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This is a cool exploration/survival horror idea! There's some innovative elements like a wandering ghost, key-collecting and a buddy system that must have taken a lot of work to implement! Graphically, there are some good sprites here and the character animation is quite fluid. I think like many games of this genre it can get corridor-y, but I appreciate that there needs to be enough space to run from the ghost. All in all it's clear you put a lot of work into making the house environment and game work and I'm really looking forward to what you do next!

The groundwork for this game is good - the use of cutscenes and notes to setup the narrative works well. I think with more time, it'd probably work better to use these instead of walls of text, but I get it's hard to get everything all done in a week! I would have liked to learn more about Bloody Mary and the motivation of the characters to summon her...why the heck is this house so cursed??? 

Thanks for submitting A FUN SLEEPOVER to the SCREAM SOLSTICE game jam!


(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the feedback! I am glad that you liked the base elements of the games and the art of it. I agree with you, that wall of text at the end of the intro really ruined the atmosphere and we hope to improve this game after the jam, giving a more meaningful and indepth background story to it.  :D


Re motivation: Can confirm from real life experience that attempting to summon Bloody Mary is a common sleepover activity at an American girls' sleepover. The particular version from my childhood was even worse than just chanting her name, actually. You placed a knife on the bathroom counter prior to turning out the lights, and Bloody Mary would allegedly reach out of the mirror, take the knife, and stab you. Children are strange.