I've been watching this game for awhile, and while it's not at a place I'd want to play it from what I can tell. Not that I have the hardware to run it currently anyway ๐ (granted my phone *almost* meets the minimum reqs ~conceptually ).
In reading a lot of comments and reply's there definitely seems to be some anger from followers (and even some who've maybe purchased) regarding a few certain mechanics or development focus.
Many of your replies state that there has been discussion & confirmation on whatever topic the person it irritated about. This implies browsing through each "Documents issue" log to look for said topic in the post or comments. Or being consistently up to date on reading them.
Imo either of those things can be a heavy expectation for a potential buyer who isn't convinced in the product yet.
I didn't notice a link here or on the main page, (so I may have just missed it) but if you are wanting to give people a real sense of your roadmap, a Trello board might be useful. I've seen many indie game devs and commission artists use them to keep track of progress both for themselves and for those invested in the development.
It might serve as a central way to show what you have planned (or even just considering + what you need to make it happen), that could show much more than what you'd have in a graphical image.
Hopefully this is a useful idea for you, and I haven't offended you with anything I've said.
For reference, personally I love the look & premise of this game, but I get the impression that there isn't PoV camera sexual content (at least not currently). I'm completely unsure if that is the case though as I haven't had the opportunity to play it do to hardware limitations.