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A member registered Jan 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your feedback!

I think I lost too much time working on the sprites and not on the game. It really do means a lot that you and the other people in the comments liked them though, so thanks!

Most of the problems you mentioned I am already aware but couldn't fix in time, because of the sprites. The Levels are really not great, but that being said, I didn't expect anybody to do a pacifist run, and it makes me so happy that you did. Also, thanks for mentioning that title drop. I swear it took me like five minutes to do that whole intro, but BOY did it feel good.

Anyway, I don't think I'll keep working on this game, but I will drop a small update once the judging period is over, to maybe try to make better levels and fix some things. Again, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Yeah I definitely think that levels is where this game is the worse at. Thank you for your feedback!

(1 edit)

What a great game!

The animations were super smooth and the music was great!

The death mechanic is really creative and add a lot to the game. I like how both the death mechanic and the energy mechanic encourage you to go head on into the combat.

I am probably nitpicking at this point, and I don't know if you did it because of the small hallways, but I think that bullets could probably be bigger. But other than that, game feel was trough the roof! Really, really nice job!

Thanks a lot! The long spike pits were there to teach the death mechanic, that after you reach 0 Health you can still survive by taking a enemy's soul. Probably should have made that way more clear in retrospect. But thank you very much!

Thank you for your feedback! 

I prioritized other stuff and didn't have enough time to make more and better levels. Probably gonna give a lot more attention next time around.

Wow, Thank you very much! I'm almost 100% sure that I'll keep working on it, and if I do, my first task will be to fix the physics/movement. So no need to track me down or anything. Although that would save me the trouble of coding...

(1 edit)

Thank you! You play with the keyboard and mouse, aim with the mouse to a direction and click with left/right mouse to make you fly to the opposite direction. You use WASD controls to move on the ground. If everything works properly, that's what should happen.

It crashed directly to desktop, and I was on windows (the 64 bits version)

This game is cool! The sprites look great  and the music is really nice and the game is  fun, specially on later stages. 

I'd like to see some other upgrades, like bigger bullets and spread shots. And maybe having a little indicator when there are only a few enemies left indicating the direction where they are would be really nice, although that's just my opinion, maybe it would conflict with the overall game design.

Oh, and I liked the voice acting! :)

(1 edit)

What!!! I have no idea how you managed to make a game that looks so great in so little time! and it plays great too! This definitely looks and feels like a full game.

I wanted to let you know that it crashed on one of my playthroughs when going to the "Le Louvre", but was just one time and everything else on my experience ran perfectly.

Thank you for your feedback!

The reason i didn't use move_and_slide() is because I used a RigidBody for player movement. It made things a lot easier to code, but now I regret using it, its the same reason why moving on the ground feels so weird. I'm really interested in going back on this game, so I definitely try to use a KinematicBody instead next time. Thanks for the advice!

It is now for linux as well!

Thank you! I just did export for other platforms, don't know why I haven't done that sooner. 

Hey, thanks for the feedback!

I do know that WASD controls are a bit wonky, I couldn't really fix it on time. Sorry about that.

To be honest, the game was really hard for me too. That being said, I had fun designing levels for this, so I think I might do new ones with a better difficulty curve. 

Thanks again!

Shorkie, Thank you for the feedback! I fixed it. It was a dumb mistake I agree. Thank you for the nice words! Appreciate it!