellow magic circle can restore TP, it might add some variety if there were treasure chests that could be obtained with specific abilities, like the slime ability or the jaguar's jump, or if there were ways to avoid combat with enemies. (If it's difficult or time consuming, feel free to ignore it.)


They are the only ones. And that actually is a pretty good idea! Thanks will think about how to implement it^^

(1 edit) (+1)

When you get into that secret area and leave, the red arrow is not initially shown:

I also found in the endless desert something (a tablet, not sure?) in a flower bud, but I can't find it in the inventory. I checked all categories.

BTW, a number of skills have ??? at the start. Did you mean to leave that there?


Oh that is true, fixed that now, thanks!

Also took care of all spelling mistakes that weren't fixed already.

The flower bud in the endless desert should hold: Stone of Eternal Fire
It should be located under "other"

I think the chimera boss skills have that, yes that would be intentional but for all others I don't think so. Where did you saw them?

(3 edits) (+1)
I think the chimera boss skills have that, yes that would be intentional but for all others I don't think so. Where did you saw them?

Maybe it was just there. I didn't keep log for that and the ??? reminded me of this.

Edit: Did find an instance:

I noticed that enemy heals (Fii) can affect Phoenix Nana still.

Also, how do you leave the endless dungeon?


You can leave the endless dungeon by fleeing from battle.

Though I've heard you'll be able to leave through the southern teleporter in a future version.


Thanks, I should have reread that sign before entering.


The cat lady doesn't react to the sabertooth "kitty".


Oh right, some skills with very unique dmg multipliers have it listed in the description, that is intentional, I thought you were refering to skill names.

Also I am sorry I don't understand what you mean by: "I noticed that enemy heals (Fii) can affect Phoenix Nana still."

And that is a good point, will add some extra lines for that!

(2 edits) (+1)

As my picture shows, I had Fii as enemy in the endless dungeon, and this healed Nana in Phoenix form.

In case you haven't noticed that it happens there as well, but the portrait of Nana when loading a file still shows the last form she took, even if the save applies to a different form (like when having a bad end). This doesn't persist if you actually shut down the game. Not sure if your fix applies here, too.

I believe that transforming around with "TF items automatically assigned" and having Fuwa Family Plush as reserve seems to interact a bit strangely. Most likely the extra hp from the item get lost, but not the max hp. Shouldn't such items allow for actual hp when being equipped?

Developer (1 edit)

I see, will look into it.

Yes this was already reported a few times, already fixed. Will be in the next version.

There will be a big quality of upgrade to how the tf equip items work in version 0.9. It will be shown in the preview coming up next week together with a  lot of other stuff.

(10 edits)

Looking forward to the upgrade.

Weapon descriptions seem to miss often the last period, so I won't go and list those I found.

I think Xia is slightly OP. Not only her skills 1-hit kill the mobs, but she is also fast enough to be first in general. Maybe rabbit could deal with it? But effectively, I either hold her back or I don't need anyone else in the party, as they don't get a shot at all. Even support skills are outclassed.

Also, even at level 31, I don't see Jaguar skill that could have helped against the big boss.

In regards of the blessings from the Ancient Stone Tablet, their usefulness increases for me from left to right. The one which is basically a slight light resistance increase is basically useless.

Also, which permit level do I need to reach that the squirrel allows me access to the last mysteria coin? Currently I have 25 at least? Would be also nice, if the level would be stated without increasing it.

Ryu inherited skills have no costs associated.

The dojo texts for TF form upgrading haven't been updated to the new system yet.

I don't see how this SP stuff for Ryu is going to work in practice. You get 3 in the beginning, lose 1 per round automatically and only get more with ultimates. Yet at least one skill depends on the stack size you can't control?

When entering the casino, the coin display doesn't update to the number of coins you have. This is only the first time after loading the game, as otherwise the value is preserved.


Kay, looked over all of them and added it where I saw it missing, thanks.

I nerfed a few of her skills a little bit and also reduced her speed. And added missing descriptions. Feel free to tell me  how it feels after the next patch.

Original the field effect should helped but tehre was a bug that prevented that. It is already fixed and will work like intended in the next version.

Made a small buff to Ascendant Light:
"\Nana's Superior, Light & Dark Resistance are increased by +10%!
\Nana's Critical Rate & Accuracy are also boosted by +5%."

"Sunsetter" now deals strong dmg instead of  medium and the animation has been shortened and replaced.

Good point, added a sign now with the current level and also the last reward level which is 30.

Also a  good point, reworked the last support skill:
"Take 40% of the selected ally to convert it into power.
Restores 4 stacks of "Draconic Barrier" to caster."

And i will look at the text as well.

Hadn't any time to implement mastery skills for gauntlets yet, will seee to do that for 0.9.

And interessting, will look into that.


For Ryu field skill, maybe you could add teleport points on the map? Basically in-map fast travel? Or you can have vertical exploration,  like here at 11:25

, compared to a mouses horizontal layers. Don't know if the engine supports this.
(1 edit) (+1)

I think you call it now sea creature.

Also, drawing gacha cards does not update the token counter.

Why is one card called "Female Human TF"? Is there a male version? I would have expected just "Human TF".

Developer (1 edit)

Yes that is true, thanks!

Just fixed the coin counter updating today. Will work corectly everywhere in next update!

Still a left over from early stages of development. Will adjust it thanks!

(7 edits) (+1)

Also you call one card Siren TF instead Mermaid TF.

Wrong counter in quest:

What do R, SR, SSR and LR mean?

I can't find the skill "Card Danmachu" in the skill lists.

Possibly other Final and Last Words are missing their quotes, but I haven't checked.

What is the missing text?

I also can't find the Reality Bender in my inventory.
Possibly someone mentioned this already, but the number of World Fragment is 4 in my inventory, but the quest counter has all 5 of them registered.
Developer (1 edit)

Fixed them now as well.

Its the raritiy of the cards. R is just short for Rare, SR for Super Rare and so on. The frames of the cards show which raritiy they belong too.

It should be under the normal type skills. Usable in any form. I can see it in my skills. Will check on that in more detail later.

Thanks and yes I found a few more, I will look through all of them just to be safe.

It's: "If it's not too much of a trouble, would you mind letting me study them as well once you are done?"

It should be under key items. I definitely used it when testing the quest so it shouldn't been broken but I will check later just in case.

Yes already got reported and fixed, it seemed to be the fragment from the second dungeon with the time travel. Inteacting with a safe in 0.9 will also set that right.


Its the raritiy of the cards. R is just short for Rare, SR for Super Rare and so on. The frames of the cards show which raritiy they belong too.

What's LR?

It should be under the normal type skills. Usable in any form. I can see it in my skills. Will check on that in more detail later.
It should be under key items. I definitely used it when testing the quest so it shouldn't been broken but I will check later just in case.

Found them now. Must have been blind.


Its short for Legendary.

And will fix that.

(5 edits) (+1)

Found other mistakes:

Depends on "You grant" or "This grants":

Not sure what triggers it, but this is the second (now third) time a fight (using Anubis) against mob restarts and the skills are reset to the state as the first fight. As is the remembered selected skill. Possibly the hp, too. Only the gained level persists. I don't press any button, in case this is the mysterious re-fight.

Project Ultimate Damage does inflict damage on its bearer without telling its origin and last in the order vs. first. Also, it seems that healing effects effects don't reduce the damage. It also doesn't affect the Judgment count. Had it in the Anubis Demon fight (lasted 3 rounds after gaining access to Lufillia's Favor) and was forced to drink a healing potion (Life potion (M)) which officially healed me for about 900, but I went from 1 hp to nearly 1500. Must have been the items I have. Also, with this damage you need some way to heal with your party, or give it to the Phoenix members to ensure Death at longer fights. Though the Phoenix skills become progressively unusable for Nana as well. Not sure it is worth the hassle, didn't feel like I need it before.

Also, this Judgment stack is a problem like Blazing for Xia. I was literally unhurt by the demon before dropping its hp down to 50%. Had in the end 4 Judgment. I am in end game mode, with everything done to boost Nana, using possible the most powerful form immune to a number of damage sources and you require that I take damage? This simply doesn't work out.

I have no clue what the Ring of Transformations actually does. I never noticed anything as its source.


If this happens in the northern field that is normally. All fights there consist of two waves of enemies. There is even a sign stating that, near the town entrance. Or do you refer to anything else?

(5 edits) (+1)

It happens in the norther fields. Otherwise I've updated my earlier post, since I didn't expect you to be that late about. Please look it over again, since I'm not sure what version you saw.

Scales of Judgment lack an effect. This could be a reduction of the max or easier increase of the stack.

For field ability, maybe kill monsters on the current map (not bosses) and gain XP shards? And/Or the drops (partially)? Not the normal XP for fighting? But could be useful for farming. Also no skills are leveled as well.

The Ring of Transformations could have the current effect displayed in the Transformation Guide?

This doesn't mention the physical rewards and the 4th list should be a separate item.

The Anubis Demon must be known at this point:


Thaks fixed all the spelling mistakes and read through the feedback, I will look into it.

The ring just does pretty much what it says, if worn and being not in human form it boost all stats by around 5% in battle.

"It happens in the norther fields. Otherwise I've updated my earlier post, since I didn't expect you to be that late about. Please look it over again, since I'm not sure what version you saw."

Sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you mean sorry. Double fights are normal in the northern plains.

Yes they still lack an effect, hadn't had time to make one yet. Will think about that, thanks!

That is a nice idea, something like an extra exp drop bonus. Sounds pretty fitting. Will think about that!

The fourth list is more of a secret bonus part, so that is intentional that it has no extra objective. And yeah a lot of quests don't list all rewards, often just the main reward.

Yeah i am aware of that bug, just takes a lot of time fixing it without breaking all save files, so I decide to not fix it in 0.9 to prevent save file incompatible. Should be fixed by 1.0 release.


so human form make the game crash because one icon for a menu doesn't appear

Also i didn't unlock naga and i was able to press the switch that require it and it also cost 30 tp and not 15

Also in the northern plain there is the big dead tree that has no collision so you can go out of bound because some of them are really close to a wall


Thanks for the report.
Will put out a fix soon!


It seems that when you talk to the golden retriever, options will be displayed.

On a side note, can't you see the sub-weapons you have in your possession from the menu items?

Developer (1 edit)

Seems like I overlooked one. Thanks fixed that!

They only can be seen by going into the sub weapon tab to equip one. I mainy did that because the equipment screen was getting very clusterd with all the different types inside. I could make them appear in there, just don't know if that would be a good call.


There are already enough entries that more cease matter in complexity. The lack of access to the sub-weapons in that menu is IMO worse than the extra entry. Increased division on a higher level makes it also easier to look for the stuff you care about, instead of having to ignore dozens of actual item entries.


Certainly could added in next patch.


Salamander story is bug now when you obtain the form in the desert ruin and you leave to return to the crystal you will start to get heat damage that you're not suppose to get since salamander is suppose to get you immunity to heat damage

Also last time when i was talking about the dead tree in the northern plain it was all the big one that didn't have collisison not only the 3 that i point 


Yeah got already reported today, already fixed it.
Forgot to set two specific switches when remaking the heat/cold script. Also happens in dragon story.
Sorry for the inconvinience.

I added some field restriction to all of them, can't hurt. Better safe than sorry. But thanks for notifiying me^^

I do plan to make a full clean run myself, next months after finished the boss fight as well as the ending.
To take a look and see if i can find more bugs.


i don't know how it happen but i enter the volcano to see how much damage i would take and when i exit and enter again the box that say how much damage i would take didn't show up but i still could take damage just don't know how much


That is strnage.
I looked it up but could not find the cause for this prolem.
It dosen't heppen in tundra or desert I assume, only volcano?

Will take a closer look at it once I made another testing playthrough!

(2 edits) (+1)

for the volcano if you use a teleportation crystal the chat box is back i also test the mountain passage and snow plain and the chat box had no problem but there is another problem with the snow plain and mountain passage the damage box say negative damage and i was taking like 40 and 80 damage for the zone 

Also the dragon form still take hot damage in the volcano (only during the dragon quest)


I see, thanks for the info. That is indeed strange. Havent yet found we reason for that.

Somewhere around 40 and 80 are the least amounts of dmg that could be taken through heat/cold. It cant be reduced any further with clothes. Just will need to adjust the counter to add a check for passing that limit, thanks for reporting!

Hmm that is strange as well, will take another look at it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe add a debug mode where you check the values and if out of bounds, it shows a dialog with the stuff you need. Would require a call at the interesting points (where values change) to catch the issues early.

(1 edit) (+1)

there a bug with jaguar that if you use it in the tower remain you will get stuck in a rock and not be able to get out and since you can't use the travel pass you are softlock if you have mouse you can save yourself with the mouse hole on the right

there also unuse stuff that you can see in the forest of begining

also the dungeon in the desert is bug maybe it my new game + but the puzzel with golden retriver was not doable because the scent was not there and the puzzel where you activate a crystal to see the path was not working and i was able to skip it

Did you bypass the puzzle by moving to the right side first?

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks, forgot to set a variable there, fixed now!

Leftovers, will remove them now^^"

Also found that bug and why it only appears for some people. It has the same switch as the first treasure chest you can find with dog form, so if you found that already the scent trail wont show up there. Fixed that now as well.

Thanks for the report^^


The jump skill doesn't seem to work properly in this dungeon's terrain.


Yup, already got reported.

But thanks for the report^^


Which dungeon is that again?


That's the Distorted Dungeon in the Northern Plains.
It is one of the possible Treasure Rooms you can encounter.


i did not finish the demon for bee trait in the house but somehow when i just talk to him again my quest just finished


That's because you only need to beat three demons to finish that quest. It's made that way to not spoil any hidden tf's that also count towards the quest.


Ah k


How do I find the skunk bad end? Is it in the current public version?


I know it is definitely in from version 0.8 onward.

It is related to the quest where you need to find the four broken key parts. It's in that new area you open up with them. I do think that area may already have been added in 0.7 but I can't say out of my head.

If there is a new stone monument in the big desert you can interact with, before the entrance to the ruins. (The place withe the six flames and gate) Then it should be in 0.7 already.

(1 edit) (+1)

just found that is you have the fuwa plush while being in cat story you can finish the quest and it will just change you to human form and you can do the cat story while having the skill you have with human form. Also if you go in the cabin in the frozen toundra the ice damage reactivate even if you have owl ability to not take ice damage


That's good to know.
Thanks will fix those!


Tried to replicated the thing with the dmg in the cabin but the dmg did not reactivate for me then leaving the cabin. I also took no dmg inside the cabin.
Did you do anything special?
Also which form were you into then it happened?


Can you get bad end in final dungeon boss or there is only neutral ending and good ending?

Developer (1 edit)

There is no bad ending in the final dungeon but three endings in total

If you seen neutral and good ending you been missing the true ending which requieres all 6 world fragments.


Oh ok also I did got true ending just that I skip dialogue too fast and didn't see it XD


in the final if you get all the torches activated for having 0 of corruption you still get fallen kitsune


Yes if you have a too low reputation it also can happen. Think you need at least 500 reputation as well.

(6 edits) (+1)

When can you buy the houses in the town?

The following one also applies to fox, rabbit, golden retriever, and mouse forms.

Developer (1 edit)

In a future patch, maybe the next one. Definitely want to add it. Just havent include it yet since it dosent really serves a purpose besides spending more money.

And thanks will fix those!

(1 edit) (+1)

I ended up adding some more misspellings in the previous post, as I missed your reply.

Also no reactions to Nana turning into a demon kitsune?

Do you have a save useful for the bad ending? Somehow, not using buffs or debuffs worked out better than using them. In the latter case I had to use recovery stuff.


Sure no problem, looked through all of it now and fixed them.
Thanks a lot!

Currently, not, I did run out of time at the end. That form also has no alternative endings as well curretnly. But I do plan to addd them later.

Sorry, I don't really know what you mean by that? You refering to one of the games endings or a regular bad ending?

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean the bad game ending. I believe you have to lose against the demon god?


No, none of the fights is meant to be losed. Evven in the "bad" ending the fight needs to be won to prgress.


Then I definitely need a save where I can lose. Probly have too much reputation.


I don't think I can follow.
Is there a special reason why do you try to lose in that battle?


I mean that I need a save where I can get the bad ending.


But there is no bad ending in the final dungeon.

Or are you talking about the new bad ending added that has nothing to do with the final dungeon?
That one curretnly is defnitely missable, but will be fixed later.


Other misspellings. The various forms use the same text template? If not, wolf, manticore, salamander, cat, squirrel, and slime need to be fixed.

I disagree, considering the wolf form. Also cat and angel.

That one is used in quite some forms:

Is it deliberate not allow Nana to return as fallen kitsune?

What trial and error? How to use a cell phone?

The comma brigade:

Apparently Nana can't even see her angel form in the mirror, or this would not work like that.

No spaces.

Moving into orphanages is a strange thing to do. Those are for children and the staff only, right?

Pretty sure that this is not supposed to be in the owl ending. Could please post the text which should be there?

(9 edits) (+1)

I find that name strange. Never saw it spelled that way in English literature, but you can keep it, if you want. Some other ideas from ChatGPT:

Also you use chimerae instead of manticore in this area.

I wasn't sure before, but in the teleporter endings you spell "Lamias", they should not be capitalized.

When talking to Darania, a textbox with Melia appears that doesn't fit in the conversation flow.

Pretty sure the effect is 2500 SP.

I noticed an inconsistency. You can have Serina state that 6 world fragments are all you can get, despite her claiming with just 5 world fragments that she does only know of 5 world fragments. And if you go for the good ending with 6 world fragments, she doesn't complain about Nana not using all 6. Also no one ever wonders, why there are 6 receptacles.

Missed to screenshot, but Luca says "This are the leftovers" instead "These are the leftovers".

7th Tail does not affect Rabbit's nor Xia's normal skills.

Didn't know that this is her name. Or this. Check all her textboxes.

Name also wrong here.

How did Nana get back to the lost continent?

Did Nana keep her shapeshifting powers? Or remained she stuck as Ascended Kitsune/whatever form she had?
(1 edit) (+1)

So now doing the true ending and the name mismatches appear also here. Beware that Lufiillia is only mostly correct.

No space here.

From which skill does Aftershock come from?

It is "it" if it refers to the research.

Also mean not tell what Nana's wish is.

Thanks, will fix those as well.
And look for misplaces of the name.

Also there is a small bonus scene in the true ending hinting at what the wish was : )
But it requieres to have at least 700 Reputation.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've got 690... New game+ necessary I suppose.

Since you missed some stuff, I'll repeat that here:

What skill is Aftershock coming from?

Did Nana keep her shapeshifting powers? Or remained she stuck as Ascended Kitsune/whatever form she had?

How did Nana get back to the lost continent?

7th Tail does not affect Rabbit's nor Xia's normal skills.

I noticed an inconsistency. You can have Serina state that 6 world fragments are all you can get, despite her claiming with just 5 world fragments that she does only know of 5 world fragments. And if you go for the good ending with 6 world fragments, she doesn't complain about Nana not using all 6. Also no one ever wonders, why there are 6 receptacles.

Also, do the scientists always hide there in all endings?

Moving into orphanages is a strange thing to do. Those are for children and the staff only, right?

Is it deliberate not allow Nana to return as fallen/ascended kitsune?

Developer (1 edit)

I didn't missed them, sorry,  I just hadn't enough time to response to all of them in greater detail, so will do that now.

-"Pretty sure the effect is 2500 SP."

Looked it up, it only grants 2000 SP. But you may have some equipment on that increases SP gain which would affect the potions as well.

-"I noticed an inconsistency. You can have Serina state that 6 world fragments are all you can get, despite her claiming with just 5 world fragments that she does only know of 5 world fragments. And if you go for the good ending with 6 world fragments, she doesn't complain about Nana not using all 6. Also no one ever wonders, why there are 6 receptacles."

Will fix that, thanks for noticing!

-"Didn't know that this is her name. Or this. Check all her textboxes."

That bug should already have gotten fixed with version 1.0.1

-"How did Nana get back to the lost continent?"

After it was returned the continent could be easily accessed by boat and planes for example.

"Did Nana keep her shapeshifting powers? Or remained she stuck as Ascended Kitsune/whatever form she had?"

Depends on the ending, she only loses those powers in the neutral ending.

-"From which skill does Aftershock come from?"

Depending on party members and difficulty, you get various extra buffs for that fight.

-"I've got 690... New game+ necessary I suppose."

Nope, you can get somewhere between 725 to 750 without ng+ currently. But it is hard to do since some repuation is tied to secret interaction or events. I do plan to add some more obtainable repuation in follwing updates.

-"Moving into orphanages is a strange thing to do. Those are for children and the staff only, right?"

Moving to the orphanage as new staff of course. Which ending did that belong to, will adjust the text to make it more clear.

-"Is it deliberate not allow Nana to return as fallen/ascended kitsune?"

For bad endings? No, I just was running out of time, so I cut them. Will be added later once I come up with them.

-"7th Tail does not affect Rabbit's nor Xia's normal skills."

Good to know, will look it up later and fix it

(1 edit) (+1)

I managed to get a superfluous ancient stone tablet. Also no way yet for all the other relics to have them studied by the researcher?

As ascended kitsune, I get a 25% boost in battles, which just increases max hp, but not actual hp, which is a bit inconvenient. It also seems, that in dungeon boss battles the boost does not appear.


Nope only one is needed.
But that could be a nice following quest to get extra reputation.

That is good to know, thanks. Will take a look at it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Crashed during the infinite dungeon. Ran into this twice, which killed my mood for playing. :(

Developer (1 edit)

Sorry to hear. Will look into it.

-In which forms did you play then it happened?

-Also which party member were in active party?
-Any other informations you can provide?


I've used Ascended Kitsune. Xia and Luca are the active party members, but I have all of them being part of the party. The error occurred shortly after the first boss.


That's good to know. I already started looking into it and also played a bit after the first boss with kitsune forms but the game did not crashed for me once till now.

The error seems to be able to not load an actor (Partymembers) image. But i have no idea why it would happen only there. After all, all the party members have images. Did you use the transformation skill in battles there? That is the only skill that can change Nana's battle image.

I will try again while copying your party layout.

Sorry for the incomvinience!


No, I'm not using the transformation skill. I have little need if all I have to do is to attack to kill everything, including bosses. Also, I did managed once before the crashes to defeat 3 bosses, so not sure what changed. Here is btw the relevant file:


Yeah that is the problem, it seems like a kinda random crash.

But it only happened in the infinite dungeon, right? So it must be related somehow.

Thanks will take a look at as well!


So far only in the infinite dungeon, but didn't try the others.

Developer (2 edits)

I tried for a long time but found nothing. I walked 30 floors with your safe, without crashing, can't replicate it. I check the art files and also the enemy encounter in which the crash happend.

My guess is that it could be a bug that only happens with older safe files that are carried over from version to version. But I can't replicate it, so no idea, just a loose theory.

I also fixed a another bug with kitsune forms yesterday, so maybe that randomly fixed it, and cause of that i can't replicate it? But I highly doubt that.

So until more information about this crash comes to light I need to assume it is a hiccup from using older safe files. If that would be the case a it wouldn't happen in  new game or ng+.


hou can I find ryu tf


Sorry, only saw it now, for some reason the post needed to be manual approved.

You can find it in the endless desert. But you need to have found all broken key fragments and unlocked angel form.


I've combed through the endless desert in angel form and the dragon key unlocked, but I still couldn't find the ryu TF :-/


Ryu tf is a bit more difficult to get.

If you managed to unlock the dragon sanctuary you are almost there.

You need one more item, a golden artefact. That can be found around the abandound lab but requieres a certain tf to reach the spot.

Hooe this helps, if not, feel free ro ask more!

Deleted 43 days ago
Developer (1 edit)

Sorry, only saw it now, for some reason the post needed to be manual approved.

Unfortunatly I can't read japanese/chinese.

Can you write in english?


i don't know if it was corrected in 1.0.4 but in the mermaid city if you got where the mermaid with the sea shell quest the will be a duplicated of the rare sea shell for the second quest. where the sea shell is in the dive section in the farm. (if you got the sea shell the duplicate diseapear so they are link)

In the glich that are still in 1.0.4 if you use jaguar to got on top of the forest of begining but use it on the right side you will jumo in the wall and will be stuck unless you have a jump feather.

In the south westhern plain one of the cave area have no collision on the top

one of the vine in the western plain is not place correctly so if feel off to see

in the snow city one of the door to the see the tp place is not set correctly to spawn to the left of the door.

Also i don't know if it a glich but i don't know if the secret room where you use the mystery key is suppose to be only accesible in new game plus because when i got there with my game that was in normal without new game plus the lever to enter the room was not there. 


This is actually a secret. This shell only appears if you have a fortune of 80 or higher. So for most people it's not there.

And for the other bugs, fixed all of them now.

It's accecible in normal game as well, I only have hidden the red switch in version 1.0. Before it was in the demo end area. Now this switch is hidden somewhere in the world, making that secret even more impossible to find.