There's a lot of interesting ideas at play here, but I have some comments I would like to share. Apologies in advance if I sound a bit negative, I want to see this project improve because I think it has a lot of potential.
Art: The art and animations are lively and impressive. The main character and boss are well designed (and cute), and the tile sets are polished and work well. However, the signs are a bit confusing (not sure what they're supposed to tell me), and there's not enough visual variety for me to build a mental map, becoming very lost.
Gameplay: The block throwing mechanic was very interesting immediately and has a lot of potential. However, when it is used repetitively (like to clear a number of floors in a row) it quickly becomes tedious. I really liked it when there was some tricky gap where I had to meticulously set up my blocks, which made for a very satisfying puzzle-solving element. Creating more puzzle set-ups for this would be great, but as a movement mechanic it needs to be quicker and easier to execute.
The powers caught my attention in a great way, as I was very excited to find and use more power-ups. However, I became cautious to use them or experiment as there was only one slot at the beginning, and I didn't want to become stuck exploring just because the right power was not equipped. This was compounded by the lack of save barrels to change them at. However, the idea really intrigued me and I wanted to see more.
Map design: I had to keep looking at the map to figure out where I was. The layouts had some interesting puzzles, but most were monotonous. There were a few too many times where I got to a place and became blocked, having to backtrack to the last fork, which was a good distance away. If there is a thing that requires a power, it should be tested at a fork so the player can go another way.
Overall, it's very impressive for a month's development and I hope to see more of it in the future.