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Thank you for playing! 

I'm thinking about that error, I never do 'death_count--' in the code, but this is game development, everything can happen haha 

Did you find the 'respawn' option in the menu? 

One thing I learned: I strongly recommend adding a respawn button in game jams to avoid scenarios like this 😭


I know the pain. I was making last-minute updates to my submission last night and changed something that was 100% unrelated to another piece in the game. Went to playtest again and the game broke because something changed with that "100% unrelated" part of the game lmao. It's wonderful.

I did not find the respawn option but I also did not go looking lol, I just restarted it.


last minute changes saved the world more than one time haha

I will try your game today and I’ll give you my opinion, the graphics call my attention 

Thanks! It's only my second game and I know the controls are not the best, that's my next skill to work on, so totally open to brutally honest feedback! I at least made enough progress to consider it decent in my eyes, especially compared to my first attempt where I tied almost everything to frame rate lol.