> The wall jumping mechanic seems to be done with a slightly bigger cube on the bottom which I found to be a pretty janky way of implementing that.
I am very confused about what you mean by this. There are no cubes involved in this mechanic to speak of, only one identical trace that is done three times, once at the feet, once at the mid section, and once at the head height, always from the center of the capsule. The distance of this trace is always the same, multiplied by the normalized input vector rotated into the space of the character, which will, of course, always have a length of one. The result is a trace that is, mathematically, always the same length, which is the closest thing I guess to be analogous to the sizes of these "cubes".
Can you explain what you mean in terms of actual gameplay effect? As what you are describing in terms of implementation to change does not exist in the game in the first place, it is not that helpful, but I'd love to fix whatever gameplay issue you experienced.
As well, if you are having problems dying too quickly, there are difficulty options you can use in the menu. Story mode gives you nearly unlimited health. I've yet to see someone fail to complete the game in under half an hour on medium though in various Discord streams and whatnot except one person who had to change it to easy, but if you do need the option, it's there. I have also never seen someone become overwhelmed by the concept of using the dash since we added the infinite time you can stand on that ledge unnoticed (though it was definitely much more problematic in an earlier incarnation of the level where there was an enemy on the first platform), especially after playing the tutorial, but I will keep this in mind for next time.