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Cute, nice, and chill game that fits the theme perfectly! The movement mechanic has an original twist, though I struggled a bit with it—especially the jumping and landing—but that might just be my platforming skills :)

One piece of feedback: the platforms (or the world the game takes place in) felt a bit empty. It would be great to add more cute props, like the plants or grass you used on the start screen, to make it feel more lively.

I also feel like the storm could use a third stage. Right now, you have sunny weather and rain. Adding a stage with thunder sounds, heavier rain, and a darker sky or lighting would help the player better anticipate when the end is near. Currently, the weather changes, but it stays the same until the game-over text appears, so it's hard to tell when the storm is about to arrive. Just a suggestion for future updates! I'd love to hear what you think!


Haha, I completely agree about the props. I was planning on adding some but ran out of time. Thanks for all the feedback!