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A member registered May 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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You game's really interesting.

I got 108, it's very challenging.

I am really impressed with your submission, and it's one of my favorites.
Even to have a high score leaderboard, and I just really like the mechanics of this game!

Very nice job on this one!

I thought the background and graphics were very good looking and the story was engaging and fun, nice job on this game!

There's actually quite a lot going on here and it's even quite long, and interesting and funny throughout - very nice job!

I think it's a pretty long play duration to actually play this all the way through to the end, especially for a jam submission, but I really enjoyed the experience from beginning to end, so great work on it!

I think this game might really benefit from audio and sound effects, but I think it's very difficult to do any of that in such a short time. It may be a hard choice to sacrifice the quality of the game for putting  audio and SFX. Or have to somehow make the game in such a way that audio can be put in so easily along with the game, and all at high speed and high quality. Things like that are much easier said than done.

I did like the really interesting dialogue and good humor throughout. I thought you did really well on this game - really nice job!

(1 edit)

The jumping frogs are hilarious! Loved how there's just a giant fish slapped right on top of you for the whole day at one point on one choice!

The different choices and days were very enjoyable, really nice job on it!

Didn't actually test it on mobile but interesting that you may have tried to support mobile!

The laughing enemy was interesting.

One way to improve is I think after your first death, next time you play you die in one hit after that unless you reload the whole page. 

Overall, really nice job on this though!

I thought the concept with dating between the different cryptids and their different dialogues, interactions and outcomes turned out to be very interesting.

I think one way the game could be improved is if the text could be made larger to make it more accessible and in general it may look better if the text was not so small.

Interesting to check out the different Yokai in the 3D environment, and the ability to vanquish.

And a nice bonus touch that you included interesting reading to learn more about them in game, nice job on it!

I thought it was a very compelling story and experience, very nice job on this one!

That's a very intense eating sound, and whatever that thing is shown at the end of each day looks so freaky!
I thought this was an interesting, fun game - nice job on it!

Really liked how the words you chose on the newspapers affected things like your size and speed, that's really cool.

And that you could even unlock abilities!

I think it's a unique idea and you did it well, nice job on this!

Interesting minigames. I wonder if the one with colors should be made more accessible, such as for people who may be color blind, by also using symbols in the colors or something like that.

Also I see selecting each level is mostly just making them more difficult but it's the same level. 

Wonder if the levels should be different instead if there's a level select .
Or maybe it should have been instead conveyed another way if it was just getting faster on same level.

I think you did a good job setting the atmosphere and the minigames are interesting. I liked the part after the minigames as well.

I wonder if it might have benefited from a chase during the 2nd part, or alternate endings where actions mattered when you chose yes or no at beginning or did something different in the minigames. 

However I really liked it and nice job on this!

Interesting environment. Those monsters are super crazy and super fast when they see you! 

I wasn't sure how to kill the beasts or if it's even possible, or what the objective was, but I thought your game was very interesting - nice job on it!

Really liked the music right away. The really unique storytelling throughout this, the fun mechanics of each part, and the clean engaging graphics really added to this. 

Really nice job on this!
One of my favorite submissions, so I think you did an excellent job on it!

Liked how you could move from foreground to background in the game.

The graphics were very rich and detailed and I enjoyed this a lot.

Some background music could help for this game but I could understand it's really hard to do it in such a short time.

Liked the mechanic on keeping the submarine from being hit by the walls and going deeper. 

The graphics of the submarine and environment looked good, and the nice bubble sounds as well as the music helped set the atmosphere really well.

Nice job!

One of my favorite submissions!

Really interesting mechanic with the enemies and the way you recover. Liked the strategy behind dealing with the enemies, getting the key and unlocking new areas. 

I think you did a great job on it, the visuals look very good and the music fits pretty well too, 

Engaging visuals, and interesting combination with the story book chronicling the adventures as you are fighting the enemies. 

(1 edit)

I think the combination with clicker and the specific way you did the vampire survivors type of gameplay is interesting.

I do think a vampire survivors clone is really tricky to clone well and get right overall.

One thing I noticed is that it's hard to see the mouse cursor when there's so much pasta, wish there was a way that the cursor could be more easily seen.

Your idea is very ambitious and I really commend you for getting something like this done so quickly in such a short amount of time, I actually think you did a pretty good job on this one!

I thought the cutting hairs by clicking was good. I wonder if clearer win and lose outcomes of some kind could help improve this particular game. Overall, nice job on it though!

Really liked the feel, great art and music. Awesome atmosphere when it suddenly turned red and you had to push those into the fire, I thought you did nice on this one.

Liked the different gestures you had to do to get rid of different kinds of enemies. Nice job on this!

Liked the strategy besides even when units are built like the leaper.
The graphics and music are gorgeous and it's fun to play, nice job!

Reminds me of the one flash game where they detect you and get alerted. I liked your take on the idea though, nice job!

Liked the unique style and the jumping mechanic! 

I think it's kind of hard and may benefit from some more checkpoints in between.

Also I am not sure that it's starting you from the very beginning but somewhere farther up which may have not been intended.

Overall I really liked it though, nice job!

(1 edit)

Not sure how to make the hand not catch you, even throwing the caught fish at the hand doesn't work,
maybe I missed something?

Really loved the super awesome eye-popping graphics and unique storytelling playing within the book. The mechanics were fun and I really like it, great job on this!

Love the visuals and perspective, and the vivid engaging storytelling. I really liked this one - really fantastic job!

Music was really awesome with pretty cool, clean fast-paced unique mechanic - nice job!

It's one of my favorite submissions! Very nice!!!

The voice acting in this is super excellent, extremely well done and sets the atmosphere very well in this game right off the bat.

The super sudden loud sounds when you're caught along with the well done graphics and immersive visually rich world made for a really awesome experience. 

The hold E to interact popup for each task was very useful to quickly understand what to do as well very nice inclusion of that

I think you (the one doing the voice acting, I believe) might be popular and I may have heard of you somewhere, which makes it very interesting you are in this jam here of all places.

Some things I noticed are I am not sure there is any way to use the gamepad to zoom in, so it's best played on the mouse and keyboard for now. It might be similar for interacting with tasks.

Also, I think there isn't any way to change mouse / look sensitivity in options which may be helpful for this specific kind of game, but I think these are very minor things.

I think your team seems to me like you might be really good at making horror games, especially seeing this as the first game on your itch.io profile

After playing this, the first thought I had in mind is I would love to see more games from you.

Really nice job!

Very interesting game. I think the game may be easier to figure out than the tutorial due to there being more going on with the levels. 

(hopefully it's not because of unintended reasons, like the monsters glitching sometimes in the real one).

Though aspects from the tutorial like the text explanation I felt were pretty effective in helping me to understand how to play it.

The generation of levels randomly and the in depth mechanic is very impressive! Nice job on it! I think this is probably one of my favorite submissions!

(2 edits)

I've rated it now after your reply, thanks for the clarification. I really liked it.

Now I understand it, actually it could be fun and challenging to play because the trash cannot get to the left at all. So if a trash is all the way on other side of screen it can be a challenge to reach it in time to shoot it. Nice job on the game!

Wish I saw this during the jam. I like the animation when the tower is hit, and I actually like the strategy behind placing and commanding the units. I think the visuals are very appealing and you did a nice job on this! It's not possible to rate the entry anymore, but I might have given high marks to this game if it were still possible to rate it. Very nice job on this game!

(1 edit)

I really liked the bounciness of things, even the little bounce when you land and what happens when you throw things at enemies, and just the physics overall. Everything looked really good, the music and sound fits really well, and the game had a unique feel to it. I think it's one of my favorite submissions, so great job on this!

I reproduced it now after checking on it some more. I think it probably has something to do with the enemy animation and you moving at the same time as it only shows up near the enemy, only sometimes, and usually while you are moving (though it may have happened to me before when staying still too occasionally). Here is a gif with the frames paused where it's happening for emphasis.

I remembered this game because I really liked it a lot, so I played it again just now. I actually could not see the bleeding anymore for some reason.

Since submissions are still locked even now, an update to the game was impossible. So I think the issue may be very rare, or maybe was some temporary issue with my browser or something like that. 

In case I ever see it again or can reproduce it again I may try and send you a screenshot, but my guess is it might have been some one time issue on my end.

(3 edits)

I happen to be here and saw the notification, but I actually may be almost wrapping up for now. You just happened to catch me at a good time. Next time I may not answer so quickly.

(3 edits)

Sorry, it's a typo, I've corrected it now. Thanks for pointing it out. Great job on your game!

(1 edit)

I really liked the cards, how they worked and the strategy behind them in turn based battles.
I think the mechanic was well made and really fun to play.

In case it helps, maybe there's some minor bugs like placing cards over other cards (see screenshot below).

I think any bugs are minor and you did a great job.

I notice you can't change the direction you are facing if you are holding down attack at the same time, is that intentional or is it a bug? I really liked the atmosphere and mechanics of the game though, really nice job!

The feeling of flying with the buildings, layering of the foliage in front as well as nice lighting detail and unique pixel style makes this a pretty memorable experience.  I think it's really well done and you did a great job on this game!