Nice game fitting the theme well. I like that enemies drop those garbage apples which I can collect for more garbage which had to be collected from the waste container. That made me go left and right so I had always something to do. It's a pity there is no audio (or it didn't worked for me), but this is a Game Jam, so time is limiting.
I found out that player can go to darkness on the left, but because it has a border and I can't get lost there it's more funny than bug (and it even seems intentional).
I had no use for jump, but that dosn't mean the game would be better without it, because jumping is good. I like jumping. And maybe jumping could be useful: player coud kill a rat by jumping on it. Considering that attacks cost garbage, this would be a very economical addition.
Lastly I am a little bit sad about a second upgrade of the raccoon trash tower, because the animation doesn't match the attacks. And this might have an easy fix: you could add a second raccoon like in the box tower but shooting a little late than first raccoon in the trash can.
Overall it's funny theam-fitting game, so good jod!