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That was a very nice game, very calming and actually makes you think and see through different points of view. My fun was kinda ruined by two things: the inconsistent reactions rom the caller while using the same answers, and the impossibility to get a different ending. I played 5 run, even refreshed my page on the 5th, and I always get the same final message :x

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow, thank you for playing it multiple times!

When the game was tested, it initially had one response per caller. However, I got the feedback that the callers are “too nice” and “too accepting” so I had to rewrite the script so there are two possible responses from the caller: one positive and one negative (ish) for each DJ advice. It was the final day before submission so I ended up randomising the answers. The succeeding caller responses were supposed to be based on your previous advice, but my brain wasn’t working anymore so I took the easy way out :P

As for the endings, they would differ if: you skipped all the songs (giving you the Silent endings) and if you contemplated in each song (giving you the Reflective endings). The advice you gave also affects the ending but you have to pick consistent answers. I’m writing more scripts for the endings based on the callers you encounter, too. I wanted to hide lots of Easter eggs for the proper, first version of the game :D

Oooh okay that’s interesting! I didn’t try to either contemplate or skip x) Inlike it’s more focused on our advice than on people’s reactions, I though about that. I must have always missed a few answer while trying to be consistent, but it’s not always obvious to as what it reflects. I don’t know how you count this consistency, but make sure to be forgiving, if we required 100% score for each ending it might be tough! I’m looking forward to play an updated version :)