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A member registered Aug 01, 2017

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For Ryu field skill, maybe you could add teleport points on the map? Basically in-map fast travel? Or you can have vertical exploration,  like here at 11:25

, compared to a mouses horizontal layers. Don't know if the engine supports this.
(10 edits)

Looking forward to the upgrade.

Weapon descriptions seem to miss often the last period, so I won't go and list those I found.

I think Xia is slightly OP. Not only her skills 1-hit kill the mobs, but she is also fast enough to be first in general. Maybe rabbit could deal with it? But effectively, I either hold her back or I don't need anyone else in the party, as they don't get a shot at all. Even support skills are outclassed.

Also, even at level 31, I don't see Jaguar skill that could have helped against the big boss.

In regards of the blessings from the Ancient Stone Tablet, their usefulness increases for me from left to right. The one which is basically a slight light resistance increase is basically useless.

Also, which permit level do I need to reach that the squirrel allows me access to the last mysteria coin? Currently I have 25 at least? Would be also nice, if the level would be stated without increasing it.

Ryu inherited skills have no costs associated.

The dojo texts for TF form upgrading haven't been updated to the new system yet.

I don't see how this SP stuff for Ryu is going to work in practice. You get 3 in the beginning, lose 1 per round automatically and only get more with ultimates. Yet at least one skill depends on the stack size you can't control?

When entering the casino, the coin display doesn't update to the number of coins you have. This is only the first time after loading the game, as otherwise the value is preserved.

(1 edit)

There is one weapon, once you found that and read the name and description you l know what to do. You probaly just haven't found that weapon, it is in a more hidden area in the snow region.

I had it already, but I didn't look at the description. That you need to equip it is not that obvious - normally things just work if you have the prereq items. But the hidden item is just a joke?

You need to be in a specific form and then interact with the blue orb.

Now I see why that form triggers a bad end when you have dragon already. Also dragon and lamia should have some reaction from the orb when touching again.

BTW, don't forget to check my save file in regards of the Frozen Tundra MFs. I did find one at the Hidden Fields at least.

(2 edits)

As my picture shows, I had Fii as enemy in the endless dungeon, and this healed Nana in Phoenix form.

In case you haven't noticed that it happens there as well, but the portrait of Nana when loading a file still shows the last form she took, even if the save applies to a different form (like when having a bad end). This doesn't persist if you actually shut down the game. Not sure if your fix applies here, too.

I believe that transforming around with "TF items automatically assigned" and having Fuwa Family Plush as reserve seems to interact a bit strangely. Most likely the extra hp from the item get lost, but not the max hp. Shouldn't such items allow for actual hp when being equipped?

The cat lady doesn't react to the sabertooth "kitty".

Thanks, I should have reread that sign before entering.

(3 edits)
I think the chimera boss skills have that, yes that would be intentional but for all others I don't think so. Where did you saw them?

Maybe it was just there. I didn't keep log for that and the ??? reminded me of this.

Edit: Did find an instance:

I noticed that enemy heals (Fii) can affect Phoenix Nana still.

Also, how do you leave the endless dungeon?

You should have gotten a Mysterious Note that can also be looked at under key items.

I have. But no clue what to do. Trying to open the door just says "It's locked." and I don't see any way to attack or otherwise to change the interaction.

It need to be brought back to the dragon sanctuary.

Been there and I don't see any change. Interacting with blue orb gives me the bad end or no reaction, depending on the form being used. Can't find anything else.

He is in the heavenly plains after the angel story. But you need to have at least 5 different cards or else  he will not give you the quest.

I'm stuck at 0 cards, because I don't know how to even start collecting this stuff.

If I remember correctly the dragon mentioned this the first time you met her.

Possibly, but there is no way to talk to her again, so details are hazy. I'll go there, I didn't try the last level yet.

4 are findable, only the last one is not in the game currently
 -Southern Plains, Lost Forest (Alraune Story), Corrupted Lake (Northern Plains), Abandound Lab

Corrupted Lake doesn't sound familiar to me. Is it supposed to be, where the 5 cursed coins quest ends? I see the tile for diving, but it doesn't react to me.

I can't help but notice that a lot of the questions would be easier to answer and to check, if the quests also log, where you found stuff.

(2 edits)
If you want a hint to start the quest: In the Snowy Village there is an npc that is really unlucky.

I helped out a fishing NPC, but nothing came out of it. Nor could I find another NPC.

Yeah wolves ability is rather different. Once you have wolf form Rare Enemy encounters can spawn at night. Those enemies often are the best to get either exp or materials. If your fortunte is high enough those rare encounters even sparkle golden on the overworld making them easy to spot. But without that they look like every over enemy on teh overworld or else it wouldn't be a  "rare" encounter.

It is then quite badly conveyed that you need to actually fight to trigger the rare encounters which do not sparkle.

It is related to the other hidden secret tf, you need to visit that place with the right form and the unique tf item "Golden Jade". You probaly refering to the Golden Jade. Looking near the abandoned lab might be a good start.

I did manage to find the item (though a "fragile" rock costing 200 TP isn't fragile. Maybe reframe it as "tough, but not tough enough". But I couldn't find anything looking around the desert and the salamander places. What is the next step?

One you probaly are missing is from the card collection quest. 15 cards will get you one. As for the other location I will need o look them up myself.
-Angel Tower
-Eastern Plains
-On the farm inside a building
-Distorted Dungeon in the northern plains

How do I start the card collection? The Angel NPC who wanted to explain it to me never appeared after the mission. Also are any of these chests accessible? The blue one in Distorted Dungeon could contain the ancient tablet.

The farm had still this chest:

And that chest:

Angel Tower has this chest:

Eastern Plains = Frozen Tundra?

Also, are the last two pieces from the shattered world fragment available?

(1 edit)

When you get into that secret area and leave, the red arrow is not initially shown:

I also found in the endless desert something (a tablet, not sure?) in a flower bud, but I can't find it in the inventory. I checked all categories.

BTW, a number of skills have ??? at the start. Did you mean to leave that there?

That's more because they both perfectly know how to use their powers while Nana is struggling and learning to adapt, resulting often ina  more "imperfect form" of her shapeshifting.

I feel that this should be remarked upon then by other characters.

Yup that "Can't Heal" Debuff is special, in the first beta it could be removed with that strategy but it was changed for balacing reasons.

So you have an item that can't do what it claims to do? This is simply inconsistent. I think then it would be better to make Xia as unhealable as Nana, unless this is a reflection of her inexperience?

Want me to list them? Could do that: -On top of the frozen dungeon (Two Flames) -On the frozen lake -Near the Hidden Fields -On a small isling that needed to be glided over -Near the demon behind a bush, barely visble -On the fields -Behind the broken ruins

So I have 5 already, let's see in order of listing.

  • Check and Check
  • Check
  • Is that another name for the Snow field region? Likely check. I did find a place where I think a MF would be hidden.
  • The one close to the blue chest. Check.
  • Check? Wait, this would be Check number 6. Can't be right. Hidden Fields is likely wrong then.
  • The four fields close to the cabin? Can't find anything there.
  • Broken ruins with the Angel Gate? IIRC, I asked you already about that one. Definitely check.

Is then counter broken or am I just too dumb to find them. I think, I'll send you my save, then you can check that yourself and post pictures where the missing ones are, if they are there.

Well, there is ng+ and the fact that it is a secret tf, most people won't even know about it in their first playthrough to begin with. And there are always people that are insanely competent about reaching stuff early or winning impossible fights. I absolutely don't hurt to give those people the possibility if they want to try it. And no extra tf's (and also secret tf's) are never needed to access any tf's or progress trough the game. It obviously is still hard to do but you don't even need extra heat resistance if you have high max hp you could tank through, in the end it comes down to skill, knowledge and preparation.

Ok, ng+ I accept that it reduces the amount of the work to get the prereqs done to get the required item (though I haven't checked what you can do buy exactly to help with this). But no amount of competence can help with needing to finish a lot of work (though it improves the chances certainly to succeed) in a normal game at least, outside the heat issue.

That may be true but not everyone will buy the dojo upgrade. There aren't nearly enough flames to get every upgrade in only one playthrough without ng+ or cheating. But I do agree with you that it is rendering taht skill more useless.

So no boost to the skill in case you have the upgrade? If no, then you could add the fire immunity to the upgrade. If triggered, Fire Immunity for X rounds. That makes the dojo upgrade into a permanent version of the skill with no downside, but you pay for it after all.

(1 edit)

So things I still couldn't find:

The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest.

How do I get that secret Frozen Tundra quest?

Supposedly, in Wolf form you can find stuff at night. Couldn't find anything without a ceiling, didn't check dungeons.

Also a mysterious creature appeared somewhere. I can't find it. My leading theory is that people noticed Nana transforming and the rumor is about her.

How do I access the other events for the secret dragon place?

I can't find the special orb for my missing TF.

I can't find the blueberry seeds in the sewers. One would think a green bulb would be obvious.

I also still need two Ancient Stone Tablets.

(1 edit)
Shira and Serina are already redrawn, I think they look perfect. As for Nana, some older forms maybe but only after 1.0.

My issue is that Nana looks more foxish with her face even in kitsune form, while Shira and Serina look basically human with just animal ears and tail. Yet Serina believes her to be kitsune. Not to mention Nana says that all which changed was her fur color when she is clearly even more fox-like as fox in the later images.

BTW, in Kitsune form, the menu shows still the human Nana.

Looked up the plant shield and it does protect from the debuff but that isn't related to phoenix form inability to heal since that is not a debuff.

Equipped Xia with the Plant Shield to protect her from Fantastic Rebirth debuff, but Rise and Shine still didn't work on her.

Looked it up and found all 8 mystical flames outside but I only found 4 out of the 5 mysteria coins so that counter may be up 1 too high.

So I found one hiding behind a fence. Some rim areas seem entirely inaccessible. Otherwise I can still not find the rest.

I ran into a scent trail, which I can't find the next one. Looked at the south.

Yes that is intentional, it is meant as a end game tf but I let the possibility open to get it early but that comes with way moe risk and preparation.

I frankly don't see how you can access that TF early. First off you need 100 coins, which you don't find lying around in a single pile. You also need to defeat the Alraune, which also requires acquiring the Wolf form first. Which is quite a hard battle to be won. Then you need heat protection. At least I didn't find enough stuff without acquiring the Lamia transformation. Can't remember if there were other prereqs than the four key pieces, which are spread over the whole world. Possibly you need the Butterfly TF to access that. That on top me having the Salamander TF with all the heat resistance being bought for that form. So at best a middle game access, if you concentrate on just getting there.

The end of the trail is in the top left, near the secret woods entrance.

Then this should not point straight north, but north-west. Or have another trail in-between. Which I possibly missed the entire time.

Yes because it is needed for two other events.

I thought Lamia and Dragon would work. No reaction at all. But Salamander gives you the bad ending now.

-Sometimes the engine breaks down and misplaces the drawing of one of the double buffers: Sorry I can't tell from the screenshot what was going wrong. It dosen't crash the game at least?

It still draws one buffer at the right place, the other at wrong place, So it basically leads to a constant flickering and kind of overlaying the pictures.

The luck is also affected by which of the slot machine you use, each one has other odds. And your fortune also affects the outcome. There is a npc in a quest who gives a hint on which machines have the best odds. And I think they all need to be next to each other in the row and not just in the same row. And yes the crash is known, I think there is also a sign that warns about it, it still getting looked at.

I remember talking to the NPC, and I got told that the middle machine of three together is the worst one. So I thought I can take any machine that is on the side. But even I'd remember the NPC, I can't repeat the talk. No clue what then the best machine is.

Ignition Feathers seems kinda weak compared to the other skills. Also killed myself with the Self Destruction, but despite having the dojo improvement Rise from the Ashes, I only revived with 50% hp instead 100% (maybe because my fight ended there?). Hmm, on a second round, the restored hp might be 40% hp. Also the Max HP down is gone. Everlasting Phoenix's Tail seems kinda pointless with the dojo buy.

I wonder how the first Phoenix came to be. Apparently, as Xia is a real phoenix, Nana's TF isn't fake, or just half-phoenix. So Xia likely transformed herself in the past as well. It kinda indicates that Phoenixes don't reproduce normally or they would be rare. So there doesn't seem to be an actual bird around from which the feathers came from.

BTW, having just wings and not hands is inconvenient, but can't the Owls and Phoenixes use their feet?

I circumvented that puzzle somehow.

(5 edits)
Also, in the dialog there, you spell "exit" as "exist".
Could not find it. Do you remeber in which part that sentence was?

IIRC, I was talking to Xia during the escape from the lab. Likely at the end when we were back in the volcano.

Which reminds me, why was Xia not affected by the heat? And why doesn't she have ear feathers like Nana?

Do you plan to redraw Shira and Serafina and Nana's Fox and Kitsune forms to be more consistent?

-Noticed the 5 round wait for resurrections.
Making it any shorter would make the player pretty much invicible.

Maybe it is my playthrough, but I gain hp through the hp regen still, so losing hp and going to die isn't happening as well. I also found the plant shield, which states that it prevents "can't heal" debuffs. Unfortunately it doesn't, but I think it should allow for normal healing. At least 50% of normal with that buff.

In any case, getting the phoenix TF is late end game. I could see a case being made if you could access this as early as bunny tf, but at this point the balance is certainly pushed towards survival, even if you are missing some pieces of your usual arsenal.

From the other post:

Actually version 0.8 added a item named the Hero's Charm, whoever equips it can analyse enemies. It is in a new cave in the forest of beginnings.

Tried it, like that it doesn't eat up a turn. But I actually referred to buffs and debuffs during the combat, like you can check for your team.

Chest got alrady reported, willl be fixed in next version!

I posted two pics there with the same problem. Did you address both?

The locked place you found is part of a hidden secret quest, none of the collectibles are in there.

Then I don't know where else I can find the missing stuff. I've been running around in the overworld (any area that is not covered with a ceiling) at night as wolf to find that mysterious creature which supposedly appeared as well the unique enemies. Basically only dungeons are still left untouched. and I still have not found anything of relevance.

And thanks for all the reports^^

You're welcome!

In the forest home, is there some code preventing to rest repeatedly to grow your garden?

Wolf's Full Moon Swift Swipe may have used 200 ultimate gauge? I only used one ultimate and went from over 200 to under 100.

Also Xia's Past Times interferes with her taking damage. In fact, the whole concept is counterintuitive. The higher level she is, the less opportunity she has to take damage, which includes skills that make it even less likely in general - both herself and from other party members. If she is meant to be the tank, then being attacked should be enough for blazing. Remake possibly Past Times into a tank skill - guaranteed attack from enemies. Or add such a skill regardless. It definitely would not make me investing into her evasion skill counterproductive anymore.

I got already dozen of those:

I still can't tell where the trail leads here. I can't find the third one no matter I look:

Apparently, you can still redo your "dragon" TF:

Jumping back from Angel Gates leads to the mix of day and night:

Other scene transitions restore it. Going to Heavenly Plains screws with code heavily. I ended even up with no mask at the tnry place when returning from exploring the rest of the islands.

Here another "Nana is Jesus".

No Bee attack skills use honey stack?

Sometimes the engine breaks down and misplaces the drawing of one of the double buffers:


It self-stabilizes when saving the game and taking a screenshot apparently.

Where is the last fairy seed? Can't plant other three due to bug/implementation status:

Ok, I did find the the last one in the casino. For what amounts 2.500.000 coins. A sum I've never managed to accumulate so far. And for the fairy seed it is 4.000.000 coins. It looks less, but tokens cost 100 coins each, which is a lot already. If you truly want to have it accessible the "ignore slot machine" way, you need to drop the price by at least 10 somehow. And compare the stuff you can already buy, if the price is around that range. No one buys Ultramine Orb Elixir for 4.000.000 coins, if the vendor does for 82.000 coins.

The casino guy shouldn't bother Nana again with the while spiel, once you pay for the VIP pass. And automatically recognize Nana so it is no longer needed to swipe the card.

I'm doing the casino slots in cat form and while I see regularly 5x black fuwas, I basically saw even a triple of the other colors which pay more. Just twice where I got 500 or 1000 tokens. Do only 3-5 in a row count even and not merely 2 black - 1 other - 2 black for 4 times? Or must this count from beginning? I had 3 blacks in the places and didn't win anything. The RNG seems not smile on me here. It is unfortunate that the game detects, if it out of focus, so I can't just keep in the background running and that way gain the tokens. The game also crashed once.

Running this longer, this isn't actually guaranteed to rise somewhat quickly, hovering around 3000 tokens for quite a while. Cat form is here underrated.

 I also can't tell, if I have already all accessories for each form. Could you make quests for that?

I think I saw some non-fighting ones during Lamia story as well.

(14 edits)

-Please add some fly arrows here
Why? is there something on teh other side, would need to look it up, don't know right out of my head right now.

Convenience. The left side is the way to the lamia ruins. If you walk down the right side, you have to back up the entire way and to navigate a small maze.

-Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated.
Must be a bug, will look into it. Cooldown still longer after the fight as it should be?

The issue is that in the fight the CD was NOT reduced.

-How do I find the Casino Quest?
You mean the quest giver? She is in a house in the northern part of town.

The fuwa dolls? I thought there would be more to it.

-I noticed this:
That is the spot for fox demon not dog.

Where is then the dog demon? Oh, found it, I had it incorrectly marked in notes and misremembered where the location points to.

This looks like a debuff icon, not buff icon:

How does Xia gain Blazing?

Further dialog: "turn abck" instead of "turn back".

"I never ask" instead of "I never asked".

Can't get to these chests.

When challenging demons, the default selection should be "No" to avoid accidentally suiciding yourselves.

The Dragon War WU of 5 makes this basically useless in normal fights. Only draggy boss fights would be able to access this skill. Then it is a matter of playstyle if the sacrifice of defense is worth the increase of offense.

Also in regards to Power stacks, I noticed now Third Tail grants 5 of them, which is nice, but requires then at least 2 rounds of fighting to have an effect. The dragon demon fight did drag, in particular, as it healed up itself from sure defeat to full again. I also died the first round because of likely the Dragon War effect, being alone in the party, which can't be deactivated afterwards. I got 23 stacks of power in that fight, which matches my expectations.

Defeated the Dragon demon, but got Phoenix trait?

No, I fought in Dragon form the Phoenix demon, as apparently both are in the same place. Had two fights consecutively with no breaks. But started with 23 power stacks and ended with 33. That's without artificially dragging out anything.

Xia says she wants to help, but doesn't join the party? Ah, I see, she doesn't automatically join, unlike the other party members.

No way to examine the status of enemies in combat?

Can this riddle be actually solved? I tried all for combinations and the closest I got was the green tile in the upper left.

In regards to above dialog, I would prefer to be able to override the denial. I had to remove every team member and readd after getting Phoenix TF. Also, Xia should comment on this.

I'm quite disturbed that I missed so much here.

Alternative scan result:

Running around I did find the fairy seed and this:

I suspect my stuff is inside there, but where is the key?

Nightvision goggles are indeed in the volcano.
(21 edits)
Oh i see, I am truely bad with names xD Then maybe whip is a bad idea.

I suggest for Melia either Attack, Hit, Slap and leave the forms alone. Edit: Snake enemy has also Tail Slap. BTW, you could create an excel file with skill names for easier discovery of duplicates.

The endless dungeon has no party switch crystal. I would also prefer some Fast Travel gates for the dungeon and the end game content. It would be also nice to see a floor number in the endless dungeons.

Why does Medusa's Gaze actually end the turn? Other debuffs don't do that.

Elven Recovery Circle shouldn't be outpaced by other attack skills.

Who does she refer to?

Please add some fly arrows here:

Also meant to be unsolvable unless field skill? Is the field skill in already?

Not sure where I found the Ancient Desert Robe (Ifrit's Fire Cape has only 100 Heat resistance less, as alternative), but it pushed the damage down from 366 to 1 (and with the Fuwa Family Plush I've got a nice HP boost as well):

Now the volcano is nothing to me! Ok, turning back into a human resp. into a phoenix did kill me before I could save. :( In fact, on the second try, I still died despite turning back into Salamander and restoring my equipment. It seems that there is no update of the damage being done in that case. Even at my third try with using varia field did not help.

In regards to the Phoenix form: What use are the Phoenix Feathers in battle?

Noticed the 5 round wait for resurrections. That's just too long. Either you had bad luck, which means that the rest of the party can still win without you, or you have to revive ASAP to win. Also, if you can't heal (or what does "can't recover life" else mean?), you basically force the player into this state. Which seems then ardous to get around. But because I die after the phoenixification, I can't test this myself.

Also finally beat Shira. Exchanged my gear to defense/improved healing, switched to lamia to suppress Shira's attacks, otherwise I've guarded. I did notice that Transformation still had a large CD of 12? Pretty sure I bought one CD reduction at the dojo and my skill level was 8, which leaves me with a CD of 12 normally, so I feel cheated. Also, after the quest, my companions are not restored to my party.

How do I find the Casino Quest? Where can I repair the smartphone? In the research lab? Still don't know, where the last two fairy vine seeds are. I think one is in the casino, but no clue where to find the other. Found one in the fairy forest, though.

I noticed this:

But I killed that demon. Quest was not properly updated then:

Also, I can't find the Bee demon enemy. I've screenshotted my various quests, which demons am I missing?

From the looks at the hint shop, I'm missing a normal TF in the volcano, the Phoenix TF in the volcano and the secret TF #2.

Ok, played a bit, found out that the other TF is the Dragon TF. I suppose you never tested getting Phoenix TF without Dragon TF.

Also, in the dialog there, you spell "exit" as "exist".

The power scale sounds interesting, but if you are slow to gain power (1 per round, plus skill boosts), it will not activate outside some sloggy boss fights. At the current level, I've eliminated also a boss with my group in round 1. So getting 5 power with a group is unlikely, not to mention 10 or more. In fact, just alone with Xia and level 10 I killed a group of robots with getting 4 power in a single round.

In that regard, I still have never seen cat  Fortune level 2 myself, because you either drink potions or don't rebuilt the Ultimate Gauge.

"Or maybe instead seeing dark, you can see everything in monochrome and brighter instead automatically." I guess it would be possible but how useful it is would be anotehr question. I think it could get annoying rather quiekly to see not in colors.

That would only affect the area which is normally darkened. So basically the area marked with 1 works as it does right now, the area marked with 2 would be monochrome bright. And for those not liking the monochrome, they can use "Enhanced Vision" field skill.

Maybe "Tail Whip" instead?

Salamander has already Tail Whip. Strike, Attack, Whip, Hit... Though Whip fits a pure AoE best.

(3 edits)
It does restrict your own movements but makes the selected target completely unable to act. So this skill can work alone but also has a wider range of usefulness in parties.

I find being blocked out of everything except Normal Attack (which is underwhelming) and Ultimates far too limiting to be of use in a single party. The other mobs can still act freely. Even in a party, this might be only worth against a boss. The primary issue is, that killing enemies is the best approach to end battles and losing Nana is more punishing than benefiting the party. Maybe still allow normal skills? Or limit target only to the one you are constricting instead?

BTW, would Restriction help against Shira's test? That would make the fight quite easy there.

Yes there are two transformation currently for which i have found no good/useful ability to give, lamia is one of them. Any ideas are welcome!

Some kind of tremorsense? Like showing up the way to secrets? Might be tough to implement. Or maybe instead seeing dark, you can see everything in monochrome and brighter instead automatically.

I just noticed, Lamia has "Tail Strike", too. "Tail Attack" for Melia?

Lamia's Plaything seems underpowered.

Lamias inherited skills had no costs associated.

As an observation, I barely play as human, but when I do, I basically now only buy support skills (or leeching attacks) from the inherited forms, since I have lots of attack skills anyway and I can't use those I have before the fight ends. Maybe longer boss fights, but most are forced into a certain form, so the point is moot.

(5 edits)

All the hype and I just get this:

What is the purpose of Restriction as Lamia? It seems I just incapacitate myself. Is this a party support thing?

Inside the ruins, the exit seems to have been opened already when I still had two enemies left.

Deliberate here?

How do you get the upgrade? Or did I already?

Also still can't find that NPC. In which area is the blacksmith?

Can't remember if I reported that Mouse TF restore failure.

In the supermarket in town, where you also buy the glow stones and jump feathers.

The seller description and item description differ. Is it 100 or 200 points?

True, if you have a suggestion for a better name I would gladly take it!

Tail Strike for Melia? Whip calls for area attack.

Tried again this salamander ruin thing, can't figure out the following puzzles:

No clue what the crystals are for, did I deactivate the trap already?

(1 edit)
I am refering to this buyable item taht got added in 0.7:

Where can I buy it?

That place is reachable through the four broken key quest.

Found the last fragment. Can the key be repaired in town? Couldn't find an NPC doing so.

Oh yes, that is a secret thing that can happen if your fortune is the worst one possible xD

The dozens credits I lost because of this! You know the RNG is biased really towards bad luck, not neutral as I'd expect.

Can I still earn credits in the infinite dungeon?

Melia and Salamander have each a skill called Tail Whip, though different effects.

t will get easier in next update with rings getting added resistances as well. You also used varia field for extra dmg reduction when inside?

What's the varia field stuff?

"Also, when you enter the area Frozen Tundra, no such message appears." What do you mean by that? A cold dmg message?

Like this:

How did you do that o.o Certainly not intended, will see how to fix that

Are you referring to the two Spider Web stuff? I have no idea, actually. I was just playing normally and noticed the duplicate icon suddenly.

No idea, how to get there:

BTW, I found the cheat to finish the salamander egg quest quickly. Had I only known earlier.

Is it normal that the credit cards crumble?

How do I get to these two chests?

(12 edits)

I think this is now staying?

Trying for the volcano, but despite me buying Salamander heat resistance and equipping clothing I get it down only to 461 damage:

Any suggestions how to improve that?

Also, for some reason the cat demon reappeared in town and I defeated it. Quest is now properly updated.

I believe Winter Forest was a place holder?

Also, when you enter the area Frozen Tundra, no such message appears.
Just got mobbed by Alice, which means that I got a TF sequence in the making? But can't see where this triggers. Even this still doesn't make sense to me now:

Actually, I found the book describing the ritual for the altar. So I'm still required not to burn to ash before reaching the place.

Spelling stuff:

"They were looking"

Not properly wrapped text. It would be also nice to have a quest which tells which fragment is missing.

Here another mouse TF non-restore:

Remi doesn't take money. Considering my track record, I would bet that it is impossible without running out of money and reload anyway, making the money angle pointless.

Planting Fairy Lemon Seed doesn't work, only the seed vanish:

Is this correct for Spider Web?

Arachne's Poison Spit seems to do too little damage. At least against bee hive enemies.
(1 edit)

No Form restoration here:


How do I get to the right part?

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Only found the Acorn Shooter in the Abandoned Park. For the Dragon Story I expect to need the fourth broken key part, I have yet to to find.

Is this meant to be solvable?

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"Lonely Tear of Eternity"?

Haven't seen the hats' stuff yet. Where are they placed? With Mother Earth Roots + Cute Ribbon I basically never hit with low accuracy stuff (lowest accuracy attacks), Mother Earth Roots + Worn Out Dog Collar yielded some improvement for the floor, Painful Parade got some hits in.

There is also no way to look up the current accuracy in the statistics part.

Two western town gates:

Oldest spelling mistake in game:

You mean inside the village? Or just in the southern part? If it is the first that certainly is a bug.

The southern part. It looks like part of the village.

Just going behind the tree is the intended way, did that not work?

If you actually manage to hit the path, yes.

They are not farmable, currently at least but there are enough to reach every spot that requires one. there are at least five in obtainable in version 0.8. And two more being added in 0.9.

I'll have a look around I suppose. Worst case I'll ask.

I don't think i can agree with that, there are a lot of equiupments that strongly can boost accuracy. Also Sabertooth has one of the highest dmg multipliers out of any normal form. And being physical also makes the skills usable against the biggest variety of enemy types. From what i heard so far some people even thought that form was too strong.

I'll check with reequipment. Hmm, I don't see an indicator at the equip screen for accuracy.

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Must have missed the demon in the burrow, will check there again.

Bought the hidden gliding spot improvement number 1 for these. Though now I used it, I think needing to be next to the spot to discover it makes sense for another improvement, but 50 MF  for always seeing is comparable far too expensive. 5 MF is enough.

What am I missing in this supposed puzzle room:

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Where do I find the bunny demon? I've made a list of places and what form is needed, but bunny eluded me so far.

Can't see how to get there:

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Having 300 TP showed me in the snow forest, that even with TP reductions you can really need that big of a reserve.

There is a hidden gliding point for owl near the south fenced entrance on top. If you not having the glide upgrade for how it will only show up when you are near it but it still is there.

Checked from both sides, couldn't find anything.

Also any reason, why monsters still roam the village after repairing the barrier? Might depend on where you arrive or leave, since I've seen both states.

This could connect to the fishing one:

Maybe "Once we have taken it, ...".

Just vanishes after touching:

Owl Tornado seems to do single enemy damage only, instead to all.

"Do you want to pay TP once or regularly? We're here 24 hours!"

"Hooray for no puzzles!" -> Puzzles appear. No clue how to get these chests:

Bee support could be more mixed up in its effects. Seems to have an upper cap after all.

Zerra: "I've killed one of yours with a single attack!"
Nana: "I've got a guy who can can do rezzes!"
*Guy 2 rezzes Guy 1*
Zerra: "I've killed now the one with the rezzes!"
Nana: "But the first one can rezzes, too!"
*Guy 1 rezzes Guy 2*
*Zerra desperately kills Guy 1 and Guy 2*
*Nana rezzes them both at once*
Zerra: "NOO!"

Looked at all four directions, found no way:

Also finally found the Elemental Rod replica. Apparently there are more than 4 Angel Gates around.

BTW, the hint with the fruit needed to TF led me to the Paradise fruit with its ridiculous price of 500k. But then it isn't not only that, but one of the option requires 10 of them? That's just trolling.

Also Zerra doesn't react to Nana being transformed currently.

Any idea when you release the next version?

Jaguar's Final Word is disappointing damage wise.

Will the Fairy Vine seeds be farmable? I know of one being left in the casino, but I still need 2 (and I used up 2).

The sabertooth attacks with low accuracy - even with boosting accuracy with the dragon statues - are basically useless. I get you need some balancing but if not even the damage is great, in the case you do hit, this form is useless.

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BTW, the start point of the fast travel for Snowy Village is not next to the red dot. Shouldn't it be blue though, too?

Finally got that MF.

How do I get through here?

Also any reason, why the castle is still barred after winning? Don't like to have waste TP to enter it.

The cabin dialog sequence seems to have a repeated dialogue piece.

Can't pick up those mushrooms (got the seed):

Winter Forest Fast Travel start is on the red dot, not next to it.

Crates have no collision here and east.

Can't find the trail of that within Snow Forest. Do I need to leave the area?

IS it Winter Forest or Snow Forest? Entering the area shows the latter. Also miscount here:

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"I will freeze to death." is better worded.

I still don't get the boxes. I can move once right here, but not any further.

The sequence presumes Sheep form, but I am in a Jaguar form.

No fast travel point here.

Not impossible. I played a bit in the public versions, before I switched over. Can you add some fix code on saving?

Yeah but I don't know which sprites are wrong I meant. I assume you were refering to something specific?

So basically the sprite is to represent the form which the abilities to buy are associated to look sometimes duplicate to other forms. But I can't completely tell.

I didn't miss it, since you beat the story, I figured, you must have figured out the puzzle already or else you would't had been able to procced the story and would still be stuck there. The yellow chest is also already open so you solved it.

I can't get to the left upper room. You must see the closed chest, right?

4 is the limit? I don't undertsand.

You mentioned that there is a limit to useful quest items. Since other quests are limited to 4 entries, I thought it was over that limit.

Also, I can't find a quest for the Golden Retriever demon I defeated in that list either. I've uploaded the save here:

The empty portrait are probaly a script bug since there are some. Could you tell me which form you used when you encountered those so I can look into it.

I've been mostly staying in snow jaguar form.

Save file portrait  got also already reported and fixed, will be fixed in next version as well. But I have no idea what you a re refering to with: "The dojo might not use the appropriate sprites everywhere, too."

When you upgrade your forms, then you wander around in that other place.

No, it is meant to implied that the gem broke while Nana was fighting with the boss, so it's already broken then she first goes there.

I mean, it was broken when I arrived in the village before the boss fight.

Hope i haven't overlooked anything when reading through all!

You missed my question, how this particular puzzle can be solved:

And yes that is the cat one, I did check it and the script seems alright. Did the reward got checked of?

No it didn't. 4 is the limit then?

Kitsune form can't upgrade HP regen?