The guy on the left is unsavable, everyone else survived. Eat with your fork, pig! They all seem bitter about it, almost miffed.
The choice of going for the "pixelated 3d model" look is a good one. The audio stressed me a little, wouldn't recommend to people who are easily stressed but would recommend to everyone else! The concept of the waiter teleporting to solve the problems is good and the accompanying whoosh is a good sound. Keeping the peace of a fun concept for a game, though if I was the butler in real life I'd be quitting my job day one.
The game itself was mechanically not super interesting, though it was nice seeing the characters interact the way they did (especially with the kid and his silly gun that should be taken away) and it still challenged me to click around and notice when something was wrong, which is a nice mental challenge. It was overall fun and I enjoyed playing this.