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Balseros Art Studio

A member registered 38 days ago · View creator page →

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Rimuru Tempest would be proud of you

overall a well made entry, the sound was a bit loud at the beginning but everything else was fine!

You're a Man of Culture' Meme Is One of the Internet's More ...

thanks a lot for the reply!!! I will like to know a bit more about this section "For the player character, her movements could have been a bit snappier, both in walking/running and attacking." could you expand a little there? i will like all the feedback possible to fix it in new iterations!

thanks for the insight, for the first point, the animation locks on attacking , what do you mean? could you elaborate better, for fixing it?

really cute game , the art and visuals are beautifuls

good game , really good visuals , the onloy thing is that sometimes when you change the tilemap you can be placed inside the tiles

One of the best games that i played in this jam , good job