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This game is gorgeous. The pixel art and animations are incredible. I especially liked the potion-drinking animation. It was all very professional looking and top-tier.

I do think the controls were a bit tough to get used to and the overall difficulty of the game was pretty high. I definitely struggled in a few spots, but that made me reaching the next checkpoint feel all the better.

For the player character, her movements could have been a bit snappier, both in walking/running and attacking. I also felt the camera could show a bit more of where/what I was going toward, such as spikes at the bottoms of some pits I was wall-sliding down in.

I did like the skill-trees, but I think I ran into a bug where clicking on them wouldn't unlock the skill, but use my points, anyway.

For the menu itself, if you have a dark souls-like, non-pausing inventory screen, I would either make it keyboard controlled OR use the mouse to click through the menus/items, but remap the attack input away from LMB so that you don't take a swing every time you click a button.

Great job, overall, though!

thanks a lot for the reply!!! I will like to know a bit more about this section "For the player character, her movements could have been a bit snappier, both in walking/running and attacking." could you expand a little there? i will like all the feedback possible to fix it in new iterations!

(1 edit) (+1)

Sure. I had a hard time getting close to enemies to attack and struggled getting far from enemies when trying to dodge. I think the player character was just a bit too slow (when compared to the speed of the enemies). When she attacks, she only moves a little bit forward, and some enemies would just walk away without me being able to actually hit them.

Maybe allowing the player to walk/run while attacking is the way to go, but I'm not sure. The locked attack animation has a dark souls feel to it, like other elements I mentioned earlier, which could be what you're going for. I'm just not sure it works for the enemies that you have (i.e. enemies that turn their back on you and walk away).

A speed increase could benefit the player character (though I understand she's wearing armor), and might compliment the amazing combat animations you have and could help make the combat a bit easier.

Hopefully I'm making sense, haha. Let me know if I'm not.