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A member registered Apr 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well done! Really tight gameplay loop.

One of my favourite games I've played from the Jam so far! Really tight gameplay loop and cohesive assets. Well done with this submission, it's really well scoped.

My main piece of feedback is that the difficulty increases quite drastically, but that's something that can be adjusted.

I'm looking forward to see where this is taken post-Jam. I feel like including additional crafting options, along with some optional steps (Risk/Reward - Do I craft an improved item or send a normal one out more quickly?) would really make this game shine.

Fantastic job!

Well done on the submission! The art style and vibe are excellent. The Tornado has a lot of character!

I liked the implementation of the 'Closest Capital' locator.

I do feel that the core gameplay loop could do with some adjustments. My experience was: 

  • Dash to next capital -> Stand on Capital Building -> Wait until Capital Building is destroyed -> Repeat. 

Unfortunately, it didn't feel particularly engaging as there wasn't much challenge. I wasn't taking much, if any, damage from the enemies at all, so I didn't have to worry about them.

I feel like with some further thought and expansion of the core loop, you have a fun experience on your hands. Nice job!

Simple, but really well executed concept! Movement feels just right, and having to also look out for the movement of the ducklings is a nice bit of added challenge.

Other than being a bit easy for my taste, I feel that adding a way to track how well I did (whether it be time, or a general score) would round off this game loop quite nicely.

Well done! 🦆

Well done on the submission! I enjoyed the 404 over-scoping text; made me laugh!

This is a good idea in concept. Having to figure out how each prank is meant to work and getting them all completed as fast as possible is a fun game-loop.

Other than the general missing content (that you're aware of based on the 404 text), I think that a visual of what items I'm carrying would really help. I had no idea if I had picked an item up most of the time.

Really appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback, it helps with pinpointing the improvements that need to be made.

Completely agree with your thoughts on the combat - I need to revisit it as a whole before I start to implement further enemies, weapons, etc.

It's my first foray into First Person Combat Design, so I've learnt a lot already!

Thanks again! :D

Thank you for taking the time to play and leave feedback! I really appreciate it.

I definitely agree - the consensus so far is that the controls & combat design don't feel very intuitive. 

Really appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback! Plenty of improvements to be made, but hearing feedback from players really helps with planning future updates.

Thanks for playing! Definitely many improvements to be made in regards to the controls & combat design - working on these now. I appreciate the feedback.

Really appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback!

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

Really great submission! Love the visuals - creates a fun atmosphere/vibe.

I like the concept of the storm cloud acting like a timer for the level, but there were times when it got in the way of me seeing the character.

I completely missed that you can upgrade your equipment until I found it impossible to close a gap in the 4th or 5th level. Making it more obvious that you can upgrade your equipment could help here (Ideas to play around with could be: flashing/animated upgrade icon when you have enough bolts to upgrade something, prompt to upgrade at the start/end of each level, etc.).

Nice job putting this together in a week - well done!

Hey! It'd be cool if you got around to playing mine :D Cheers!

Looking forward to playing through yours too.

Thanks for playing and providing feedback!

I definitely want to improve the enemy AI, combat design, etc. I just didn't have time during the Jam!

Really appreciate the feedback, it'll help with improving this project.


Thank you for playing and providing feedback, I really appreciate it!

I definitely want to improve the Enemy AI, adjusting the general combat design, etc. Just didn't have the time during the jam.

Was there something in particular about the controls that felt clunky? (E.g. Key bindings, speed, etc.)

Regarding the enemy not missing the player - it's definitely quite tough! I probably need to lower the lunge range when they attack. Did using the shield help with these attacks?

Once again, I really appreciate that you took the time to play and post your feedback. Cheers!

Really fantastic aesthetic and vibe. Well done on creating a cohesive atmosphere!

I do feel like the combat loop could do with some tweaking - it felt quite slow and cumbersome at times, especially at the start.

Well done on the submission!

Constructive feedback:

  • I feel like the character controller & camera could do with some work:
    • I'd look into implementing some form of acceleration/deceleration for general player movement.
    • The player jump feels really heavy here, I'd experiment with allowing a higher jump with a gradual decent.
    • The clamp on the cameras vertical rotation felt quite restrictive, and especially made moving down platforms quite worrisome; I couldn't see where I was going to be landing.

Cheers! Really appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback.

Completely agree with it getting a bit stale - further enemies, additional weapons, improved enemy AI, etc., was all planned - I just didn't have the time 😂

Did you find yourself using the shield much? Did you prioritise some upgrades over others?

Thank you for playing! Really appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback.

I'd love to hear what you didn't find intuitive to begin with? Was it the controls, attack timing, something else?

Completely agree that it's currently lacking depth, and that it gets a bit repetitive. Different enemy types, additional weapons to purchase,  a more sophisticated enemy AI, and a more refined combat loop (managing stamina, encouraging shield use, etc.) are all things I wish I had time to add! They're definitely planned for future updates.

Thank you again for the feedback!

What a great concept! I enjoyed the game loop, and spent quite a bit of time seeing how far I could get. Shooting generally felt good; there's a nice variety of weapons. You use screen shake quite well here.

Constructive feedback:

  • Picking up/placing blocks initially felt quite frustrating.
    • Clicking on block-pieces didn't feel very responsive - there were quite a few times that I felt that I had clicked on a block, but it didn't' respond to my click. Expanding the area around a block-piece that's clickable may potentially help here.
    • Due to the lightning shader that surrounds the ship in the air, I initially assumed that I could only place blocks within this area.
  • The loop started to get a bit repetitive after a while: the introduction of new enemies, changing position of the charge stones, different items to place that could be found during Storm Flight, etc., would all help here I believe. I also know this was made within a week, so completely understand why they aren't there!
Well done on a great entry!

Thank you for playing and providing feedback!

My initial thought was that players would be able to pick up weapons/shield/items and apply them to whichever hand they preferred, but I didn't get around to that. With future updates, I may fully change it so that left click is the "Primary" action.

Completely agree that it gets repetitive! My plan was to have a more advanced combat system where the player has to really manage their stamina and use there shield in order to create an opening for attack. I'd also like a wider variety of enemies, but time didn't permit this.

Thank you again for taking the time to provide feedback - it's exactly what I'm looking to hear in order to make improvements to this project over time. Cheers!

Cool concept! Very nice assets. 

Simple, but an enjoyable experience. Nice job!

Entertaining twist on the Flappy Bird style of game!

Nice submission! Classic asteroids-like. I'm hungry for some tacos now.

I love the art style! Those waves are very well done - good job. Really enjoy the vibe of this game. Driving around the boat feels good.

Constructive feedback:

  • I feel like there's some work to be done on the game design/game loop side of things - I didn't see any real reason to catch fish, and the Quick Time Events were so easy that it was almost impossible to not catch a fish/avoid damage from the waves. 
    • One thought is that you could sell fish to sell in order to upgrade/customise your boat. That would provide an incentive for players to go fishing. Potentially, some fish which are harder to catch, are worth more.
    • A wider variety of QTEs would help here, I think.

There's lots of potential here, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses post-Jam. Well done!

Interesting concept! Other than some bugs (which are to be expected during a Jam) I didn't feel like I had to strategize as to the items I would give each adventurer. I understand you have to come in under budget, but I seemed to complete the game without issue through giving each adventurer the cheapest item possible.

I feel like two additions to the game loop may potentially help here:

  • A general timer: you have to get as many adventurers ready with the best items possible before the Storm Lord approaches.
  • The quality of the items each adventurer has could determine their effectiveness against the Storm Lord. This way, in order to win, you can't give each adventurer the cheapest items possible.

Well done on the submission! I see that ye made all the art assets yourselves too, which is impressive!

Nice! I like the concept of the player having to decide which mode to be in depending on their current circumstance, however I feel like each mode could be expanded a bit e.g. Allowing healing during the storm mode, but attacks are slower.

The art is well done; each enemy has their own personality, which is also reflected in their attacks and movement patterns.

I feel like the general movement & combat could do with some tweaks to feel a bit tighter.

Well done on the submission! :)

Fairly straightforward, but I like the concept! 

However, I can't help but feel that the storm phase should potentially appear at certain intervals during the calm phase rather than it just showing up once you've failed during the calm phase.

Well done!

Couldn't be more on-theme than this; well done on submitting!

Well that completely caught me off guard! Funny game, nice job!

Congratulations on the submission! I had a fun time during my time playing - I love how wacky it is.

Constructive feedback:

  • I agree with the below comment by Krahab regarding the aiming system & enemy status. Both of these points made combat feel slightly frustrating at times.
  • I feel that providing a bit more downtime between waves would help the overall game loop - it would give players a bit more time to decide how they want to spend their goal

There's a load of potential here and I'd love to see it worked on past the Jam. With a few updates, I can see it being a really engaging experience. Well done!

Well done on the submission! I liked the theme implementation, and I think the art is really nice. I really enjoyed the general atmosphere.

It's definitely a good base for a solid gameplay loop.

Constructive feedback:

  • I feel like it's worth taking a look at how difficult later rounds get. After a while, I felt like I could just stand still and not be worried about any enemy attacks - I would just insta-kill them.  Some ideas would be increasing the number of enemies in later rounds, or introducing tougher enemies along with the easier ones.
  • Other than enemies just being in my way, I didn't feel a huge need to go out of my way to kill enemies. Introducing an incentive for killing enemies (they drop gold, increase a timer length if you were to introduce one, etc.) would encourage players to engage.
  • It took my a while to understand that touching water would reduce my health and teleport me back to the temple; I thought something was bugged for a while Adding in some animation after touching the water, and before teleporting back to the temple, would help with showing what's happening.

Great job! Looking forward to checking this out again if there are any updates in the future :)

I think that this concept has loads of potential! I love the idea of sailing your ship, and then being able to instantly change to walking on deck to shoot the cannons.

Constructive feedback:

  • I personally feel that the camera rotating with the ship, along with the water shader, results in a bit of motion sickness. I'd look to experiment with keeping the camera at a fixed rotation, or at least add quite a bit more smoothing & delay to the rotation.
  • Getting the ship in position to shoot and also getting to the cannons in time to trigger the shot is quite difficult. I can definitely see how it may be a skill issue on my part (maybe I need to practice allowing the boat to rotate while I'm walking to the cannons), but there's potential here to make the combat a bit more approachable.
  • Other than the cannons, it would be nice to have other reasons to change over to walking along the ship deck.
    • Idea: After being shot by an enemy cannon, the player could have to patch up a hole on deck in order to stop damage over time to the ship. This would force the player decide between maneuvering the ship, or taking action on deck.

Overall, I really enjoy the concept, and I can see this idea being taken further. I'm looking forward to seeing where the three of you take this in the future. Well done!

Nice job with the art! Definitely a unique style.

This was a simple, yet enjoyable experience.

Constructive feedback:

  • I felt that during my first few attempts, it was slightly hard to tell which of the three lanes the wave would be appearing in. I know you have the "!" to signify which lane it will be, but it felt tough to determine whether it's pointing to lane one or two, for example.
    • Potential idea -> Widening the lanes a slight bit would make them easier to separately identify.

I see that this is your first upload to itch, well done!

Thank you for playing! :D

The combat definitely needs some tweaking to make it so you have to reply on your shield more than just running back and forth.

I had fun with this! Nice work on the art, music, and sound effects.

I enjoyed the amount that the difficulty increases after each round -  it felt just right.

Solid game loop - I'd love to see it expanded a bit more.

Well done!

(1 edit)

This is the most popular fruit/veg shop in the world!

Really fun concept. Throwing the food gave me a good laugh!

Unfortunately, I can't seem to give customers items? I seem to only be able to throw the piece of food. Throwing the correct food item at a customer doesn't seem to satisfy their request either. Potentially a bug?

One piece of feedback I'd have regarding movement: the player seems to follow the mouse at all times. This can lead to some frustrating moments when attempting to aim the throw. A point & click movement system (Diablo as an example) could work really well here.

Well done on the submission! Looking forward to checking this out again if there are further updates. :)

Haha, I can't believe that Noah's Ark didn't enter my mind when I heard the theme - nice one!

This is a fun little game! The balancing mechanic is a nice feature.

Well done!

Absolutely loved the art-style of the Mini-taur! Loads of character - I'd love to see this character expanded even more.

The controls generally felt tight. The levels were fairly simple - I'd personally have liked to see a tad higher difficulty, but I understand there's only a certain amount of time during a Jam.

Constructive feedback:

  • I feel that the camera could do with some work - it feels fairly rigid. There were times where I was jumping over obstacles, but I couldn't see where I'd land in time to make an adjustment. 
    • Recommendation: I'd look into some camera movement interpolation, along with increasing the bounds in which the camera moves in response to the player movement.

Well done on the submission!