Look on the bright side, at least we didn't discover any more game-breaking bugs! They're all tolerable atm.
Alright, 1.13 is out and should be stable! (Fingers crossed). A few insights into issues!
-I haven't researched the intro error yet, but I'm hoping that should be easy. The new episode end function may be a little buggy, but it should -function regardless. I gotta bug test that more haha
-I think I might have figured out the issue you were having with wearing pants! I haven't looked at the code yet, but I realized that some of the "underwear" options are actually swim shorts haha So, when shorts are equipped, you can't put on pants. It would probably make a lot more sense to just put them in the pants category, since they kinda count as shorts, but my brain thought it made sense because it was the same way the female swimwear works. So possible good news, you may have been wearing pants this whole time. Bad news, I gotta figure out how to make that more visually obvious hahaha I'll add it to the little bug fix! It would make sense to add them to pants and add more options for underwear I think, since Male is lacking in clothing options anyway.
-RTUSA Strip error should be fixed! The way the game is programmed only supported the previous non x2 dice method for going around the board, so that was a super easy fix.
Thank you again for all your help!
Yeah... that would be pretty confusing to have swimming clothes and dry clothes under the same category. I had on the long green swim shorts then? I thought they were just boxers and the shorter ones were like, boxer-briefs haha. Maybe redesign them a bit and add string? That's the only visual indicator other than text I can see working to separate them, unless they have text or are in their own category.
Strings a good idea! That's going in. Honestly the Male character needs a totally redesign, at least for clothes. I kinda started and then got overwhelmed D: But it needs attention haha I'll add this to the list, it probably won't be in the quality of life update, but will likely make it into the Episode 3 update!
Alright! So I played a bit of 1.13 (though just one session, since I've been catching up on chores and errands the past two days.) And I think the beach needs a good amount of TLC. There's some dialogue with Grace but it really feels like everything ends abruptly. This may be a consequence of being too ambitious for Grace Episode 2. It's really the only location/activity that hardly has anything going on. You do get the secrets option, but it really doesn't feel worthwhile without there being any event taking place. (And so much can happen! Would love to see this expanded on a tad in a future update. You can try and help Hope spot fish, watch the ocean and chat, go seashell hunting, maybe someone gets stung by a jellyfish and you have to act, or someone decides to go skinny dipping!)
Obviously Episode 2 has a TON to tackle, and now I'm really seeing the benefit of having a more condensed episode style. Because areas of the game are unbalanced in terms of what's available to do. In particular I love the club and strip roadtrip USA as well, but even the fast food trip felt worthwhile because we got some good story elements and were introduced to a new character. So the fast food trip really shows it doesn't need to have a lot to be worthwhile, it just needs something meaningful to the player.
I'll try and play more, but I'll likely spend most time grinding stats to try and get Mindi up. She's a bit of a perplexing one, but I think I figured out how to get her friendship level consistently higher. In fact, I think I'll sneak in one more playthrough before bed. >:)
Alright! So strip Roadtrip USA seems even more broken. Just tried it again and eventually the cards weren't showing up after I landed on red squares. So I couldn't lose. And when I won, the dice continued rolling because it started my turn again. And the sound of the dice keeps rolling back into Grace and Emmy's apartment... for the rest of the episode. And into the main menu again.
Edit: Actually, never seemed to be able to draw cards at all in the strip version. But I quit out and forgot if I had gas or not. I don't think I did.
Excellent feedback! I absolutely agree, those last "Go Out" options were pretty rushed, but the feedback on the fast food is really good. This is gonna sound so stupid on my part because its not obvious, but you can actually click on the little rocks to find seashells and stuff under them xD Not my best addition, but I'm hoping to modify it in the future a bit. I'll add some notes! Originally the beach was a lot more in-depth, but I literately did that entire scenario the day before release, along with adding Mindi haha Which isn't great, but lessons learned, and luckily it could be modified in the future.
Mindi will be a lot easier once she's got a level haha my hope is once characters level start to get added it will feel a bit less like a grind, and you can actually play through the levels to build stats naturally. Hopefully if I can get some others to get into the game, they can tolerate the early state xD