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That's the problem, people here believe what they want to. I haven't been dick to Whiskey, i simply showed him the errors on his truck, which HE THEN FIXED, but he said i "SHIT TALKED" about his mods... Again, lies, lies and more lies, but no point to explain myself... You aren't smart enough to understand. Calling someone kid/stupid etc isn't disrespectful, it is the truth. If you act like a child or person with 2 braincells, then why i'm in the wrong for saying it... Stupid AF

I saw the conversation. I'm not just believing something because someone said something. I saw the interaction. I saw how disrespectful you were. Same thing with Gamer Designs. In AJs discord, I saw you go off on a lot of people simply because they disagreed with you. I've seen time and time again you insult Americans in general because someone says something you don't like. 

I'm not relying on anyone else in order to form my opinion of you. The fact you want to say everyone is lying about you probably says something in itself. It's just you trying to be a martyr instead of accepting the truth, which is that you are a disrespectful adult who acts like a child while throwing temper tantrums.

And yes, calling someone a kid, in a derogatory way, is disrespectful. Calling someone stupid is disrespectful. It's not the truth. You're simply calling people stupid because they don't disagree with you. 

You love to demean people, while thinking you're some gifted genius. This is more on you having a massive ego, who has to manipulate the truth in order to keep the picture you've painted of yourself a reality for yourself. I don't expect you to understand this, because it would require you to actually be honest with yourself, which it seems you're incapable of doing. But maybe one day, when you get older, and you want to stop playing the victim card, it will make some sense. 

After seeing the first couple sentences i won't even read the rest. "Call" me when you stop lying...

I get it. You have no response. You can't simply say I'm repeating what others have said, because I actually saw what was being said. So you can't lie your way out of this. So it's a sensible way to bow out while still trying to maintain the facade you've built about yourself. You can still pretend to be a victim, while claiming everyone who says otherwise, who has shown that you're disrespectful, is lying. I get it.