As expected, another solid addition to Song of Morus, this time more of a DLC than a new game. (As you've noted!)
The new enemy is good, with a nice variety of attack pattern phases. Those line attacks have to be some of the hardest to judge distance/position yet... not sure why, but they really threw me off! That said, I did manage to win in normal more, so I don't think there's anything unfair about them. My least favorite phase was the "star burst" attacks... not sure why, but I had a super hard time targeting the girl while also dodging. The final phase was the easier somehow... I blasted through that one in no time at all.
Overall I still think this is a really cool concept! I haven't quite mastered the controls, but I'm getting better with each update hehe. Nice work!
PS: "I'm too busy to care..." - Anitya. Damn, that's COLD Anitya...