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This game is cool! The sprites look great  and the music is really nice and the game is  fun, specially on later stages. 

I'd like to see some other upgrades, like bigger bullets and spread shots. And maybe having a little indicator when there are only a few enemies left indicating the direction where they are would be really nice, although that's just my opinion, maybe it would conflict with the overall game design.

Oh, and I liked the voice acting! :)


Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!

And yeah, earlier in development I had this long list of upgrade ideas that involved things somewhat similar to Binding Of Isaac or games like that have- bigger bullets, multishots, faster bullets, more damage, more shield, etc -but because I knew I was only going to have time to basically make an infinite game progression (rather than a fixed amount of levels) I could see all of that causing some major balance issues if the player could buy infinite amounts of each if they played well enough. I'm definitely not really satisfied with the actual upgrades that got in, but I think obviously the proof of concept at least got across to players.

Haha and I'm glad, those voice clips I did basically last second the day before it was due~

I agree.  By level 2 I was finding myself wishing I knew which way to go for that last room of enemies.  It was never too difficult, but when we're already short on time every bit helps!