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Wow, didn't expect this..... starting the game I really like how it looked, it even looked sort of like some infinite runner ideas I might try to make, and really liked especially the checkpoints in between and the overall look, feel, and controls. Then the difficulty got really high really fast. I liked that there were many checkpoints and I thought this worked really well, but it was still really hard to play it. I was able to beat it, including the final boss, but it took me a while. I saw there's even a code to enter for a hard mode which shows up in a menu,. but I think I might call it good at just finishing the game.

As for theme relevance, since I believe some people consider this kind of a game in the genre called the  "rage game", I wasn't sure at first if it's even relevant at all. But thinking about it more, I could sort of see how it might be relevant to the theme, so maybe I'll give it to you for this one.

I think the visuals, music and atmosphere are really strong and well done on this one. The checkpoints feature works well and everything in gneral looks very well done and well tested and I don't think there's any real bugs. There's one checkpoint at the bottom of something that sort of lag spikes the game, but it's still possible to continue. (I was playing the web version). 

The only thing is I believe there's not a lot of people who might be able to get very far at all, let alone to consider being able to complete the game. I think it might require too high of a skill level, which might discourage a large amount of players from trying the game for very long, and it also means I am very surprised that I was able to complete this game. 

However, I think it's a one-of-a-kind experience for anyone that gives it a chance - that is, if they even can give it a chance.

Really nice job on this unique game!