This game is gorgeous. The pixel art and animations are incredible. I especially liked the potion-drinking animation. It was all very professional looking and top-tier.
I do think the controls were a bit tough to get used to and the overall difficulty of the game was pretty high. I definitely struggled in a few spots, but that made me reaching the next checkpoint feel all the better.
For the player character, her movements could have been a bit snappier, both in walking/running and attacking. I also felt the camera could show a bit more of where/what I was going toward, such as spikes at the bottoms of some pits I was wall-sliding down in.
I did like the skill-trees, but I think I ran into a bug where clicking on them wouldn't unlock the skill, but use my points, anyway.
For the menu itself, if you have a dark souls-like, non-pausing inventory screen, I would either make it keyboard controlled OR use the mouse to click through the menus/items, but remap the attack input away from LMB so that you don't take a swing every time you click a button.
Great job, overall, though!