Awesome game. The animations were so cool and the puzzles were great too. My only complaint is that the last one was too easy :D
Edit: What tool did you use to create the art?
Thank you! Haha, that's a complaint I can live with ;)
I'm glad that you enjoyed the game.
For the art, I actually use a tool I've developed myself.
It's a very rudimentary painting application, but it's well suited to the way I like to work.
The tool hardly has any fatures. There's undo, but no redo; there are no brushes, and it only supports flat colors, no shading.
It's also very difficult to draw small details or straight lines :P
However, I've realized that I find the limitations freeing. They allow me to work quickly and not get stuck on details. I just have colors and rough shapes to worry about.
There's also support for flipbook animations, which I used for the character and for the animation of the bird. Again, there are no fancy features, all I can do is flip between the frames. But I feel like that is enough to create what I need.
Here's a screenshot, if you're curious
My tool is cryptic and janky enough that I don't think it would be useful to anyone but me. However, if you're looking for a cool (and actually useful) painting app, check out Heavypaint
Seeing Vaughan developing Heavypaint is what inspired me to make my own tool. I think there is a lot to explore outside of the mainstream painting applications, and I believe that anyone that can make a game probably could make their own art tools, with their own quirks and character.