This very much suits the theme! It's an interesting concept; it took me a while to understand what the function of each object/tool was, but the game loop made more sense when I had figured that out.
Areas of game design I liked: Having a small limit for the amount of axes/shovels you can hold, while earning one each turn, is a nice choice. It encourages the player to use these tools rather than hoarding them.
Feedback regarding the tool wheel: having to Press Tab to open tool wheel --> Click on item constantly if I wanted to use an item more than once in a row felt a tad frustrating. Ideas to make this feel better would be:
- Instead of having to click on the hovered item, select it once it's hovered over + Tab is released.
- If there's uses left, don't de-select an item once it's been used. Let the player decide if they want to keep using the selected tool, or change.
I see it's your first game uploaded to itch. This is a great first game upload! Well done!