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(3 edits)

I like the sound of the weapon when it fires, it's very satisfying. The game is fun once you understand you can dash infinitely, for anyone reading this comment I recommend trying it out.

Edit: I did not know you could dash infinitely lol I completely misunderstood the game.  The reloading didn't feel good enough though, if I tried to fire it reset and increased the timer, maybe thats intended?  I was able to complete it on medium just fine, punching felt good too. I initially said it was overwhelming because I didn't know you could spam dash. That's entirely my fault. The game plays pretty nicely and the enemies have enough feedback. Also, after dying focus is restored to the game by shooting once instead of automatically, and sometimes wall jumping still felt a little inaccurate, but it was enough for me to use the dash system.

(8 edits)

>  The wall jumping mechanic seems to be done with a slightly bigger cube on the bottom which I found to be a pretty janky way of implementing that. 

I am very confused about what you mean by this. There are no cubes involved in this mechanic to speak of, only one identical trace that is done three times, once at the feet, once at the mid section, and once at the head height, always from the center of the capsule. The distance of this trace is always the same, multiplied by the normalized input vector rotated into the space of the character, which will, of course, always have a length of one. The result is a trace that is, mathematically, always the same length, which is the closest thing I guess to be analogous to the sizes of these "cubes". 

Can you explain what you mean in terms of actual gameplay effect? As what you are describing in terms of implementation to change does not exist in the game in the first place, it is not that helpful, but I'd love to fix whatever gameplay issue you experienced.

As well, if you are having problems dying too quickly, there are difficulty options you can use in the menu. Story mode gives you nearly unlimited health. I've yet to see someone fail to complete the game in under half an hour on medium though in various Discord streams and whatnot except one person who had to change it to easy, but if you do need the option, it's there. I have also never seen someone become overwhelmed by the concept of using the dash since we added the infinite time you can stand on that ledge unnoticed (though it was definitely much more problematic in an earlier incarnation of the level where there was an enemy on the first platform), especially after playing the tutorial, but I will keep this in mind for next time.

(3 edits)

I'll give it another shot. From the tutorial it looked like the ledge of a slightly bigger cube was being used for the player to step on and wall jump and it seemed to not work sometimes. I only tried it for a few minutes, and I gave an unfair review. (edit)

This "cube thing/ledge" is what I mean

(6 edits) (+1)

Ah. yeah that's just a flaw with the tutorial level and has nothing to do with the wall jump mechanic itself. In Unreal we still use old style Constructive Geometry to cut into larger blocks to make levels like it's the 90s and the two blocks are misaligned. The mechanic is not dependent on the geometry of the wall next to it though - you can ride the wall at any height regardless of if you're over the lip, and wall jumping/riding is a necessary mechanic along the flat surfaces of the buildings in the first level, the walls in the second, and the fences etc in the fourth for maintaining speed to avoid getting shot. 

Also, reloading interrupts the counter if you try to shoot mid reload because it's a revolver, most FPS games do this where you can interrupt the reload at any time to continue shooting, but you only have as many bullets as you inserted. I will be keeping this in mind though and giving the player a simpler semi automatic pistol as the starter weapon that is easier to get the hang of at first. This is definitely a design flaw on my part - the revolver is way too cumbersome. This originates from the game being originally planned as a slow paced tactical shooter but morphing into a movement shooter, and not everything about the design changed to keep up - the gunplay/aiming system is also noticeably inappropriate to the movement. 

Will definitely patch this after the rating period, we are totally redoing the tutorial. Thanks for pointing this out!