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A member registered 32 days ago

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You can build momentum at that point by standing on the uppermost block, jumping while moving left, landing back on the same block in that manner and jumping again quickly. That was also the original solution to the leap of faith before I decided it was too hard and nerfed it...

Thanks for playing and review!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Anything I didn't credit was my own creation, and I'm quite new to making sprites + am solo dev so it makes sense that the sprites weren't of the highest quality. The lack of some QOL features is indeed annoying but if I added them they would take a lot away from the game's difficulty which was a main aspect. The final jump would have been unmissable if I added jump buffer, for example. Regardless, thanks for playing! I actually prefer constructive feedback over simple praise so thanks for that as well!

Cool, I only have one problem: it seems like perfect RNG for how the fire spreads is pivotal for victory, which makes it frustrating. Also I think the puddles have too small an area of effect. I like the concept though, this form of managment could be the start of a better game!

(2 edits)

This is quite similar to what I made, both challenging 2d pixel platformers with heavy emphasis being placed on a specific unique mechanic, in your case it being the limited flight. We even both put a "your time" at the end! I got 339 seconds.

Speaking of the limited flight, I've always thought that games where the player is a bird should allow the player to fly but find a way to balance it. In your case you did that well with an energy meter.

I really enjoyed playing it, it's got that atmosphere element that I only partially achieved. The graphics and audio are very nice and you hit the other categories for 4 stars from me. I would have put 5 in game design but I reached the end having only lit 3 campfires. I saw the fourth but assumed the path I was going was going to take me back to the fourth guy.  Instead it just took me to the endscreen and I won.

I really want this to reach 20 votes so that it can place since you need 20, I've already voted yousr so I can't do it again but I encourage you to play some more games by other people since that encourages more people to vote your own game. I'm also encouraging a few others in the Brackeys discord.

(1 edit)

It was fun until I realized how slow the flowers grow. I would have completed the game with all gems if I hadn't spent 30 seconds waiting every time I wanted to do something. A good idea in theory, but that slowness irked me.

Yeah the web version. Couldn't get it to run. Since I haven't played enough to see what's up, I haven't touched the star rating.

I don't know if its because I'm on Linux, it kept crashing.

I liked this a lot but my potato laptop can't handle the shaders/lighting so I had a bit of frame lag... made the game a lot harder so I couldn't get past the red enemies that need shot.

I'm going to be honest that "GET OUUT!" didn't help. It kind of prevented me from hearing the bgm too. Other than that, creative idea with messing up the player's view!

I like the meta aspects and this was quite a fun game! I didn't realize that the backstory was in the game's itch description until after I completed the game, which made it a bit confusing. I would have personally done an intro cutscene for that bit. Good game regardless!

That got a LOT harder when my chef started speaking Italian at me! I'm a fast typer but not knowing those words really made it a challenging for for me - I would have saved the language swaps for later levels instead of immediately after the tutorialized first level. I like the unique graphical style, mixing 2d sprites with a 3d environment. The music perfectly captures the intensity of the moment. This is could be made into a fun educational game for kids that wouldn't make me cringe! Though I personally am a bit childish myself.

Thank you for playing! I didn't really know how to make it fun other than to use the mechanics to challenge the player as much as possible without being too unfair. It's still bit unfair...

I just got done making a review for another awesome game and then you hit me with this masterpiece! You could call it a champpiece! Okay that was a terrible pun. The stealth mechanics are great and I liked how fleshed out the game was. I saw in the game desc that this was a team effort - you must be very coordinated! I have a minor gripe with the game design: finding the owls to convince took up two thirds of my playtime because they move around often and have The story comics were fun! The idea is very unique and only this visual style could fit it - I doubt this would have been as good if it was vector or pixel art style. The story was well executed and the comedy was gold in some parts. Thanks for making this! I will share it with a few others to make sure you hit that 20 rating quota - you deserve to place.

I'd suggest Godot for easier web exports but I don't know if you're comfortable with switching game engines. The game itself was pretty fun, had a minor issue with chickens phasing through the wall when cornered.  End cutscene is a nice touch.

(1 edit)

Now THAT'S a good jam game. Surprised you didn't use those 8 extra hours you had - would have been room to put in audio or fix endless mode. If you do the aforementioned suggestions and maybe added a few more waves to the base game this would be a monetizable release and everything! Maybe limit the number of normal breakables you can attach as well - that was a bit overpowered. I loved playing this and I hope you AT LEAST place top 10. Also you can say your guns start calm and orderly but by the end it's a storm of bullets - I came up with that because I wanted to justify bumping your "theme" rating up one more star.

I developed 3 techniques to help myself win: you fill ALL excess grid space with normal breakables. During the game you clear out one side of the enemies and then rush into the clear area and slowly rotate your tank: lets you use 3 times as much armour before core is exposed and have to aim less. During the later stages you can fire at your own center to send a pretty even spread of bullets in all directions.

Fun little roguelike, reminds me of what I would do in MIT Scratch before I myself picked up Godot. I like the aspect of minor spread between player bullets that made clearing areas much more forgiving. Got 1170 points. The slowly increasing intensity made it fun. I would add audio, more unique enemy types, and an upgrade system to the game if I had 3 days to improve it.

Dialogue was hilarious! I liked this one a lot! Only problem is that I got telefragged a couple times because enemies spawn in randomized locations. Oh and a few of them went out of bounds, luckily my bow and staves could hit through walls.

One of the better games I've ranked. I really like the concepts, and being an avid BTD6 enjoyer this is especially good. If I could change one thing: increase the amount of time you have to pick up coins.

This one surprised me with how good it was, being a strategy/risk taking game that feels nice and cute. A 5/5 on innovation.

The ship level took up like 4 of my 7 days... I wanted it to take 1-2. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! And of course thanks for the compliments as well!

Player is bird (that is not a kiwi or penguin) and cannot fly but is old enough to operate an umbrella. I would find a way to make the umbrella more reliable ( and maybe make the hitboxes a little more accurate, other than that this is pretty good.

I would have liked to play it. it seems really fun... but on Linux I have no options. For future game jams I would suggest a web export or if you can't, a version for Mac, Linux, and Windows.

Very fun! I beat all of them except 13 - I couldn't figure out how to stop the guy on the left from falling off. Reminds me a lot of Sam Hogan's Cell Machine... Where'd he go?

Thank you! Initial impressions probably could be better with this game.

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Did you intend to comment on a different game? My game's not got enemies or prep time or weapons or post processing.

Thanks for playing!

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At that point, to the left of the metal boxes are more rope ladders that you can climb to get on top, and then jump to build up momentum and fly to the right. However I think I've failed in indicating this - Next time I do a platformer I should be more thorough in finding potential stuck points and unstucking them. I'm also interested to see the other wind mechanics platformer, it would be interesting to see what the games have in common and where they differ.

Thanks for playing!

Very fun, waves  6-7 were my limit, I think adding a small amount of bullet spread would have helped a lot here. Loved the style and humor.

I love the concept, only problem is that height control is a little difficult with the high flaps.

Thanks for playing, and good comparison!

I was thinking of Celeste when I made the difficulty. I originally intended it to be 5 levels (the extra 2 would be placed between Ferry and Final and smooth the difficulty curve a bit more and make final a bit harder) but I ran out of time.

A good one! I like how you made the game highly polished without losing too much game content. A creative idea too - the only thing I'd improve would be to explain how the system resource increases work - I didn't really understand them.

I did the camera code myself to make it follow ahead of the player and didn't think about adding a deadzone - that probably would have helped.

First to score a 5/5 from me on the fun category. No blemishes that made the game any sort of boring! This is one of my top picks.

First to score a 5/5 from me on the fun category. No blemishes that made the game any sort of boring! This is one of my top picks.

That blind drop into the spikes is actually the final jump - you were very close. I knew the blind jumps were going to be an issue (part of the reason I put in those player thoughts at those spots). What I Should have done is disconnect the camera from the player and pan it to show the whole section and then reattach it to the player once they clear the jump. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the plentiful feedback! I appreciate deeper analyses because it helps me better understand what I could improve and why. I find it funny that you consider the character that I threw together in 10 minutes cute because I didn't really think much about it. It never crossed my mind to do a pop up, I knew that someone had to tell the player what to do there so I decided the player will tell themself. It's funny that you associated metal boxes with safety from the wind because that was not intended - they were just a tile I made and didn't want to waste so I used them for some platforms. I couldn't quite make it make sense with the tilting boat requiring waiting for a specific angle, I wanted to do something like that but couldn't fit it anywhere because I didn't want to make the boat too big. Yeah the third level was made to be absurdly  tough - could you imagine that when I first built it the leap of faith was significantly harder? That's also the final level, you got about a third of the way through it. 2 people I know for a fact beat it (they posted death counts which are given at the end). Thanks for playing!

I really like this. One of the best games I have rated. Only 3 problems I had:

  • -The player doesn't turn when moving in directions other than up during the calm phase.
  • There was a softlock/crash during the second level after I swapped an insect (blue moth) onto another (grasshopper) and had no other turns but couldn't continue because the enemies didn't go. Audio was still playing. 
  • There weren't enough actions to take during the second calm phase, resulting in me having done every possible action and not having enough attention to start the fight. I had to resort to moving back and forth repeatedly to farm up like 200 more attention. Either that or I was missing something (I didn't get pick any more fights than I had to for progression, don't know if that contributed).

Other than those issues, this game has potential to be expanded upon after the jam into a full Steam release and become a real game with minimal effort. Fantastic job!

I like the effects, only suggestion is to make the paddle a square and the ball a circle. Was fun, this is something that could be expanded upon into a full roguelike.

The game was an absolute hoot of an adventure! Went by like a rabbit though, I kinda wish there were more endings. The art was good and that ending was shelled out well.

I couldn't resist the puns