If you want a hint to start the quest: In the Snowy Village there is an npc that is really unlucky.
Yeah wolves ability is rather different. Once you have wolf form Rare Enemy encounters can spawn at night. Those enemies often are the best to get either exp or materials. If your fortunte is high enough those rare encounters even sparkle golden on the overworld making them easy to spot. But without that they look like every over enemy on teh overworld or else it wouldn't be a "rare" encounter.
That actually is a pretty cool interpretation. Maybe i will add something like that as well! The actual answer may be more boring. It refers to Alice appearing in the witch shop when you posses 100 coins and gives you the feather.
It is related to the other hidden secret tf, you need to visit that place with the right form and the unique tf item "Golden Jade". You probaly refering to the Golden Jade. Looking near the abandoned lab might be a good start.
I looked it up again to be sure and yeah that was my mistake. I did programm the seed in to get found there but I never placed a flower bud. That's the reason i saw it in the editor there but you couldn't find it. Sorry, will fix that.
One you probaly are missing is from the card collection quest. 15 cards will get you one. As for the other location I will need o look them up myself.
-Angel Tower
-Eastern Plains
-On the farm inside a building
-Distorted Dungeon in the northern plains