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(Sorry for the long comment haha)

I’m a person who likes rhythm games (and currently playing daily proseka) even if I’m bad haha, since I saw a roguelike rhythm game, I wanted to try this and finally I could

The 1st time I tried on hard and without change much the options and I didn’t have much fun, then later I tried again because usually I have to give a few chances to this kind of game to get used to how the game is and now I had a lot of fun (and this kind of happens with every rhythm game I try and I get annoyed at my own skill hahaha)

The art is pretty. I really liked that, in my 1st run I could see it while I tried to follow the line of buttons, probably I’ll play on easy next to see it better but I think it’s in my top from the games I have tried this jam

Also the music, I really like this concept of depending on the client, the music changes and it’s creative, I think the only downside for me is that I follow more the music by ear than my eyes and the music that sounds like a club, 1st run I couldn’t hear the tempo so I got lost easily, in my second gameplay, I noticed that it’s a bass that sounds very quiet. And sometimes it got easier to follow depending on the song and the part, which it’s part of the music changing but throws me off at times, which it’s ok, I just need to get used to it. Also, I would like to listen to each song on its own only to see how it sounds when you run it entirely, I like them all :D

Since I only played 2 times, I didn’t use much of the store items, I didn’t see much use of them since always you have to aim for the Excellent in this kind of game, so I only buy the ones that give you more money on Excellent, and reducing the note duration I don’t know how it affects if you know you have to press the button at 1 specific time if you listen to the song (but I’m a casual at this kind of game that never moves much the config of the game so don’t listen to me much in this part hahaha)

In general, I really liked this game and probably I’ll play it maybe once per day just to get better since I want to or I want to play enough until I feel good with my performance in the last 2 levels of the run. I’ll leave the only 2 runs I did, both on hard and in the second run I only remove the opacity and change the button. I didn’t encounter any bug, but would be nice that even if you remove the opacity, in the shop you could keep seeing the store and not just black haha, I think it’s the only suggestion and if you keep working on this, let me know to keep track of this game. Great game! ^^

Oh, also, would be nice to change the color of the red circles to any color, just for more customization

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you liked it!

For the transparency part, my bad, I didn't think about the shopping part at all haha

For the items, there are 3 types of items generated:
- Those neutral (for example that gives you more money for a certain type of customers, and less for another)
- Those that make the game easier overall (makes it harder to get excellent, or to earn money, but easier to hit great notes for example)
- Those that make the game harder overall (gives you more money, but notes get harder to hit)

So the goal is that:
- if you think it's too easy, you can increase the difficulty to get more money
- if it's to hard and are missing too many notes, you can make it easier by decreasing the difficulty and get more money that way
- if the difficulty is good for you, you can try to optimize your earnings with neutral items

Talking about customization, if you download the game, you can actually change the musics and make your own map by modifying the jsons in the save folder (somewhere in %appdata)


Oh, I see, nice to know this about the items/store :o

And probably I won’t change the song, I downloaded to play it but I like it as it is now haha