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Just about wrapping these up. Honestly this has been some of the best feedback I've ever received, and frankly the first time I've been a little embarrassed of the work, but in a good way. Are you on our discord?

I'm someone who plays Bethesda games, the amount of bugs your game had from this update can't compete with that, so don't beat yourself up too much. Besides, you're pretty quick with the hotfixes. As for Discord, I don't often join Discord communities, but I'd be willing to join if you'd like me to. I'm not adverse to joining Discord servers to be clear, just not many I've had an interest in. Though at this point I am interested where you'll take this game.

Shoot me a message on discord if you would, first, I've added a cheat code specifically for people who help out with bugs, but don't want to expose it public, I'd throw out my email but I don't love the idea of doxxing myself.

Also, I'd love to try to convince you to do this, like, consistently.

Can't promise I'll be doing this consistently, but it was fun playing the game and figuring out how to retrigger bugs I came across. All that was just from exploring the world and playing the game basically. I haven't even finished exploring the world yet, there's still stuff I saw in the distance I hadn't poked at.

Actually while I remember this, there's actually a bug I completely forgot to write down. I'm pretty sure I know why it's happening, but the boss fight in the mech has an issue. In my own stupidity of backing myself into a corner. I touched the walls of the arena and got teleported outside without the mech. I'm guessing this is meant to keep players from just taking the mech and leaving along with a boss being spawned.

I think the trigger is a bit too close to the inside of the arena, if this is the case. If not, then idk why that was so consistent and kept despawning the boss. On the note of the mech, it also stays wherever you got kicked out of it. I know vehicles don't really have a way of "finding their way home", but after the second backing into a wall I could not find the mech. Mostly because I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings... Hence backing into a wall.

With that random surprise bug report in the middle of my reply out of the way, sure I'd be glad to help out. I'm assuming it'll be easier to sneak the code to me through Discord once I join the server. I'll do that when I wake up, cause it's currently 3am for me. I have a terrible sleep schedule. I probably was going to say more, but I distracted myself with another bug report lol. I'll try to poke around whenever there's a new update or hotfix cause I do enjoy messing around in the game at the very least. But again, no promises it'll be consistent. Though I can promise that when I do get to it, I'll be spending plenty of time testing things.

Anyway, I should sleep now. Can you tell I like writing?