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A member registered Mar 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow, thank you for playing it multiple times!

When the game was tested, it initially had one response per caller. However, I got the feedback that the callers are “too nice” and “too accepting” so I had to rewrite the script so there are two possible responses from the caller: one positive and one negative (ish) for each DJ advice. It was the final day before submission so I ended up randomising the answers. The succeeding caller responses were supposed to be based on your previous advice, but my brain wasn’t working anymore so I took the easy way out :P

As for the endings, they would differ if: you skipped all the songs (giving you the Silent endings) and if you contemplated in each song (giving you the Reflective endings). The advice you gave also affects the ending but you have to pick consistent answers. I’m writing more scripts for the endings based on the callers you encounter, too. I wanted to hide lots of Easter eggs for the proper, first version of the game :D

Thank you for giving it a try :) 

Yeah, I agree that it’s more of an interactive experience than a game at the moment. I was thinking of adding puzzles during the “contemplate” mode when listening to the songs but thought it would be a lot of work to do in just a week. I’m taking in everyone’s feedback to improve the game after the jam ends.

There was a person who went near the shop, turned around and then went past the shop without buying anything. I felt that XD

The graphics are cute and the mini tornado while I was preparing to open caught me off guard. I hope granny lives a wonderful retirement after working so hard :3

Wow! This is really great! I love the graphics and the additional gameplay to defend yourself through more clicking.

It’s a fun game. Clicking isn’t calming when you need the money to protect yourself, but I guess I’m just the type to stress-click. Great job!

Also, love the little froggy as the auto-clicker :3

The art is so refreshing! I wish there were more levels.
Well done!

Thanks for taking the time to help out other devs. Your game was fun to play with. Well done!

When you still have time to give ratings, I’d appreciate if you stop by mine too :)

These drivers are nuts! They just hit and run an officer! This is why we should promote working from home. Less traffic, less accidents, and no traffic enforcers in danger.

Well done with your submission :) This was a fun game to play with. The rush hour was really stressful, but I guess that’s what makes it a storm.

Got the Last Man on Earth and Ghosty endings so far.

Well done! You have written so much and I enjoyed listening to the music in game. I'll try to see if I can get the other endings :)

Thanks for responding to my question :D 

I'll get into finishing the script then.

Also, thank you for hosting this game jam. It's my first time developing a visual novel. It's fascinating how much work is need to make one. I now hold a huge respect to the developers of my favourite VNs (and all VNs out there)

OHHH! A Visual Novel! And you seem to be participating in the Spooktober Jam as well :D All the best!

I'm currently playing your game (Still jamming to the background music in the Main Menu). By the way, did you use an engine when writing the game? 

Here's my submission for this game jam, but not for the Spooktober. I'm still working on my script and art :P I would appreciate it if you leave an honest review so I can improve it in the future:

Feedback noted! Thank you! I wonder if I can do a quick fix and write the code for full screen during the game jam?

And yes, the end scene can definitely be improved. It was rushed because it was the final day of submission and I ran into some bugs. Thank you again for taking the time to play the game :)

Thanks for playing the game! I didn't think of it as a therapy simulator, but now that you mention it, the game can be therapeutic :D

The caller's responses are randomised at the moment, so some of them can be jerks (but some gameplays, they can be accepting)

Thank you for your kind words ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ I worked on this project pouring into words what I hope people will tell each other during hard times. (Although, for reality's sake, I had to add dismissive remarks from the callers because people's emotions can overwhelm them)

Thank you! I am what you might consider a "frustrated writer" so it's heartening to read your comment :)

Also, I've been craving for kebabs since I played your game. Might stop by a shop this week :P

The game I developed is an interactive fiction game if you are interested in playing it :)

I've been taking note of the feedback I got from this game jam to improve the game so an honest review would be nice.

Thanks! I'll go check out your game, too

Thanks! I like the cat in your game. A bit annoying, but hey, I love cats :3

I have played a lot of clicking simulator games that I was prepared for a jumpscare. When the cat passed by, I instinctively moved my head to see the screen better XD

I don't know if the ending is supposed to be my mom being angry at me. This game has a good potential if you add a bit of lore in it. By the way, is the person in the picture a LoL player?

Thank you for your kind words and you too! Good luck! I enjoyed collecting cargo boxes in your game :D

I'm not a very good pilot but I enjoyed playing the game (It was calming in a way until it's not :P) 

It reminded me of the game "Raft" when collecting scraps for upgrading. If you're planning to update the game after the game jam, it'll be nice to have some scenery when flying :)

Hey, it’s all good. It gave an “out of bounds” error for me so I can’t play it yet. It’ll be awesome to try out your game.  I’ll be on the lookout for when your game can be played and I will give a rating :)

I totally forgot about the storm! I was happily tending to my creatures when these monsters came out of no where. Also, I've probably unfullscreened the game at least 10 times, trying to close the shop menu. Gamers' habit :P

It was a really fun game and I love the cute art style. Well done!

"IT guys love kebabs." You're not wrong XD

I overspent during my first play and we couldn't open the restaurant because we are missing the sauce. So I just stared at my boss until he gives me a dollar to buy the sauce. It took me awhile to prepare things so maybe have some ingredients prepared already and the player can just chop/cook once at the start of the game :)

Overall, it was fun (calming even) then the "storm". It's like playing a pixelated Overcooked. 

My game is not as fast-paced but I hope you enjoy playing it. I'd appreciate an honest review as well :)

First play. Must protect birds from cat using the invisible force field of my fist! 

Second play. Here, kitty. Here are some birdies to maul to death. 

The art is sooo cute :3 

I love that this game is inspired by your cat, Arthur. Please give him a good chin scratch for me.

"0 family members survived dinner"

Ah, just like Thanksgiving!

This was a fun game. Took me awhile to understand what I had to do but watching them explode was entertaining so that was great :D

Well done!

Get well soon :) The game I submitted is a point-and-click game so you can play it. It's an atmospheric interactive fiction game:

I'm gonna leave a review on your game page as well.

I love horror-themed VNs (e.g. Danganropa series and The Nonary Games) but want to move to a more wholesome/slice-of-life writing for this jam (e.g. Clannad) 

Is it okay if the story is not “spooky” but happens during Halloween? Just wanted to confirm the rules before finishing the script. 

Oh, wow! The cuddling concept is soo cute! I'm still playing it but I can't wait to write this review. 

Onboarding for players was cleverly done. I had fun shooing the ghosties away with the power of light (FEAR ME TORCH!) Graphics are great! The animation when cuddling can be improved (Like the player hugs it really tight for comfort. Maybe the player can't move while cuddling to make it more difficult as well)

Overall, it's a wonderful game. I'm gonna go continue playing and cuddling me teddy!

Great game! It was fun throwing sushi to the customers :D

Can you also review my game, please? It's not as fast-paced as yours, but I hope you enjoy it:

Ah! I see. I guess I was too impatient. I initially typed "cats" but it didn't work :P 

I finished the game and finally gave my rating! I love personal games that have a piece of the author in them. You have a knack for story-telling :) 

Following you for more puzzle/story games in the future, so keep up the good work!

(cheap Eugene Krabs impression) "Nooo.. Come back with me monies!"

When the whirlpool appeared on the floor, I got freaked out for my customers! This was fun :D 

Although the "Q" and "R" font look so similar that I confused them at first.

I couldn't finish your game (and I wanted to! The visuals and music are eerie. I love it!) I get stuck in the piano scene and don't know what to do after.

My game is also a point-and-click game. Not horror, but it's atmospheric. Honest reviews will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Visuals were eerie (in a good way) and the eye icon is creepy (also in a good way). I keep getting stuck in the piano scene. I kept typing random words thinking it was a puzzle but to no avail, no tune can appease the piano. So I had to refresh the page. 

A walkthrough (link on the game page) might also help for those who get lost? I probably missed something important because I can only access the tall building with the piano. I would love to continue the game and know the story! The monolith is soo interesting.

Thank you :) 

Your game is well-made! There are different ways you can play it and your choice of music is superb (I'm still jamming with it)

When the game loaded and played the music, I was already feeling the hype to defend. 

Some constructive feedback: 

  • There are too many things to remember when reading the instructions of the game. A way to improve this is to slowly introduce those mechanics in-game as the player plays. Also, allowing them to view the help page during the game can also work.
  • The right-side message are helpful! It's a fascinating way to convey to the players what each blocks/elements do. Although I didn't immediately notice it when playing

Overall, it was a fun game! Strategic, hype music, and great visuals as well when entering calm and storm phases :D

Oh, btw! You're right! This project also aims to showcase musicians as a way to show my gratitude for letting developers use their work (for free!) :D So I'm glad you picked that up. I will be contacting some indie artists and ask if I can feature their music in the game as I develop it.

The game initially had only nice callers who just kind of accept any advice with positivity. But when it was tested, the feedback I got was it was too unrealistic for callers to be accepting and pragmatic all the time, so I added negative (-ish) responses. So it's not you. Sometimes, it's just how the world is :(

Thank you for playing the game :D I had fun playing yours as well. Your game has a great potential for story-telling.

I'm not a very good navigator because I kept missing the barrels, but I guess I'm lucky when it comes to avoiding whirlpools. I tried @Champpeace's trick and I, too, lived forever :D

I love the title and it gives a mysterious feel of why you are in this endless ocean. Perhaps some dialogue can add story to the game . Like your ship is cursed to sail the oceans forever and instead of just scoring by avoiding whirlpools, you can also score the player by how long they can stay afloat :D

Wait, what? I will try this. What's at the end of the sea? Is it a world without land?