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A member registered Oct 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow, thanks!

I sure wonder 👀

Haha, thanks!!
Glad so many people liked it ^^

I do agree with you haha
For context, at first I just wanted to do something quickly, hence the lack of environment etc

I thought the voicelines would be quick to make, boy I was wrong hahaha

For the dialogue, I used Dialogic, so if things are good, it's thanks to it
Though for the voicelines, when you tried skipping fast, it stopped the voice when you clicked to display the full text, so I had to fix that

They can't, they don't have ears

But if they have a soul, maybe they can hear it in their mind~ (^^♪

Game has been updated >:)

Thank you a lot.
All of that wouldn't have been possible without you and the whole community behind me.

To be honest, I might really end up making it with all the people saying that lmao

To control the sword, you have to become the sword

Who needs controls anyways? You're a sword

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Look forward to the updates!

When you die from having your mind too tired, there's a typo on ground* in the end message

The sound design is incredible

I think the game overall needs more guidance though

Hey, can you enable the fullscreen button in the settings of your itch game page?

Hey, I got the true ending on the first play, but if you want to play again without restarting the game, it stays you have to open the box when you're in your room the first time, and you're soft locked

Score: 55250!
Try to beat me >:D

Score aside, the aesthetics of the game are nice, music & sfx too, but main menu music isn't looping

Thank you for playing!!

Yeah they do!
But honestly, they probably need some balancing haha

And thanks!! Definitely would like to expand more on the concept

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For the shop, you can buy items that unlock more slots!

And my bad for the leaderboard, you can probably just rebind the key in the settings or ctrl+v your name directly in

Glad you still enjoyed!

For the locked items, you can unlock them with items that say "+1 shop inventory slot" (or something like that)

And glad you enjoyed!!

Definitely was on our list, but the deadline was a bit too close sadly

And thanks!

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I wonder the cursor bug is because of the change I did after the previous jam (probably tbh)

I think there was a button to unlock the cursor, but it doesn't seem I wrote it

Also, webgl is known for cursor locking issues, so if you want to finish, you might want to play on windows

I'll take a look at it, thanks!

Thank you for playing!

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Glad you liked it!

For the transparency part, my bad, I didn't think about the shopping part at all haha

For the items, there are 3 types of items generated:
- Those neutral (for example that gives you more money for a certain type of customers, and less for another)
- Those that make the game easier overall (makes it harder to get excellent, or to earn money, but easier to hit great notes for example)
- Those that make the game harder overall (gives you more money, but notes get harder to hit)

So the goal is that:
- if you think it's too easy, you can increase the difficulty to get more money
- if it's to hard and are missing too many notes, you can make it easier by decreasing the difficulty and get more money that way
- if the difficulty is good for you, you can try to optimize your earnings with neutral items

Talking about customization, if you download the game, you can actually change the musics and make your own map by modifying the jsons in the save folder (somewhere in %appdata)

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If you think it's blending with the background, there's an option in the menu to make it darker, and hence, solving that issue for you :)

And glad you liked the game!

Wanted to do that, but realized it was tricky since if you assign "Space" for example, the text can easily go out of the QTE
But yeah, would be ideal

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For the shop, some items give you access to these locked shop item slots :)

Space also works for hitting keys

And yeah, was thinking about reducing the amount of levels, but tbh when I play, I feel like it's closer to 5 than 10 for some reason haha

Thanks for the feedback about the yellow and orange guys in particular too

You can always press space Space for hitting the notes haha
Mostly just added A in the first place in the center of QTEs, for gamepad potentially, but didn't have much time, and it looked worse without it (Space not fitting)

And thanks for the feedback!


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Haven't played it enough, but the gameplay is promising and I'm sure people who like strategy are gonna love it

The difficulty did seem a bit hard at first, not everything was understandable right away since there is no tutorial, and I think the start of the game could benefit from it not being random

Also, the volume gets reset between each round, which wasn't really good for my ears haha

The art is really nice, music is fitting, and the game is fun overall :)

Felt a bit like "walk simulator" at one point (for the froggo puzzle), and the camera seems to be your enemy, but it's a nice game

The game is a bit hard to grasp at first (how to cook things), and the difficulty curve is probably too high, but otherwise, it's a nice game :)

The beginning does feel a bit slow, and the movements of the boat a bit tricky, but I love the presentation and the mood

Definitely gotta finish it haha

Nice little game, that probably just needs more polish and difficulty adjustments :)

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Nice games!

Problems I encountered:
- The music isn't looping
- There is no way to make the focus of the mouse come back on webgl
- The navigation can get you stuck, and you have to restart
- I don't think the chrono is a good thing as it is now, as it just makes you restart, and it doesn't seem to provide much values (there is no much sense of "gotta go fast")
- As long as you run, stealth doesn't matter much and can be bypassed, which is, I think, a problem for a stealth game

Other than that, nice little game, the art is clean, I like how houses are not empty, and it was fun!

Hey, as Afonso, said, the webgl version surely introduced some latency (partially due to how things were implemented, so you can say it was a bug)

As I think it can be considered as a game breaking bug for the webgl version, in accordance to Brackeys Jam Rules, I just updated the game so that it was less of a problem

All the timings of the tracks are still the same and have not been changed (as it wouldn't be a bug)

Thanks again for the stream & feedback!

I feel like rhythm games are pretty hard to balance but I'm glad it ended up alright :)
Glad you enjoyed!

Glad you liked!
And love the profile pic ;)

Well, every day, we have some calm  before the storm of customers, haha~
But I do understand, we did try to take a unique take on the theme haha

Thank you for all the compliments!
Glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thank you!
The artists sure did a wonderful job

Thanks a lot!