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Really cool game you've got here, I dig the dash mechanic, the "glitched pixel" effects, and the animations on that robot. Room 9 was kind of a look into how well this could work as a full puzzle game which I liked.

The game bugged out a couple times where my robot would get stuck. Most of the time I was able to get out of it, but I got stuck on room 10 and couldn't move. It always seemed to happen when my character was in the "compressed" part of the animation (Right after dashing and hitting something).

+1, encountered the glitch too

Yeah same. :(

Had to reboot the game a couple of times but I beat i!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback :) I had a lot of fun making the animations and scratching my head figuring challenging puzzles, maybe more than programming the whole game :D

Based on feedbacks I'll see if it deserves to became a full game in the next future, maybe I'll make a mobile version too, I think that swipe gesture could fit very well

About that bug, I'm aware of it (even if it happens to me 1 out of 10 clear runs, but maybe because at this point I know any move and timing) but I had no time to fix it before the Game Jam deadline. I'll fix it for sure as soon as i can